princess shit (Julie)

ok so heres the princess doodles i did, comic snipbits- shit like that i did at work. im probably gonna re-visit all this and redo it but im tired of sitting on these doodles
astella getting prinsess for the first time
sketches of comic planning, yeah it looks like shit it was ment to be storybords

heres astella, her assistant Maria, and astella’s bf Thomas
they’re all important characters in her story, bla bla bla- im so tired of the voice in my own head reading this all out to myself im so sorry

heres the sketch of that thing i did digitally, yup did that shit at work. why am i drawing sexy ladys and fluffies at work? kept me from bashing my head in…
oh and i forgot, princess being a bad influence at daycare…

yes she got herself ‘stuck’, she’s a problem


Plotting sucks so hard, doesn’t it? It’s why I seldom do any.

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