¿que los atrajo a este sitio? personalmente es una liberacion de sentimientos,poder desahogarme en historias con organismos que no tienen la culpa de lo que les sucede,aunque queramos ponerles sentimientos nefastos y pensar que es su culpa,la verdad es que el unico culpable es el hombre pror crearlos,pequeños seres que piensan que nacen con el derecho de recibir "amor y abrazos " enfrentando un mundo que no solo no los quiere,si no que los desprecia como una plaga y un problema ambiental ,que ellos mismos no controlan,son sus sus impulsos los que dictan su comportamiento y ellos los siguen ciegamente./What attracted you to this site? Personally it is a liberation of feelings, to be able to unburden myself in stories with organisms that are not to blame for what happens to them, although we want to give them bad feelings and think that it is their fault, the truth is that the only guilty is man for creating them, little beings that think they are born with the right to receive “love and hugs” facing a world that not only does not love them, but despises them as a plague and an environmental problem, that they themselves do not control, it is their impulses that dictate their behavior and they follow them blindly.
obviamente me refiero a desahogarme en medios literarios y visuales,nunca extrapolandolo a la vida diaria .
Lol, tu pinche mama wey XD
en mi defensa estoy ebrio .jajajaja
Me gusta contar historias y dibujar culitos. esta es una comunidad de escritores leal y confiable.
-Google translate, I’m still learning Spanish.
I am of a firm belief that he is the one who was supposed to use the translator
sorry for not specifying it, you can answer in any language, only as a spanish speaker, I put it in my language, a sincere apology.
I really appreciate your response, I really like what you do.
igualmente use un traductor
I love what you’re doing! thats a quality first story!
Me encanta lo que estás haciendo. esa es una buena primera historia.
hay muchos motivos lo s cuales podria darte pero simplemente recuerda, todos tenemos una cierta maldad en nuestro ser y que estas cosas que nuestra imaginacion colectiva creo como seres que no tienen derecho ni proteccion alguna desata nuestra imaginacion sin necesidad de llegarla a manifestarla en la vida real y quede encerrada en lo profundo de internet :3
I found fluffies through the /mlp/ board on 4chan about ten years ago. I have been in the community since, taking occasional breaks. I was disgusted by the content, but I wanted more, so I kept looking until I grew to enjoy the carnage.
I’m here because of The Click after watching his backlog of content. I stay because fluffies are cute and I love them, but also it’s a great way to explore emotions, scenarios, and just maybe feeling the satisfaction of a fucking asshole getting what they deserve once in a while.
funnee pony make a poopie
I was brought here by the Click
Abuse content tbh. It was all so fascinating and creative but ended up being the stepping stone into sadbox.
Someone was derailing a thread on 4chan /v/ with ginger_fig’s stuff years ago, and I couldn’t help but go down the fluffy hole. I browsed the booru for a while, posted one or two small pieces anonymously, then I left.
Then, a couple of years back, when lockdowns were in full swing, I decided to check the booru again out of sheer boredom, but I saw that it was gone, and there was a link leading here.
I lurked for a bit, then I decided to make an account and start writing, and I said to myself “I don’t want to write just another abuse/hugbox story,” and I began experimenting, flinging shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, and from there my headcanon descended into complete and utter madness.
The rest, as they say, is history.
I’m here because it satisfies my rescuer syndrome. I love stories where it is possible to restore someone who is mentally or physically broken. Plus, I love the idea that there could be something so unconditionally loving just for being you.
Me he unido por el concepto y lo interesante que es el tema junto a los diferentes headcannon que tiene la comunidad.