Questionaire for the community Part 1?

1- yes
2 - sometimes
3 - no
4 - sometimes
5 - if they survive then yes
6 - sometimes
7 - no, but snakes are now a very widespread pet, not due to cats and dogs being rarer, but due to the surplus fluffy population, which means snake food is much less costly
8 - No, fluffies can still be dancie when they grow up, but most dancie-babbehs lose their dancie nature when they reach adulthood
9 - yes
10 - yes


1.Not really but that’s because I have fluffies as having a very good immune system to begin with, much to their chagrin at times.

2.I don’t use bestest babbehs very often but I agree. Based on how a fluffy reacts to positive attention, one could become spoiled very easily.

3.Same as above, I don’t overly use them but makes sense to me. Most I’ve seen depicted refuse to learn because their ego won’t allow them to. They think they’re so much more intelligent than everyone else, even humans, that they cannot be wrong.

4.Hard disagree. One thing that I like about the mythos behind pillows is the sadness, and that even a well treated pillowfluff is living on borrowed time because of depression.

5.I don’t really use SBS. But if you run your fluffies based on the heavy pheromone idea, then it would make sense.

6.I think Smarties happen due to poor rearing/training. No fluffy is destined to be one but any fluffy could become one.

7.I have dogs and cats being normal prices and still being the most common pets.

  1. Once they get too big, it becomes painful so they stop doing it.

9.I think that the milk can become more nutritious but the better flavor thing is all in the fluffy’s head.

10.As above, I don’t use them but that makes sense to me.

  1. i normally assume the opposite, if its a feral poopy fluffy then i assume if a fluffy eats something poisonous and it comes out the other end, or has a tape worm, or any sort of horrid bacteria could lead to death. though in a sterol environment it could help the fluffy’s immune system thrive if its then let out into the wild it will live better then its litter mates. it really just depends on the situation, do they get extra food? is poop all they can eat?

  2. Yes, unless there’s interference (Such as a human tampering with the way bestest is treated) If the fluffys are left to do what they wish, bestest will usually always become spoiled, sometimes even prone to being smarties, though they tend to be some of the dumbest of smarties…

  3. No, i believe a fluffy cant be as innocent as they once were before smarty-ness set in (For whatever reason it set in weather natural, being bestest baby, becoming a leader ect.) I believe a fluffy can e trained with LOTS of time, patience, and a system of rewards and punishment’s, a smarty can become a very useful tool for any heard, fluffy owner, or really anything! but the main reason no one bothers is it would take MONTHS of training, like any stubborn pet. Only problem is how receptive they are and, if they allow the help. You can bring a horse to water but cant force it to drink.

  4. no, i believe if the owner knows all the problems a pillow fluff may have they can live just as long as any fluffy. exercise will be a problem, and obesity, though proper diet and pillow fluffy friendly activity’s may help prevent some problems. though pillow fluffs probably deal with heighten problems due to naturally having a hard time moving themselves to any potty area.

  5. yes, if not infertile completely. “enfie babys” Will need a LOT of love to become a healthy fluffy, and it’s recommended to just neuter them to prevent SBS foals, or deformations and or just still births.

  6. no, a color in itself dose not relate to smartys, reds are more likely due to red being a popular color amongst fluffys and humans leading them to be seen as “Best”. though any fluffy can be smarties, and reds can be sweet as pie if raised properly.

  7. eh, i would say they became a popular pet due to the fact that suddenly live food became much more available, (A favored pet among abusers) in my head cannon cats and dogs are just as common as they were. its just after the crazy fluffy breeding problem emphasis is put on neutering pets and strays.

  8. no, i believe all fluffys can dance, if anything they can get better at dancing if taught (Usually by a human or tv show)

  9. yes

  10. yes that makes sense with the anatomy.

i’m mostly a goofy hugboxy person, sorta a “Everyone can have a 2nd chance!” sorta fool. these are just my headcannons and i LOVE hearing others!


1: Sickness doesn’t exist in Fluffies - why sell a toy that can get the sniffles. So immune systems aren’t an issue. In the right circumstances a poopie Fluffy will live marginally longer than regular Fluffies due to the natural camouflage and nervous disposition, but they can still fall victim to Fluffy stupidity

2: All Smarties were once bestesh babbehs but not all bestesh babbehs become Smarties. As a general rule of thumb, bestesh babbehs are inexplicably spoilt compared to their siblings, but in some rare cases a mare will choose her bestesh babbeh to ensure they grow into a future Toughie or even a Smarty Friend. However this is very rare.

3: No but the time, effort and intense rewiring needed to break a Smarty back to basics without killing them means it’s basically incapable of change.

4: Yes, pillowfluffs - even those amputated at birth - are aware of their lack of limbs and since so much of a Fluffies life revolves around having limbs, depression will kill a pillowfluff long before a regular Fluffy will die.

5: No, if an enfie-babbeh survives the assault they’re usually too broken to even have the abliity to reproduce, be it their shattered back legs or, in the case of fillies, their ruptured organs.

6: No, colour holds no basis on what makes a Fluffy into a Smarty. For example, Crimson is bright red and he fucking hates Smarties.

7: Cats and dogs are still as popular as ever, it’s just rare for a Fluffy owner to own both due to Fluffies inherent fear of ‘munstahs’.

8: No, but they do it less frequently. Dancie Babbehs dance for enjoyment, Adults dance for pity.

9: Sort-of, Fluffies believe that Sketti gives the best milk because it tastes the best, in fact it’s kibble and vegetables with the right proteins and vitamins that help foals grow healthiest. However so long as a foal is given a constant supply of milk, no matter how it comes about, they will grow up healthy and happy.

10: Bowl-Fluffies are extinct in the BFM-Verse, however when they were around they generally had the same sized litters are regular Fluffies.


5 - What is SBS?

sensitive babbeh syndrome, better explained in this thread

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Sensitive Babbeh Syndrome for a goood example id suggest

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to finally answer the actual post:

  1. yes; in my headcanon ferals are mostly poor colors due to unnatural/obnoxious colors getting culled by wildlife or humans. they’re still abandoned by their parents most of the time, but if one is left alive there’s a higher chance of it living compared to its littermates, and some parents deliberately leave only their poor-colored foals alive as to save themselves from being easier to spot

  2. yes. most fluffies have no sense of when to stop indulging so a bestest getting spoiled is more mandatory for being one. not all bestests grow to be smarties, but all smarties were bestests or otherwise spoiled/enabled to hell and back by an owner

  3. no, but teaching one would take more time and effort than most people care to give and there’s no guarantee it would work. a reformed smarty also cannot gain its innocence back nor shake away all of its negative traits, though they’re more aware of them and try not to act on it

  4. pillowfluffs have an average lifespan shorter than an able-bodied house fluffy, but if taken care of properly and taught to not miss its limbs, then it will live longer than a feral. a majority of pillowfluffs die young and/or miserable, but a lucky few end up in good homes or are given some type of prosthetic that makes things easier

  5. i try to avoid using either of these in my stories so it’s gonna be a no

  6. it’s enough of a common trend that it’s noticeable, but coat color really doesn’t change a fluffy’s likelihood of being a smarty. correlation ≠ causation. what usually causes a mare to choose a bestest in my headcanon is if the foal looks like them, e.g. if a foal is identical then it’s more likely to become one. this means alicorns are WAY less likely to be chosen from alicorn-phobia and thus are neglected/killed instead (the trade-off being they’re naturally smarter than other breeds)

  7. no; though snakes are becoming more popular due to the use of fluffies as food a lot of people are still scared or otherwise grossed out by them. people just don’t usually house fluffies and dogs/cats together due to possible aggression from the animal and fear from the fluffy

  8. adults can still do “dancies”, but to a lesser extent than as a foal unless trained due to added weight from growing and/or just being fat. most grow out of it anyway and the heavier ones can bring pain to themselves or even break their legs by trying

  9. somewhat true. cheaper/unhealthy food can lead to milk being the same way, but what a fluffy considers “good nummies” can be different than what’s actually good for them. like a veggies vs dessert thing: the healthiest usually tastes bad while the unhealthiest is what fluffies like more. milk quality usually only changes if there’s a significant change in diet, however, so it doesn’t make much of a difference either way unless you’re feeding a mare like, five lbs of food grease a day

  10. i don’t use bowl fluffies either but it makes sense!


Oh ok, yeah I have read stories with that theme.
And that is the story that would come to mind first for me as well, it’s so good :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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  1. No, generally I assume shit-eaters in herds will actually die as a result of being forced to live in, and eat, excrement, generally dying before reaching adulthood unless the herd is affluent in resources and the fluffy can somehow get enough nutrients to survive.

  2. No, it can be fixed.

  3. No, it can be fixed.

  4. Situational. Pillowfluffs are likely more care intensive, you need to make sure they’re comfortable, prevent bedsores, give extra treatment, watch out for depressive episodes, etc. But all in all, I would assume the removal of their legs leads to longer lives in theory, just because it eliminates a fluffy’s proclivity for getting into shenanigans.

  5. I would assume most enf-ed foals can’t give birth after something like that, if that manage to survive to begin with, which is also a coin-flip, depending on the age of the foal.

  6. Correlation, but not necessarily a cause. It’s just a common enough color that is also seen as “pretty” by fluffies. Farthest I would push it is perhaps part of an opposing fluffy’s psyche associates the red fluff with “boo-boo juice”, causing a subconscious fear, or submission, to a red fluffy.

  7. No, not really something I ever considered.

  8. No, adults can still “dance”, just with much less “cute” values. They’re also more likely to fall and hurt themselves, as opposed to foals that are much smaller, and closer to the ground when falling.

  9. Yes. Even if it doesn’t necessarily make scientific sense(?) I enjoy it as a plot device. Mares coveting spaghetti for the prospect of giving “bestes miwkies” is always funny, it also works in the inverse, allowing the ability to forcefeed a mare bad food, and cause the foals to associate milk (or at least their mother’s milk) with a nasty no-good taste.

  10. Sure, never done anything with bowl fluffies, but I can see that being a thing, and I’d probably use it for hc.

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  1. I think an abused poopie fluff would die early. Eating poop? Not good for your overall health. It could eat poop continuously all its life and still starve to death just because there aren’t enough nutrients to sustain it.
  2. Bestest babies are just babies that the mom decided to favor. A bestest can be a perfectly good, normal baby, helping its siblings or questioning its spot in the hierarchy, but call itself Bestest because… I mean that’s what everyone else calls it. Bestest is just its name. In rare cases, a fluffy can have a baby named Bestest that isn’t even its bestest baby. It’s a surprisingly confusing and nuanced status.
  3. “Smarty” can refer to two things; herd leaders and know-it-all brats. There is a lot of overlap since know-it-all brats would love to lead herds though. Either way, you can try to discipline a know-it-all brat but it’s not going to “fix” it since the issue’s just the fluffy’s entire personality - all you can do is make the fluffy keep its grievances to itself.
  4. I’ve never considered a fluffy dying of old age. I think they’d have a similar life span though, the wear and tear of feral life/organ issues from always lying on your front means neither one would live as long as a well-loved and fully limbed domestic fluffy. There are however fluffies bred to have limbs so short they only look like pillowfluffs, and the ability to shuffle around like a combination mop/roomba means they don’t have a shortened lifespan.
  5. I do not use enfie babies. Even if I did, I think being violated at such a young age would ruin their … ‘bits’ … so they can’t have babies at all.
  6. Nah, smarties come in all colors so it’s just a myth caused by the “violence” red symbolizes. They’re commonly red in cartoons though because color coding stuff for kids is Cartoons 101.
  7. Dogs and cats are still the common pets, fluffies didn’t usurp them. Snakes are normal-level common.
  8. There’s no specified point where fluffies are forced to stop dancing, but they have to keep dancing regularly to keep their skills sharp.
  9. This is true! More nourishing food would naturally lead to more nourishing milk. Can’t eat cardboard and get good, vitamin-filled milkies after all.
  10. They birth a normal amounts of babies, but while pregnant their concave belly bloats up so they look like beach balls. (I have not thought about bowl fluffies before now.)

I would recommend lurking more and reading what people make and comment on instead that’s the best way to get a feel for a place. Also I write this with no offence, literally everything you posted is very specific and not really “general” hive cannon beyond maybe 2-4 and 8


This looks like a list of the most boring contemporary tropes about fluffies. Like writing a rom-com with only the biggest cliches.

None of what makes fluffies interesting is on that list.

Oh absolutly i was around during 2014 - 2016 but only just came back recently i guess its more just a way of getting a idea of how influenced people are from what they read, for example if your favorite artist is Wolfram you may have a very different idea of fluffies in camparison to say someone whos favorite artist is Carpdiem due to artist headcannon.

100% tho and i woudnt reccomend anyone who first joins the community to ask what fluffys are and to instead experience fluffys through content and get a feel for themselves :f_martini:

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So what would you say makes a fluffy interesting :thinking_jellen: let me know

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  1. I’d say yes but maybe not due to the immune system, rather just their natural camouflage.

  2. Yes in 99% of cases. I like to think there are the rare bestests that don’t become little shits.

  3. No but it’s probably not worth the effort.

  4. Yes pretty much always. The intense depression will kill them sooner rather than later, regardless of the care they receive.

  5. That’s very specific and I’ve actually never heard of this before, but I would think they’re either rendered infertile or give birth to deformed foals rather than SBS.

  6. Nah fur color doesn’t have any inherent personality traits tied to it.

  7. Makes sense so probably.

  8. No they can dance but it’s almost always as pathetic attention seeking. They’re also limited in their movement considerably compared to foals.

  9. Yeah but it’s according to what’s actually good for them, not what food they like.

  10. I actually haven’t considered this despite how much I like bowl fluffies, but I’d say they might have a bit more room actually but less foals if they’re bowl foals because they’re shaped a bit bigger than normal.


i guess the thought process for no 10 is how many foals would a bowl have to carry before it can no longer balance when on water, i think grim_1 tried this experiment in one of his comics (in his own special abusebox way :glee: )

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lets have a discussion but only answer yes or no and everything is muh head cannon . that is not how discussions work

Was wondering when you would turn up :myeh: i dont think i even stated my headcannon and was just posting general statements in relation to some of the more populer tropes in the community

But go off king i guess :metal:

Ohhh I was thinking of the pregnancy lmao my bad. In terms of their carrying capacity I’d say maybe 6 foals max, and once they’re big enough they can float on their own.

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