Post Neutering Depression hits hard by Mikahorsie

It’s been two weeks since his Surgery, and Rico’s mood seem to worsen…

He just stares blankly at his TV and cry… especially whenever “Babbehs” is on FluffTV.


Someone really needs to make a Babbehs! alternative show. It really seems to be overly detrimental


“Today on SGTOW… nu wisten dummeh mawes or babbehs saying hab to do dis, hab to do dat… do wat wan! get mowe toysies an’ pway wif toysies awww day!”

:musical_note: Fleetwood Mac clip plays :notes:


Find a soon mummah and wait for her to pop or some new born chirpies. Take em home and leave this in his bed when he’s asleep. In the morning tell him he’s such a gud stallion he must have had babies. Then say you have to get them to their new homes quick so they can have milkiest. That should perk him up then just toss out the foals.

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