Project safari by(that1hugboxer)

Due to the rise in popularity of hunting fluffies for “sport”, Hasbio marketing has commissioned a new breed of fluffy.

The specifications are as follows.

1: these fluffies must be at minimum the size of a hippopotamus with durability and strength to match (no hollow/soft bones or similar genetic inhibitors such as soft hoof pads and hatred of poopies or alicorns .)

2: these fluffies must be able to competently heal from any non fatal injuries within 3 days of receiving them (important do not give them the ability to regenerate lost organs, limbs or eyes)

3: their fluff must thin like peach fuzz as should the mane and tail .

4: give them hippopotamus instincts along with their swim and land movement capabilities (they also must secrete Hipposudoric acid)

5: they must have the same gestation period as fluffies but litter sizes of no more than 2 foals.

6: similar life cycle as a fluffy with an oval life span equal to 15 years

After much debate with the marketing team over the logistics of this endeavor ,the bio engineers were able to meet the requirements.

The first successful batch of the subspecies designated Fluffhemoth are being set up in a large man made African safari habitat. So far so good .

Unforeseen problem. While many of the Fluffhemoth are behaving more hippo like, there’s a small pocket of the population that still attempts to seek out humans to be their caretakers. One a different note the entire population is by and large far more durable/ stronger than standard fluffies being just shy of standard hippo in both categories.

The first hunt went terribly.

The Fluffhemoth in question simply changed into the hunting party like a fluffy welcoming their human caretaker home.

The sound and sight of a hippo sized fluffy bellowing “pwease be nue mummah!” While charging the hunting party at 20 miles an hour
Was genuinely haunting .

The specimen took a .458 Lott projectile to the skull only slowing down but not out right stopping until a second shot finally put it down.

It appears that the skull of the Fluffhemoth is significantly more durable than a hippo with the body being weaker by comparison.

The seasoned big game hunters accompanying us suggested using .577 nitro express.

Upon further testing .577 nitro express showed an 85% mortality with a head shot and almost 94% mortality rate with a body shot

.458 Lott showed only 44% mortality rate with a headshot and a disturbingly low 62% mortality rate with a body shot

I am extremely unnerved by what the big game hunters told us.

.577 nitro express is specialized for use against elephants specifically.

Due to the round being special order
Only. Hasbio will need their own factory to produce in any meaningful quantity if they hope to maintain a profit.

We had our first safari open to the public today. As expected nearly 2/3 of the attendees failed to treat the Fluffhemoth as even remotely dangerous. And several individuals lost one or more of their limbs with one individual losing all four in a game of tug of war between a quartet of playful colts.

I cannot say I’m surprised but nonetheless they all singed wavers before entering the park.


I would love to meet the morons that approved this.


The same people who made the executive decision to give fluffies toddler speech


“Hey you know how humans can kill fluffies super easily?”


“Let’s make fluffies that can kill humans just as easily !”

“Give this man a raise!”


I like the theme of this using an elephant cartridges on giant fluffies .577 nitro express.
I just got done writing/drawing a comic about what 300 Black out does to normal fluffies.


Get the ice packs and Tylenol ready because the incident reports just got submitted.


Just imagine the huggies from one of these guys.


Nice mistah why nue Daddeh go foweva sweepies ?


Gib mowe huggies! Make ebewyting beddah!

I can’t wait for some spoiled brat to get one as a gift.


Rich father: well at least I don’t have to pay child support anymore


Plus, the college fund is now a vacation fund.


Could you imagine how expensive one of them would be to maintain

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It’s like having a white elephant a few centuries ago in Thailand. Can’t do anything but feed it and go broke.

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Ok I’m a imagining a Fluffhemoth chirpy being this big

And just as slippery. (Salamanders are so cool.)