Postscript: My thoughts as I leave the Fluffy-Community in new hands

is oculus going to become the new wetfluff , i may have not agreed with everything virgil did but this website was steered by his vision now it looks like we are going back to booru days when the loudest mod decides what a fluffy is

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Yeah well like, it was just like, my opinion, man

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The more important question is why is the fluff wet.

Wank fluff.


more than likely he did draw porn when not drawing fluffies if i recall

It was either that or conduct mouth huggies in an alleyway for cheeseburgers.

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One thing is surely clear. People never leave the community, they are only missing in action.

So I was thinking, would anyone really be mad if the non-fluffy fluffposting was being done by, lets say, Fluffus or Dragonixia or Magentademon? If they just made a comic about fluffies with glowing eyes that were monkeys from 10,000 years in the future? Honestly, I think most people would give it a shot, because they’ve clearly demonstrated they know what trad-fluffies are and have “tenure” for lack of a better word, to experiment.

After having that thought, I am pretty sure that the problem isn’t just fluffies that violate what trad-fluffies are, but people who are very new and also very radical and haven’t really “lurked” enough before contributing. Headcanon is great but whats the use if you didn’t apprentice enough to know what the rules are before you break them?

What this kind of forum software is, we know what the strength of it is: You can have subcategories, and people can choose to join or not, and at the very beginning, you don’t have the permissions to post everywhere. I think the logical thing to do, if a bunch of new content isn’t up to snuff, is to raise the threshold. Don’t instantly let everyone start out posting in Image-Self-Posting.

Create a subgroup called Donut Steel Kiddie Pool or something mandatory for everyone new. Disallow all insulting on that board other than voting something with the REDDIT badge. Make it so you have to demonstrate some objective standard to get “tenure,” 3 pictures with 50 hearts or whatever is fair. This keeps the {endless adoptables/radical fluffy re-imaginings/OCs in a blank void with a bullet list of traits} in a little subgroup that everyone who doesn’t like that stuff can just opt out of, is fair because it applies to all new applicants and has objective criteria for getting out of, and doesn’t leave new posters with a bad feeling from getting flamed the first several months. If someone is still cruel in the Kiddie Pool you can just mute them from ever replying to that group again.


Holy shit can you people go like one thread without starting shit with someone, jesus.

“I’m not going to go back on what I said, but…” has a great ring to it if you go back on it in the same sentence.

This is only a temporary problem once me or someone else gets around to program a plugin that institutes a default filter which filters by recency of post, not of reply or edit. If it bothers you personally, you can already access that functionality by visiting this link.

Furthermore, who cares? If people are that bored that they want to push old content, who gives a shit.

Explain to me how a moderator voicing his opinion in a thread has any bearing on the direction the community is headed? Once more, for some reason there seems to be this prevailing mindset that just because we’re moderators or admins our opinions are somehow above anyone else’s.

We make rules and enforce them, we try to be lax on content rulings because everyone likes different shit. Just because Oculus or I don’t like specific things doesn’t mean we’re pushing the community in a direction. Oculus is a hugboxer, as such he holds hugbox opinions, call the fucking President who’d have thought.

There’s nothing to be gained whining about someone else liking shit you don’t.

You are correct with that assessment, and I like the suggestion too. Regulating our categories more and utilizing them properly is something that’s been on the to-do list. The idea of limiting people to a sort of “Guest” category until they’ve reached a level of recognition to be allowed to post in the big leagues makes a lot of sense to me, as internally a lot of people have already been treating people that way, it just wasn’t really evident on the website. I’ll definitely want to discuss that idea with the team.


Mad? No. I simply wouldn’t give a damn, roll my eyes and click out. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m here for fluffies and people dealing with fluffies not the life and times of fluffy like creatures. If people really want to make fluffy adjacent creatures and the staff doesn’t want to kick them out, then give them a group or tag so the rest of us can filter them out. Christ most of the problems seem to come down to people just not having the tools (and guts) to curate their own feed. If you don’t like it don’t look at it.

This a million times this, props to @ThatWelc and Co. for all the work that went into the primer


This rings very true and if anything it’s absolutely my own fault I haven’t had time or motivation to set that shit up, I promise I’ll get around to it because I want the tools to be available so that people can’t blame anyone but themselves.



I think they were shitposting. Hopefully.

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You are absolutely correct in everything else you’ve brought up except for this.

Even if you haven’t witnessed it yourself, I know for a fact you were informed.

I will leave that as that tho.

Ooh, I like this idea! 50 hearts is a bit high though - especially if a lot of people opt out of the kiddie pool or someone’s writing instead of drawing, good creators might get stuck just because there aren’t enough voters. Tweaking and balancing it correctly will be important.


time will tell how the community shapes out

really is there not a poll whining about someone else liking shit you don’t . so it seems there is something to be gained from whining

as much as making new sub groups could fix some problems it could also lead to one big problem of dividing our already small community into permanent separate groups but you kooky mods do you i would not want my opinions to be taken as whining

I put more blame on users. While there may not be as many tools as you want to curate your feed there are some and it’s the responsibility of the userbase to use them if the mere sight of certain content causes them to freak. “Oh but I might miss out if one of my favorites makes hug/abuse content I’ve filtered” tough shit. There’s a point where the customer ISN’T right and their bad experience is their own damn fault

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In a better world they’d toughen the fuck up and not screech at something mostly innocuous they don’t like. Remember the shutdown before the last the long one; helped along by screeching over “hellgrimlens” like it’s some fucking Nazi propaganda, like c’mon man you lost a few seconds of your life but it ain’t worth screaming about it.


The down-time you’re referring to was a software issue (which Ryou resolved) and had nothing to do with the hellgremlin discussion. That was merely bad timing.


My mistake for conflating the two, still it sucks how much people just freak out over little shit

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Everyone could toughen up but that’s not going to happen