PufFluffs Facts: Communal Birthing by Mikahorsie

PufFluffs Facts: While a normal fluffy structure center around a Weadew/Smawty hierarchy, the PufFluff herd would shift their dynamics from a Smawty Dominant Hierarchy to a more Communal living once a Mare is expecting to give birth.

From the youngs Fiwwies/Cowts who acts as the nurse Fluffies, the other mawes and Mummah’s who would get soft blankies and fixing the nestie and wawa, the Stawwions and the Speschul Fwiend who would circle around the herd and act as Tuffies.

The Smawty/Weadew would still command the Herd during this time, it seems to focus more on prioritizing the smooth Birth of babbehs.

Once the foals have been born, the herd would automatically revert to it’s normal Smawty Dominant Hierarchy.

This behaviour would only be more visible with a PufFluff Herd that is more than 3.


Did they… chew off all her fluff from the waste down?


Nah… the Owner pretty much had groomed the Pregnant mare bald and applied a Fluff Growth Retardation Gel on that part. He was pretty surprised when the rest of his PufFluffs decided to assist the Mare in giving birth instead of just lazing around /Running around in panic.


now im imagining a happy comunity of puff fluffs caring deeply for each other.
or, what would happen after the birth? Dose the new mama still get some special treatment? Or what happens if a foal is dead, or all are dead?
ohhhh im so so curious


Once the Foals are born, the herd would return to normal hierarchy where The Smawty/Weader (Usually the PufFluff’s Owner) is the head of the herd. While the herd is fascinated by the newly born foal, it and the Mummah would receive no special treatment from the herd.

If the Foal Dies during childbirth however, the whole PufFluff herd would mourn for the loss (Usually for about 48 - 72 hours ;Fluffy Short Term Memory at work) before reverting to it’s normal Hierarchy.


Are Puffluff litters the same size or smaller than a typical fluffy mare/dam? Also when they lactate would that impede their movement or when they’re pregnant bloat too impede movement?
Lastly would their teats grow puff fluff too?


Fluffpuffs somehow smarter than regular fluffys, well I’m’m impressed

Wait I thought these things had to be artificially inseminated or otherwise helped by a human. Was this behavior programmed into this new subspecies, because it seems weird that they’d do something wildly different from other fluffies especially with most of the creature’s reproductive system involves human intervention

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So we know puff mating is difficult but does the extra fluff make feeding babbehs harder?

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It is programmed.

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PufFluffs mare’s Motherhood isn’t as fun as the Fluffy think.

  • Once she gives birth, her Hormones are programmed to decrease Fluff growth, increase her Miwky Pwace size enough to drag a bit when she walks.

( This would lead to mare’s having self Image issue due to their Fluff being “Nu Poofy and Nu PWETTY Anymowe”)

  • Due to her change in hip bones and her Miwky Pwace, The Mummah wouldn’t be able to roll itself into it ball mode.

As for Feeding, she would require help from her Speschul fwiend to assist her in feeding her Babbehs until they can walk. Once that happens, she could simply feed them naturally by sitting and spreading her legs for the foals to drink.


Tools up sleeves. Ok that’s it I’m starting a breeding business for puffs

I love the birthing mare’s expression in this one. Really captures the RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sound that she’s likely making right now!