Pull-A-Foal 2023 (carniviousduck)

Every year around this time i draw this idea. This year is no different. I give you pull-A-foal, dont be shy reach them grubby paws into that womb and find yourself a winning foal. But thats not all, this year we also have punt-A-cunt, kick that baby to the sky. Last but not least we have bunt-A-fuck, a fast pitching foal machine that launches foals to be swung at or bunted into paste. Dont you just love the fair…


Can only hope the splash zone is minimal but who we kidding its a fair. Those ferris wheel couples had it coming.


Punt -a-Cunt is sure to be a new fan favorite!


Give it enough time and it’ll be an Olympic sport.

I can’t imagine Pull-A-Foal is all too sanitary for both parties involved in the game.


My hands shriveled at the very thought of pull a foal


I’m with you on that one. My stomach did a literal somersault at the thought.

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I was wondering when we were going to see this year’s Pull-a-Foal picture.

It’s good to see the obligatory tear hole again.


Well when the first pull a foal was assembled we lost a few mares due to drowning in tears, we learn from our mistakes…


Those pull a foal mares won’t know what hit them, prepare to be double fisted ladies

Cracks knuckles Do you mind that I’m wearing gloves for the pull a foal those mechanic gloves with the rough texture for extra grip strength?
Also man the Puntacunt looks super fun


Assumed bunt-a-fuck would involve smacking fluffies whilst they were copulating :unamused:

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Punt A Cunt, i love it

I am a reminded of a story on the old Booru where a homeowner punted a fluffy so hard that he ruptured its nuts, shattered its pelvis and sent it flying across the street. He then picked up the screaming fluffy and threw it unceremoniously into the garbage can.


Is the drainage pupe for the mama fluffy tears?

thats nasty

It’s almost that time of year again folks!