Puff puff (love2hatefluffs)

Suck milkies? I’d rather be sucking down the smooth, rich taste of Marlboro cigarettes.

And also milkies. :omg:


They start with a cigarette and you’ll find em hiding a bong in their bedroom


Incredibly funny


Idk man, miwkies taste better

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“So what do we learn sir?”

“We learnt that Fluffy foals do NOT enjoy the taste of nicotine.”

“Huh, feels like… like we could’ve just assumed that and not wasted our time and money on this thing.”

“Look, we gotta spend 50 Grand by the end of the month or our budget next year will be fucked. Now stop your complaining and help me work out how much Fanta it takes to drown a chirpy.”


Damn he is so fucking cool I’m going to go emulate him right now


Oooooohhh I got some mixed feelings on this one.
On the one hand; Choke on it you little shit!
On the other; I fucking HATE cigarettes cuz they’re the cause of my dad’s cancer right now.
And now I don’t know weather laugh at this or yell at my dad to drop the smokes and roll a joint instead.


fluffy getting chemo would be a good comic


Two weeks later, he is addicted to nicotine

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Was the foal spazming out of fear or was it trying to get away?

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Hate to break this to you but I’m pretty sure any combustible you’re actively breathing in would likely contribute to lung cancer. Even if it’s not it’s still scarring the lungs.


Tha people need use all the money of the gubernamental support,or the next year they Will reduce their money contributions

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normally I’d agree but as lady luck being a evil bitch, he’s got a rare bladder cancer from it of all things. Weed is a far lesser evil, it keeps his appetite up, mood and keeps him from going for those damn smokes. Plus it’s been proven THC is a diuretic making blood passages open up getting more meds get to more parts of the body.


Damn kids with their smoking

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You get used to it little fluff

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is that the coughing baby that is rap battling the hydrogen bomb tomorrow?


Now it has lung cancer and dies a slow and painful death…