Preview- What would you like to see happen in the next SkettiLand story? (Creeper)

The following is a preview of the next SkettLand Trappers story. comment below for what misadventures you’d like the cast below get up to. will be taking suggestions up to the 13th then I’ll get to hammering out the details.

Everyone knows of the ruins Cleveland left behind after the Skettie Land super theme park blew sky high leveling several blocks and damaging the structure of the rest of the city. Now the fluffies roam the wreckage with the stray animals and wildlife, grass and trees breaking through the concrete and asphalt streets retaking the land. The only humans here were the homeless and the scrappers who slowly stripped the damaged building for anything they could sell for cash. This being illegal meant the additional danger of shoot-outs and turf wars between rival groups over a resource rich building.

Just on the outskirts of Cleveland it was maintenance day for the grinder traps, gears needed grease, propane tanks replaced and the shit piles accumulating under the trap’s conveyor belts needed to be hosed away. Jake had everyone out there today, with seventeen traps circling the city it was going to be a long day but it was their biggest contract with FluffCo. Earl was pissed off when he found one of his traps had been hit by the scrappers and had left for the city to make life miserable for them in return.

In one of the many small parks and playgrounds that dotted the city a large orange and green maned earthy stallion named pumpkin looked over his herd’s nummy pile. It never seemed like enough for the coming coldy times, the leaves had started to show their first signs of changing color, knowing it was time to step up their search for more. He marched up the steps to a small child’s slide and addressed his herd.

-Da cowdy time is soon! Weafies am tuwnin owange! Aww fwuffies not watchin babbehs am to be finding mowe nummies! Tiww cowdy time is ova, NU. MOWE. BABBEHS! Fwuffies undahstand Smawty?- He shouted to the herd as they gathered to listen.

-But Beans wumps awe feewin sowe, wan good feews soon.- Complained a random stallion amongst the herd’s collective groan.

-Nuuuu! It Bewwy’s tuwn to be mummah! Wan babbehs nao!- Cried a mare. -Wan babbehs! Wan good feews Wan Babbehsssssss!-

The collective shrill uproar of complaints from the fifty member strong herd made an angry scowl spread over Pumpkin’s face and he shouted over them.

-SHAHHHHHDDUUUUUUP! NU! MOWE! BABBEHS! Soon mummahs need wots of nummies! mowe den we can find befowe cowdy times! Babbehs need wots of miwkies an wawm nesties! Wast cowdy time aww chiwpies went foweva sweepies fwom cowd! Ou’ wan woose aww babbehs again!? If mawes be soon mummahs befowe dis cowdy time ou nu get nummies tiww nu am soon mummah anymowe! Stawwions use da dummeh piwwows we make fwom othew hewd if wumps hewt su bad but nu make babbehs wif speshaw fwend!- He lectured the herd as best he could.

-Buh nu wan’ have good feews wif dummeh enfie piwwows. Wan speshaw fwend!- Spoke up a rather slow to catch on pegasus at the front of the herd.

Pumpkin slid down the slide landing in front of the stallion just inches from his face and shouted as loud as he could.

-Den put it in hew poopie pwace! Aww nummy findews take othew fwuffies an show dem how to find nummies. Mummahs wiff fiwwies an cowts stay in nestie! Tuffies stay hewe and watch mummahs an babbehs! We go nao!-

Taking charge of a small group of ten fluffies lead by a pair of brown fluffed nummy finders he took a large red and white maned tuffy simply called Big Red, his right leggy fluffy. His herd ran the playground they nested in but outside the park other herds wandered to surrounding area and he wanted to avoid them at all costs.


well this was disappointing