Question! Please reply when you can [DaddyFluffy_Was_Hooman]

If I made a comic about a guy that gets turn into a fluffy and has to complete difficult quest that are sent by a enity for him to complete to turn back human and get sent home

Would you read this, if so what are some ideas Would you like to see in the story


Sure actually someone recently made a story about something similar to your premise

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I would if it had a happy ending…but that just me

I think it would be more like the fun you had writting about it than if people gonna like it or not.
If you like to write and had fun working on it, even a single like on it will be rewarding :v



T’was I.

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Write for yourself froend. People are retarded and don’t know what they want.


It’s not an uncommon premise

there are no new ideas, only novel execution & ur execution will be novel bc its yours! go for it! :heart:

i love a good “Give me my body back!” story