If you have a good coloured breeding mare, sometimes taking the foals can be hard, however the last foal is always the hardest.
So, to solve such a problem the breeder in this case has made a mock foal which was introduced after birth, and so the mummah now has a forever baby she can look after.
This fake foal is made out of coloured cotton balls Styrofoam balls, some googly eyes, felt for the ears and some piper cleaner legs. All held together with a lot of hot glue.
Cheap and easy problem solving for the creative breeder!
If you have the money you can always get a small remote controlled car and glue your fake foal to it! Watch your mummah play huggie tag with her energetic foal : D
I’d probably get her an SBS foal or a derped micro (pray to every religious deity ever that she doesn’t connect the dots for the latter) if she was mine
A crochet fluffy with a soundbox could also do the trick! Speaking of which, I should probably finish that crochet fluffy project that I keep putting off…