Pug Fluffy (Craftyskunk)

Well I’m glad to hear some chihuahuas aren’t dicks. Although that also makes me feel a little bad for those ones, since then their only flaws are their looks and whatever health problems they may have.

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At least there’s Retro Pugs now (and similar for other brachyphelic breeds like Frenchies).

Much better!

The dog on the right is much healthier (and cuter too, in my opinion).

And there’s always been Traditional/Doll-Face Persians.

They’re still short-faced compared to most other breeds, but not to the extent that it causes health issues.


Did some crazy mofo with more skills and resources than common sense splice some pug DNA into the chimeric mess that is the fluffy genome? This is definitely an example of doing it to see if it can be done rather than doing it because it’s a good idea.


I’ve worked with abused pitbulls and even they can be really sweet if rehabilitated. I used to know a tiny lady who would keep like 8 rescue dogs around at a time, most of them around the same size or bigger than her, and she controlled them entirely by being confident enough to establish boundaries with them.

Pugs are fucking abominations and should be exterminated for their own good, though. It’s nasty that people find what amounts to genetic abuse cute, and I feel like pugs are suffering enough just being alive that they would welcome death if they could understand their own situation.


Well, chihuahuas aren’t really dogs, anyways?

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This, 100%. Pit bulls get a bad rap, but they’re just very strong, and extremely loyal. Even an abused one will often do whatever its owner wants. The only real exception, to the best of my limited knowledge, is certain blue males, who end up with genes that make them violent. They have to be put down, but the majority of dogs have the potential to be healthy, happy, lovable and beloved pets.

Don’t get me started on what’s been done to pugs. I’m trying to save my drinking for Saturday. (Pure human arrogance, engineering miserable animals for fashion. Yes, the same would apply to IRL fluffies.)

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A someone who loves my stupid looking pug this is 100% accurate


It looks like he at least has a muzzle and isn’t completely flat-faced.

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That or just breeding brachycephaly in like what was done with actual pugs and other brachycephalic animals.

On a similar topic, I got curious about what a brachycephalic horse might look like and found this artist rendition:

I think it looks like a hyper-realistic smarty. lol


Holy shit! It’s a fluffy!


I can HEAR its demands from here, holy moly. Fluffies drawn to that build (just scaled down a little) would be really interesting.