Welcome to the special needs fluffy center, we have a wide variety of fluffies here at the center. Here is one of them now, this here is our most recent addition to our little family, Pumpkin. Pumpkin is only one and half years old and came to us from a family that unfortunately could no longer care for his needs after being diagnosed with diabetes, diabetes in regular household pets can be quite demanding. Not to mention the cost as well, Pumpkin’s family truly meant well by bringing him to the center but has not come to the terms of understanding such yet. He is currently paired with our mascot of the center, Babydoll. Whom is taking a while to still see him as an companion, if such doesnt work out then we will trying to see if Peanut could be a good fit for her instead once he is old enough
(( been a while since i have posted anything, life has been quite chaotic. I have a comic in the works featuring Peanut coming to the center along with a piece of Cheeto having a afternoon snack uwu))
More like supportive pairs for company, fluffies are herd biopets that need to have companionship with their own kind. The center wants to ensure that each fluffy has either a herd or pair, unfortunately most herds don’t accept sensitive babies like Babydoll. The best pairings when it comes to fluffies wirh sensitive baby syndrome are either of their birth/foster mother or siblings or fluffies with the same syndrome
Babydoll doesn’t have either of those as she was raised by the head of special needs fluffies center
Winnie the poo~
Winnie the poo~
Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff~
Dangit. Now I want to see a winnie the poo who has to resort to stuffing themseIves with fIuffies because christopher robbin etc isn’t around to keep them in tact.