Primrose and Raine smoking. (GreenPancake)

Just as the title says I guess. Anyway this was one I did a while back, just thought I’d throw it up here, cause I’m proud and spent a bit of time on it.


Now Primrose has cancer.


new post idea. primrose gets chemo.


I am scared of fluffy… How i understood she average height, right? What is fluffy’s height…?:cold_sweat:

And the horn is big and shaped enough to hurt someone, is it?

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like… 3 feet tall standing on her hind legs? i think? i might make that post about my idea of fluffies soon. i dunno, i just like the idea of them being big, i get the apeal of them being small (easy to abuse) but theres somthing funny to me about a big fat 3 foot horse being fucked up. maybe im sick in the head hahaha.


Smarty was bigger or 3ft tall too?

primrose has an exceptionally large horn, drawing her i knew that was supposed to be unique to her as a fluffy. she would never hurt anyone though, she is a very well behaved and docile fluffy.


bigger, like 3 and a few inches? and also wider.

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How i know theres mutations where fluffies became really big (such as dashie from scootafluff) in your fluffverse is it on 2-3ft taller and wider?

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Noooooo… You smoke weed when you GET cancer, really helps with the nausea, my mother swears by that one.


they’re just big, you can get smaller one for sure, but like in my fluffverse the standard is 2-3.5 ft tall, and on some very rare occasions can get bigger one like 4 ft (can make some decent guard fluffs to defend the home) but it’s really rare and is considered like a genetic anomaly.

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hey dude, i’m the last person against mary jane you feel me? anyway, prim and raine probably just like ordered chipotle and watched tv after this.

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sounds like an evening well spent

What was your post that got taken down?

Lol love it! :sunglasses::+1::two_hearts:

I’d of saved the smarty over Primrose. She’s wayy too happy and hyper and needs this beat of her. Maybe the human can just light her on fire and get a more appealing one.

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As fluffies are balls of apocalyptically unstable genetics, having them being larger in a particular location is hardly a stretch.
Perhaps plussize fluffs were fashionable, or there were environmental challenges that favoured them - roaming swarms of feral chinchillas, say.

I hope that Raine is indulging in a clove-scented fag, as is tradition.

For humans, yes. For fluffies, the only reason they don’t die of cancer is because something else always comes along.