With the weird success that Hasbio had with its fluffies. I wondered what Hasbio’s biggest Competitors would make to take the popularity from Fluffies.
lego extra duplo fluffy safe sets when?
its just 3 fluffy-head-sized lego Duplo blocks, nothing too dangerous
or is it?
“Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool”
wise words
yeah… fluffies would always somehow manage to make that dangerous.
When fluffies choke on air
Well, I wrote about Genecco. Genecco was based off the real life Dracco, which makes the competitor brand Filly.. There was a time when Filly Funtasia was first announced on 4chan’s /mlp/ and many bronies and ponyfags derided the series as a knock-off MLP. That, and the long history of getting the animated series made was what inspired me to do this writeup: Genecco Fluffies - By Oculus
Another competitor, and one that I had planned to write on, is the real-life company of Samsung. It may seem like an odd choice. but there are some really interesting things about Samsung that makes me think they might have their own unique take on fluffies.
Back in the day, LordAnubis wrote about Fuzzies, with the idea being that Fuzzies were supposed to be the ‘perfect’ biotoy, unlike fluffies, but, the imperfect nature of fluffies was precisely why fluffies were better than fuzzies. I could see such a product existing.
Of course, I always feel the “real” question to ask is whether other companies will get into the “biotoy” market. I mean, would someone buy a Barbie biotoy? Undress her anywhere?
I prefer not to be that excessive with fluffy stupidity, and give that “some” credit. Well, at least in my headcanon.
At least they can recognize food that isn’t on their bowls and they can move relatively fast without dying, yes I’m looking at you sloths
I do plan to finish my fuzzy treatise