Queequeg’s lair 2 by (that1hugboxer)

Queequeg was sad his new friends didn’t want to play with him

All they did was hide behind the tree or in the doghouse

Queequeg didn’t mean to make them scared

He just got a little too excited when he played

Maybe an apology and a hug would help smooth things out

Daddy had given them both names

The red stallion was now called
Jam and the pink mare was jelly

“Queequeg am so sowy fo huwty jam an jehwy”

Queequeg attempts to give jam a hug


Jam’s hooves hit the side of Queequeg’s belly

“Munsta am nu fwend!”

“But.But Queequeg am sowy.”

“Nu caiw!”

“Jam hatchu!”

Hatchu. That word repeated over and over In Queequeg’s head

That word hurt far worse than the kick

Queequeg wiped away his Tears

“Queequeg jus wan hug.”

Jam had puffed out his cheeks and lowered his head taking a charging stance

Queequeg thought for a moment before coming to the conclusion that this was some sort of new game

Queequeg wanted play too

“Yay nw gamsei”

Jam watched helplessly as Queequeg a fluffy nearly the size of a bulldog lowered his head and took the same charging stance.

facing down the chihuahua sized jam

In that moment jam had a moment of clarity

This was it.

No amount of crying or begging

Could get him out of this

The only thing jam could do now was
Watch as the distance between himself and Queequeg became shorter and shorter

The thing that scared jam the most wasn’t Queequeg’s eyes but rather the lack of malice behind them