[Quality vs quantity]



Essentially, I feel like I’ve gotten caught up in a daily schedule that makes my art worse, the quality image took way longer and I was actually happy with it. So slower work flow equals better content, I want to take at least two days per drawing. The thing is the bottom image could have been great if I had taken my time, and that’s what bothers me about pretty much all of my drawings is that they could have been great.Time will tell if I hold to it.


Yeah try take your time with your work, you’ll notice the drop in quality the faster you try pump out content.


I kinda was expecting the “I walk tru” to become “I walk through the valley of shadow and death”

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I can see that, the one I put there was a hym my mom would sing. Now that I think of it its wierd that I put it in that situation.

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Allow the quantity drawings to be spur of the moment scribbles! An idea you ran with and it just got away to be found again later. I love both and can’t wait to see more.


I find it hilarious that their owner makes it sing church songs who also holds the opinion that fluffies are abominations towards God.

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