Question about Fluffies and Colors

What colors would humans find appealing, but not to a Fluffy and vice versa?

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That would probably vary more on the person than anything. If you go by traditional fluffy logic about colors then earth tones would probably be on the bottom, working upward through muted and pastel colors up to the bright and vibrant ones at the top, with emphasis put on the ones that match the color of the fluffy from whom we are evaluating the perspective, if egotistical enough.

I’m sure it would confuse a fluffy if a human was into something like 70’s chic and wanted brown and burnt orange fluffies.

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As the better-colored Fluffies wonder why a dumb human wouldn’t want one whose colors don’t burn their eyes.


It’s definitely subjective, I’d prefer purple, black, and grey fluffies. Where the ponies would love the purple but hate the black and grey. The fluffies would love orange and red where I’d much rather not have those colors

Indeed. All a perspective on the human/fluffy tastes in color.

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for people it depends on the person so i cant really answer, but i guess complimentary colors would be more appealing versus mismatched clown colors

i dont think fluffies would care as much as long as theyre not brown

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This question is purely subjective both IRL and in the universes of literally every writer and artist on this site. There is no right answer only YOUR answer and what YOU think it would be

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This raises the question: Do poopy color moms like their poopy color babies for being similar to them, or do they hate them for being poopies?

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Oh now that’s a good question

The answer i’ve seen is this.

Fluffy Tier List of Colours

S Tier; Bright Eye Bleeding Colours
A Tier; Bright Colours
B Tier; Muted & Pastel Colours
C Tier; Darker Colours
D Tier; Muddy & Earth Tones
F Tier; Browns

A fluffy that matches the Mare or Stallions fur is often the Best Babby and gets moved up.
Pretty patterns move a fluffy up 2 slots on this tier list
Horns and Wings move them up 1 slot on the tier list
Any patterns or odd colouration and markings move the fluffy up on 1 slot on the tier list
Being an Alicorn for fluffies with the phobia moves them 4 down on the tier list


Anything but shit brown and piss yellow. Probably more muted colors though.

My thought is its so dependent on what and why they were created for. Being living toys having fluffies with colors that are more kid-appealing (bright, usually complimentary) is paramount to fluffie’s themselves. Its hardwired for the most part with very big implications for its standing in a group and its chances for survival; survival being a human taking it in and giving it a free ride for the rest of its short life.

Examples being how highly a mother fluffy (feral or not) will value its “prettiest” foal and when presented to a human will show it off. Touting it as deserving the most love regardless of any other trait. Inevitably the mother will also try to include herself (maybe with her other less valuable) as a package with the vague understanding that she could produce more pretty foals. Or just as likely incredibly misplaced entitlement in being the bestest babbehs mother. This angle will more then likely can and will lead to death but thats blind stupidity for you.

Though the in-universe audience of the product have/can change with time. While there is a growing appreciation for poopeh or even gross combination of colors the norm would still be the commercially successful varieties. Outliers and niche fandoms can and will exist but market friendly surface level traits will more then often come out on top.

Myself in the scenario of actually owning/keep one would consider choosing a muted or poopeh color. Something that would fit in the background and presumably with a less then ideal youth is more amendable to keep around and train.

So This is subjective but



The answer i’ve seen is this.

Fluffy Tier List of Colours

S Tier; Bright Eye Bleeding Colours
A Tier; Bright Colours
B Tier; Muted & Pastel Colours
C Tier; Darker Colours
D Tier; Muddy & Earth Tones
F Tier; Browns

Glorys list seems accurate to what my head cannon is too, the only difference being White and especially Black are considered rare in my head cannon and are worth a good fortune.

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Ah, brown, the quintessential color of poop to a Fluffy’s preprogrammed mindset. Any shade, same result.

Honestly, it’s a double-edged sword, one hand, she’ll attack her poopeh babbeh for reminding her of her place in the Fluffpile as whatever the Smarty relegates her to, or she’ll be very defensive of her poop-colored foal. That, much like my subjective question, is how I see poopeh mares treat their similarly-colored offspring.

Depends on your headcanon.

A fluffy who is still “programmed” with the HasBio auto sorting mentality will prioritize colors that “little girls” will like.

The trope of a fluffy’s aversion to browns/dark greens can be attributed to a flaw in programming that has a hard code about how poopies are bad unless they are in a litterbox and this programming includes intense descriptors about what poop looks like. This combined with an auto-sorting mentality and it makes sense that a G1 fluffy would neglect/hate a brown fluffy.

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