Preview - Hurties and Gore Page 4 (EpicSubterfuge)

:musical_note: :skull: Fluffies are for hurties and gooooooore! :skull: :musical_note:

New page coming super soon! Because abusers gotta abuse, and Abusalina needs a double dose of that! XD


This page should’ve been completed a while ago, but a few commissions got in the way… lol


Here comes the pain


Pretty much, lol. It’s not gonna be pretty for the demanding shitrat.

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Ahh the sweet sounds of a bitch fluffy making demands to the wrong person. Can’t wait for the screaming to start.

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Most likely the next page! Can’t go for too long without a fluffy becoming mincemeat.

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The tongue action from this lady really creeps me out

Especially the way it’s sometimes attached to the inside of her cheek. Very unusual.

I really don’t understand why you do this, and I don’t wanna.

That is the point, she really is deranged. XD