Prettiest Fluffy in the Whole World by FluffyOD

I’m at work. I’ve been drawing in mspaint in between doing stuff on and off for the last 9 hours, just finished it up (still have 7 more hours of work though, doing a double). But yeah, funny thing is I literally get paid to sit here and draw this shit lmao.


I’m more impressed by your finding of assets. Granted, yeah, I know, image search, but still…

Honestly, I didn’t even know paint could do what I see folks doing with it. I think my last regular use of Paint was in Windows 98 or Millenium…


For this one, I searched:
“guy laughing”
“bumblebee white background”, “dragonfly white background”, etc.
“green fur” / “yellow fur” / “horse teeth”
“spilled spaghetti”
And mspaint is still the same exact thing as windows 98. Only thing new they added is the “smearing” paintbrush tool which I use for blood and whatnot.
I’ll also say, that often times, the kinds of pictures I’m able to find dictate what ends up happening in a comic, or how the entire panel will look.
For instance, that green smarty that mauled the other fluffy started off as a much lighter green and his snout was also green, but when I started searching for fur texture for that one panel (lol) I just used the fur texture color I got and went back and changed the smarty as well as change his muzzle so it would match the horse face.



Excellent comic

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Thanks lad.

Second to last panel got me good. xD


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My guy.

I hoped that would catch a few people off guard lmao.
I bet that’s exactly what they’d look like IRL too.

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Fuckin’ Pacman fluffy.

Hahahaha let them kill each other for a plate of “sketties”, the last fluffy get the “special sketties”.
Of course the “sketties” are poisoned, when the winner eat the “special sketties” he or she dies slowly and in great pain.

fluffy being eaten


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Living the dream, cheers.

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Great work, that remind me of those super detailed creepy frames in cartoons

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Lmao. I’m cooking up something special for you. I’ll post it later tonight.

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Impressive use of photoshop for effect

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Hot off the presses.

(Borat voice) Ver’ nice!

Well damn…at least now you can adopt the yellow fluffy and pillow the smarty and make him watch as the yellow fluffy is able to run and play while the smarty can’t. Who’s the best fluffy now bitch?

You could probably just throw the yellow fluffy out with the smarty afterward when you’re done I guess

Or better yet you could dye both of them fully brown. Brown fluff and a brown mane would certainly fix the “Smarty” and “Bestest fluffy” behavior. Throw them back out into the park and do the sketty trick again. There will be plenty of fluffies putting them in their place.