Project: Hellgremlin pt 1(by Dr. Jekyl)

Before I explain my corporate-shattering experiment, I must explain some of my past. My name is Doctor Franklin Jekyl. A Psycology practitioner turned biological engineer… at least I use to.

You see, growing up wealthy is not exactly healthy for a child contrary to common belief. There are standards that commoners would deem “unrealistic” such as prep college before even entering high school, mastering several sports and in general being a saint among sinners. But the thing about humanity is everybody has evil in their souls, so where does my evil go if not public? Channeled into the mutilation of any small creatures I could find.

From cockroaches to puppies, I destroyed every living creature I could hide from prying eyes. As I grew older the blood lust became stronger, but oddly enough, that lust for destroying life became a curiosity in my scholastic life, so I told my parents I wanted to major in Human psychology. Of course the idea of me becoming a doctor pleased them so they supported my new passion.

In college, the killing of small animals never really stopped (though it happened less often as I researched the source of my desire to mutilate anything), but one day, I encountered a fellow college student called Heinz Asperger who proposed to me a partnership in the company he had inherited from his late uncle called Hasbio. He was working on a product that would one day replace cats, dogs, fish, hamsters and all other house pets.

Asperger said his product was almost complete, but was missing something: Affection. Being a future psychologist (a prodigy at that), he came to me to create the mental programming for this “Bio-toy.” He took me to the lab to throw his incomplete product. It looked like a shrunken pony but fat and… fluffy? I decided to accept the proposal and got to work on the brain of this fluffy pony.

Several weeks had passed without me even noticing. Even my bloodlust didn’t distract me from completing this formula of ultimate affection, but finally I had it. A formula to make the ultimate house pet that will love you no mater what. I took it to Hasbio and put the formula to practice on the prototype. And the result was exactly what you see in Fluffies today (I’ll get back to that).

“Hewwo nice mista. Be nyu daddeh? Fwuffy gib beses huggies fow daddeh.”
The creature was so cute I could just PINCH ITS LITTLE HEAD OFF. The product was a success! There was cheers coming all around the lab as the ultimate house pet was manifested. All that was needed was to make it as durable as a real animal. Right now it was as frail as a flower.

The very next day, I received my termination notice. That son of a bitch! How dare Asperger take me in as a partner of Hasbio just for my one formula and then toss me out like waste! That Bio-toy is as much mine as it is his! Without me, that creature is a lifeless husk! I was nearly sent to prison for my attempt at murder of Asperger, but just to rub salt on my wound, he paid for my bailout.

Not long after, I returned to the college I heard that PETA infiltrated the Hasbio lab and released all the prototypes into the wild. Apparently, the building was set a blaze after one of them tipped a barrel of chemicals onto a table with a lit burner. My formula they stole from me, along with the formula to create the Bio-toys were destroyed. And Asperger, whose not exactly business savvy, decided the product was “complete” enough to sell.

The PETA attack was the opportunity I needed. I searched for as many as could fit in the trunk of my car and took them into my basement. Half of which I actually breed for my own amusement and the other for my new Project: Hellgrimlin.