Queequeg’s lair 1 By (that1hugboxer)

Queequeg had a job to do and nothing was going to keep him from it

Nothing except for maybe a lack of prey

It had already been 2 entire minutes and not a single fluffy had entered the backyard

All Queequeg could do now was wait

The Blue fluffy with a brown mane laid down and waited

A long time passed without any excitement

But then it happened

A pink mare and a red stallion entered through the hole in the gate

The red stallion puffed out his cheeks at Queequeg

“Dummy gib smawty aw da nommies fo smawty an spewshul fwien…”
Queequeg stood up easily dwarfing the smarty

Queequeg bites down on one of the smarty’s legs and drags him over to the tree and slams him against it like he’s trying to break a bag of ice

CRACK “squeee! Wewstist huwties”

“Nu be scawed smawty. U nu get foweva sweepies ”

The smarty lay broken and bruised against the tree struggling in vain to stand up

“Hu Hu! Weggies nu wowk!”

Queequeg turns his attention to the pink mare

The mare is trying desperately to find anywhere to hide

All her efforts are in vain

Queequeg Bites her mane and drags her off to the other side of the yard

“Nu! Nu! Nu Nomm pwety fwuffy! Hu! Hu!”

The smarty is finally able to stand up

Queequeg let’s go of the mare

“Queequeg nu nommie nw fwends.
Queequeg wan pway!”

“Daddy say Queequeg can du wha Queequeg wan wid fwuffie in yawd “

The mare and smarty were starting to wish Queequeg would have eaten them instead

“Queequeg wan pway wid nw fwiends foweva!”

The mare and stallion run up to the sliding glass door and frantically tap their hooves against it

But alas the only ones home are the micro fluffies watching from the other side of the glass, they certainly had the best seats in the house


May they be the goodest of Sharp toothy boys or girls

Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what kinds of games Queequeg likes to play