PufFluff Breeding Experiment Chapter 1 (by NotimPortant)

I was inspired to write this after seeing Mikahorsies ‘PufFluff’ art and asking them some questions about their physiology. Check out more of their art! It’s sure to please!


It was hot and stuffy in the biolabs today. The air was humid and heavy, much to the frustration of not only the numerous fluffy specimens, but also the lab staff. Today was the day that a new sort of experiment would be conducted. An especially haggard looking man in scrubs walked down the hall, making his way to the delivery section. No, not the foal delivery section—he had made that mistake quite a few times. Today, the haggard man was going to the mail delivery. It was all part of his new assignment, you see. There was a new specimen they received today, and he was ordered to perform an experiment on it. All he knew was that it was a new fluffy specimen. A new fluffy specimen that was going to be subjected to breeding experimentation. The thought of it made him sick. He didn’t quite hate fluffies per se.

Just, that repeated exposure to them and some of their more especially disgusting habits. The way they would simply shit and piss where they stood if they were too preoccupied with something else. The smell that would fill the air when they were in the process of fornicating. Just thinking about it made him feel ill. There was also the time when he observed a brown foal being forced to consume it and its family’s waste. When it refused, the haggard man was eventually ordered to recover the foal after its mother had stomped it—keep in mind that it was still alive and dug a depression in the waste that was building and stuck it in there. The job certainly paid well, but ultimately he regretted finding out just how the fluffy sausage was made, per se. Hopefully, this would prove to be much less of a grating experience.

Rubbing his eye with his wrist, he double-checked his clipboard. “Crate PFLF should be…ah!” his attention was drawn towards the especially small crate that had been left. He could hear a very soft and gentle rattling inside. “Feels light…did they send us a microfluff?” he thought to himself as he flipped to the next page, giving it a quick going over.


DATE: 8/20/20XX



The man sighed. Long term. He hated those. Just sitting on his ass all day, watching fluffies go about their meagre existence, until the experiment was concluded, or a subject died. At least he’d just get to sit and watch videos on his phone all day. He then continued reading.


Spencer cocked his head. “So, it is a microfluffy…?” he thought, brow arched. Crossbreeding attempts typically resulted in the micro’s death, and artificial insemination would typically result in stillbirths.



Huh? What in the world was a PufFluff? He was almost tempted to open the crate right now and see, but he knew better. He was walking through the halls, passing through the standard fluffy pens. Spencer would try to avoid making eye contact with the various fluffies in their enclosures, but that didn’t stop them. Oh no. “DADDEH! Wan meet babbehs?” “Hewwo!” “Nice mistew am bak!” “Whewe nummies? Nee’ mowe nummies fow make miwkies fow’ babbehs!” It was enough to make him crack a small smile, at least, as he proceeded further within the enclosures. Spencer jumped slightly however when he felt a small bump inside the crate. He’d put his ear up and listen for anything. “…H-Hewwo…? Udda fwuffies?” the especially soft and high voice said. It sounded almost like a microfluff, except…off.

Spencer cleared his throat, lowering his voice to a whisper.

“Relax, little one. I’ll be taking you to your new home soon, okay?”

There was a gasp. “N-Nyu howsie? Fow fwuffy?” it asked. Spencer gently patted the box. “Of course. So just sit tight and be brave, okay?” he whispered. “…O-Otay! Fwuffy be bwave!” Spencer nodded, and continued onward to the end of the micro enclosure. It seemed as if there was a special enclosure that had been made just for this experiment. It was like a micro-fluff enclosure on the left side, and a standard fluffy enclosure on the right. The microfluff enclosure was pretty small, while the standard was about 10 by 8 feet. Adjoining them was another enclosure that contained both micro and standard fluffy furnishings. He checked the standard enclosure and found Smoky sleeping inside. Smoky had a dark gray coat, with a white mane. He hadn’t made any mess inside of it, either. He slid the door on the top of the micro enclosure open, before prying the crate open. Inside, there was a foal-in-a-can.

But instead of a foal, there was a tiny mint-green spherical fluffy. It was about as big as a baseball. Actually, it was more like a super obese micro. It was weird. But it immediately perked up when it saw Spencer. “H-Hewwo? Nyu daddeh?” it asked, tapping its tiny little hoof against the side. Unlike the standard fluffies, this one had an interesting hoof design. Rather than a regular hoofpad, this one’s was shaped like a tiny heart. “Something like that, yes.” The fluffy clapped its hooves together. It didn’t seem that worked up. Maybe the trip over here had relaxed it. “I’m going to unscrew the cap to this and let you out now…” Spencer said in a droning tone, leaning inside of the enclosure. “This may sting slightly…” he said, unscrewing the cap. “S-Stingies?” the fluffy asked, gulping. “Nu wan’ stingies…” Spencer gently twisted the cap and began to gently pull. The catheters came out in one single swift motion.


The sensation seemed to upset the little fluff, causing her to start crying. “Huuhuu! Daddeh am meanie!” it sniffled, as it crawled out of its can. For the first time, it felt grass under its feet. It immediately began to skitter away, looking for someone to hide. Its short little legs did not seem to lend themselves to fleeing. These things would be dead meat in nature. Shortly after, Spencer began to hear activity from the standard enclosure. “Mmmh…” Smoky yawned, as his eyes began to open. His ears raised up at the sound of what he thought was a foal in pain. “D-Daddeh? Wut dat noise?” it asked, as Spencer stepped over to Smoky’s side. “Don’t worry about it.” He said, giving him a smile. The concern was plain in his eyes. “Smoky hab wots’a widdew bwuddahs and sistews. Smoky wub hewping dem!” he said, his muzzle curling into a big smile. It was almost touching.

“You’re a good little guy, aren’t you?” Spencer asked, as he flipped to the blank notes section of his clipboard. “Heehee! Mummah say Smoky am gud babbeh! Buh nu am bestest. Mummah wub all hew babbehs.” Spencer merely nodded, as he began to jot down some notes. He looked back up to him, watching his tail rhythmically swish to and fro. “Do you know where you are, Smoky?” he asked, pen at the ready. Smoky merely blinked. “Umm…udda daddeh say Smoky am fow speshul test!” he said with a proud grin. Only well-mannered and kind fluffies got selected for experiments like these. Spencer jotted this down. “Did he tell you anything else?” he asked. Smoky rocked his head back in forth, as if in thought. “Udda daddeh say Smoky gon’ hab new fwen’!” Spencer merely nodded, also noting this.

“Right. That’s pretty much it. Have you ever met a microfluff?”

“My-cow fwuff? Wut dat, daddeh?” it squeaked, head cocked. “Ah. It’s fluffy like you. But much, much smaller.” Smoky’s eyes widened in wonder, his mind racing at the very thought. “Wike fwuffy, buh smaww wike widdew babbeh?” he asked. Spencer reached into his jacket pocket, retrieving a small candy. “Very astute. This is for being such a smart fluffy.” He said, sliding the hatch open. He dropped the candy in, and Smoky was absolutely gobsmacked by it. “WOW!!!” he squealed in delight. “D-Dis fow Smoky? Weawwy? Smoky am smawt fwuffy?!” it asked, joyously cantering in a circle around it. “Mmhm. Enjoy.” Smoky wasted no time in hastily devouring his treat. “Mmmm! Wub candeh!” he mewled, before looking back over at Spencer.

“Fank yuu daddeh! Smoky wub yuu!”

“Alright, buddy. I’m gonna go check on your new friend now, alright? Go relax, or something.” Spencer said, giving him a small wave. “Otay daddeh! Wan’ meet new fwen’ soon!” it said, as he continued over to the micro enclosure. Spencer was trying to work out the details of how this would work in his head. That strange ball-shaped fluffy was about the size of Smoky’s head. This would probably go one of two ways. The mating would probably prove fatal or would result in unviable offspring. Poor Smoky would be scarred for the rest of his life, and then they’d be out of what appeared to be a rare and expensive test subject. Spencer was determined to make this work. He squat down, and scanned the inside of the enclosure.

“Hello, little fluffy. I can see you. Please come out.”

The spherical fluff was doing its best to hide behind its food bowl, its little body shivering. “N-Nu! Nu wan’ tawk tu meanie daddeh!” it protested. He certainly didn’t want to have to lean in and grab the little thing. That might accelerate the issue and could set back the experiment. Just then, he had an idea. “Smoky?” Spencer called out, stepping away. “Yesh, daddeh?” he replied, as he stepped back over. “I’m going to need you to help me. Can you do that, buddy?” he asked, as he pressed a button on the top of the enclosure. The door to the adjoining enclosure slid open. “Of cowse! Smoky wub tu hewp!” it squeaked, trotting through the door. “Wut dis woom fow, daddeh?” it asked, looking around. “Dese nummies an’ toysies tu smaww fow Smoky…” it said, before laying eyes onto set of toys befitting the larger stallion.

“It’s where I’m going to have you play with your new friend. But she’s scared.”

Smoky frowned. “Huh? Why nyu fwen’ scawed?” he asked, his eyes burning with a new determination. Hell or high water, he was going to make a new friend today! “Oh…there were just some complications when I put her in the enclosure. She just hurt herself.” Smoky shook his head. “Otay! But…whew awe udda fwuffy?” it asked, giving the room another looking over. “Oh. She’s in the other room to the left. Just tap on the wall. She might be able to hear you.” Smoky nodded, and walked over to the wall, tapping it with his soft, leathery little hooves. “Hewwo? Udda fwuffy?” he asked. Spencer stepped back from the enclosures and began to observe. He didn’t want to pressure the little puf-fluff by standing right there, after all. Clipboard in hand, he began to document what came next.

“Huh? Who dat? Udda fwuffy?”

“Hewwo!” Smoky smiled, eagerly tapping the window now. “Wut yu name, nyu fwen?” he asked, his tail eagerly swishing. There was a brief pause, before the Puf-Fluff replied. “Uh…fwuffy nu hab name yet…” it said, a little sad. “Oh! Daddeh wiw gib yu a name, siwwy! Cum obew an’ meet Smoky!” he asked. There was another pause. “Buh? Buh…daddeh am’ meanie! Gib fwuffy stingy owchies!” it whined. But Smoky would have none of it. “Daddeh nu mean tu gib owchies! Daddeh am weawwy nice! Cum obew an meet Smoky!” he said again, giggling. Another pause. “Hmm…” the Puf-Fluff was pondering it. “Nu wan weab! Buh…Buh…Smoky can cum obew hewe!” it squeaked. “Hehe! Otay!” Smoky said, eagerly hopping over to the closed door.

Spencer quietly walked over to the enclosure, tapping the button to open the enclosure.

So far, so good. The Puf-Fluff had waddled over to a more open area of her enclosure. “Hehe! Gon’ pway hide n’ seekies!” she repeated to herself. Smoky clambered on, looking around. “Hewwo? Nyu fwen?” he called out, scanning the room. “Hehe! Smoky nebew gon’ find fwuffy!” she whispered to herself. “Oh! Baww!” Smoky said, walking over to the small, mint-green ball. “Ooh! Smoky WUB pway wiff’ baww!” he said, eagerly trotting over to it. Spencer gulped. This…probably wasn’t going to end well. But it was in his orders to not interfere except in certain circumstances. The walls of the enclosure were tough and durable, but specially engineered to not be fatal to a fluffy if it were somehow thrown or hurled at it.

Spencer cringed, but still placed his pen down to document the ensuing brouhaha.


Oh dear, I love these little puff balls more and more


Aww It’s a great story… can’t wait for that Puffball be Defiled.


Smoky’s not so bad. That mare may prove problematic if she keeps bitching. May they make more monstrosities!


I hate waiting for stuff i like. One of which i bet will be chapter 2

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Oh no fluffy intelligence claims another life

thank you and everybody else for your kind words! i think now i’ve settled myself into a nice routine with what i write. going forward i’m gonna try to put out a chapter for two of my ongoing projects per week. anything more would run me ragged

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