Pwesent time (by Tia)

I’m a pie man, like unto Simple Simon. Fruit pies, nut pies, meat pies, put it in a pie and I’ll eat it.

what the heck is a shofly pie

That’s a great idea.

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Care bear stare !


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ow, my cavities are hurting from just looking at this

Anything like these ?

( I generally like atomic shrimp’s food vids he is game to try anything)

It glues your jaws shut.
Might be a good idea for Tia fluff.

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Thanks for asking, I was hoping someone would! It’s a pie filled with a mix of molasses and spices, a Pennsylvania German tradition. Called “shoo fly” cause you had to shoo the flies away from it.

My grandma would make it when I was a kid. Hard to describe the flavor, sweeter than most fruit pies, but more savory than, say, chocolate. Delicious, though.

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Also about Rambo’s owner
I havent made my mind up about them, if they are male or female let alone a name or even skin color.
I kinda feel the focus should be on Rambo, not his owner.

So he might be staying over with the family as Tia’s friend.

Yes, yes, and yes. Man I love meat pies. When I visited Greece many years ago, there were vendors on practically every street who sold pies with various meats and cheeses, I was in heaven.

Sadly I live in a mid sized town in the Eastern U.S., so my local pie availability is limited. Mostly spinach pie from the mediterranean place (delicious!) and the bog standard fruit pies at the local Tesco. Err supermarket, thinking about meat pies made me turn English there for a second.

Two troublemakers now! That christmas tree is gonna come down, I just know it.


Well maybe you can get some of them over there
Some of these are tinned.
So that should be alright to import.

Blame Tia !
Rambo is innocent he didn’t see a apple hanging in the tree !

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Seems sus, man

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He is a well behaved fluffy.
…most of the time.

Reminds me of my favorite “alternate interpretation” of the story of Adam and Eve–Adam ate the apple first, and having therefore learned to lie, blamed Eve for tempting him.

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Oh that sneaky bastard !
I always suspected !

adam, jealous that god did not forbid her from eating it :100:

But, also. Apple.