Queenie is known for her aggression towards other fluffies [FluffCity Rescue by u/bailey-c-baker].

Buffy is a large, mentally incapacitated fluffy and Queenie hates her for bugging her constantly.


Meet Queenie Smartyfluff


Honestly that ain’t even smarty behavior, a fluffy that goes around begging others to eat shit with her? Probably wants to wander around with her nose shoved squarely up Queenie’s rump for early access poopies? That’s gonna gross anyone out, Queenie’s just got enough of a spine to say no.


… and eat what now ?

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Except humans, a smarty probably is the only one that would hurt Buffy for her actions (though what Buffy really needs is psychological help).


Queenie, look your throne is right HERE

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Buffy is a SBS… That explain its behaviour.

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SBS foals don’t even manage to speak, much form sentences that clear. Buffy doesn’t have that excuse, she’s just a “developmentally slow” freak and the humans should not be enabling her much less punish fluffies for not going along with her copraphagia.

Best case scenario, since they can see she’s harassing Queenie and getting hurt for it, is to separate them with some wire mesh or something so they can’t reach one another. Punishing either one would be wrong since Buffy’s too dumb to know better and Queenie’s completely reasonable in not wanting a self-assigned toilet in her face at all times.

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Ohhh didn’t knew that, both deserve a spot Here then

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Ah so Buffy is like one of those dogs that just loves to eat shit. ~chuckle~

A very interesting trait for a fluffy. Especially since they can literally ask for it as demonstrated.

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Fuck the consequences. Death to Queenie.

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Poor Buffy. Let her eat shit!