Postscript: My thoughts as I leave the Fluffy-Community in new hands

Hey folks
I’m so glad to address you one more time.
Lots of you are recognizing that we’re having some issues. And that’s to be expected as we transition into a new domain.
We’ve had some down-time, and we’ve had some confusion as to our official URL.
This happened because we didn’t really have a plan for the transfer of power.
The transfer happened when I couldn’t take the pressure of this community and it’s needs anymore.
This happened when I decided I’d had enough of the drama associated with operating this kind of site and I was willing to let thousands of people fend for themselves
but my co-admin @Ryou came to me and told me he was willing to take up the mantle.
My only response was “God Help Him”
Because we’re a fairly demanding bunch of people

We all look for a leader who will guide this community in the directions we want.
The Problem is that so few of us have any idea what direction that is, and that we have so many disparate ideas floating around.
And so many of us are willing to fight for our nebulous ideals
but individually, we’re unwilling to reach out to the representatives that are tasked with making those ideals our reality.
We don’t yet know these representatives.
They’re strangers to us.
And I’m going to accept this as a failing on my part.
You should have known them all.
I should have taken the time to introduce each and every one of them, and tell you why they’re vital to our team.
This may not be my team anymore, but they’re still a damn fine assortment of people that are dedicated to furthering the idea of fluffies, and making our experience here both pleasant, and equitable.
I still believe in them.

I’m going to admit here that I have asked far too much of my moderators.
I’ve told them that they could not block any aspect of the community, because to me, that meant they would not be moderating effectively.
I’ve told them they needed to be open to communication at all times, and I myself have seen how that has been detrimental to my own mental health.
I’ve told them that they were to be the kind face on a community that has been known for chewing up creators and spitting them out.

And that has allowed a lot of new people to come in, they present their creations that can barely be called fluffies, and they expect the same protection my team has given to all.
We’re no longer the hateful and spite-driven community we once were.
That has always been my goal.
And I will admit that this has led to content that would not have been allowed on FluffyBooru.
Both for the good and the bad.
So now, new creators are getting chewed up and spit out.
And I’m not happy to see it.

Right now, I am not sure how to fix this issue.
I’m lothe to allow people to be as horrible as they want and to chase off creators
but I also don’t want to allow people to paste/tape the word “fluffy” on literally anything just so they can post their art here.

But maybe if you speak your minds here, we can find a reasonable medium place.
Maybe if you tell us what you want this community to be, we can be reasonable.

It’s far more likely that this will devolve into a shit-slinging mess,
but I would like to give it a try.


While I haven’t personally seen, or been victim to, the aforementioned issues… I have to wonder where it’s coming from. Is it from poor quality/rookie level art? People just being bags of dicks? People hating the idea of hybrid fluffies?

I’m honestly at a loss, both as a writer and as an artist.

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Thank you for everything you’re done for us @Virgil I really do appreciate that you had set us aside time and effort for the community, and given us a home for fluffies, especially when it was feared that there wouldn’t be one for us.


Honestly speaking, if you haven’t been privy to the drama that has plagued us in the past few months, then it’s safe to say you’re not part of it.
You can continue to post your work as you always have.
You don’t need to change anything.


Alright, fair play. Was mildly concerned that my little fluff there might’ve been causing some problems.


Nah, if you were causing a problem, one of our team would have contacted you privately.



Also I see people with badges around for X type of content. How do get/set?

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To get your badge you’ll need to go to your own preferences
and choose your own flair


I’m such a blind idiot. Thanks.

Nah, it’s a confusing system. No worries.

Just checked it… Seems I can’t find it under any of the tabs in my preferences.

The link I provided should have sent you directly to the page.
But if you’ll tell me the flair you want, I’ll be happy to set it for you

Brings to me to my profile where I can change my email or profile picture… But no flair.

Fluffies have survived for 10 years it survived the collapse of the booru.
The December 2021 outage.
The new domain transfer.
The current hiccups.

It can survive this new influx too.
Kicking and screaming with lots of reeee and screeching, but we wil overcome as usual.


I’ll see if I can find someone to fix the issue.
In the meantime, which flair do you want?

Neutralbox, please!

Just as soon as I can, I’ll make sure you have that flair.
There currently seems to be an issue preventing me from awarding it to you.
I’m talking with the owner of the site to get this resolved.

That is stil so weird to see you say that.


It’s weird to ask for new permissions.


I guess we wil all have to get used to it.