Questions for Abusers and Hugboxers!

I’m open to both but lean a lot towards hugbox and personally the things I do like about abuse stuff is that the stories can be REALLY good and really interesting! Also I love the feeling of being freaked out by something, so the ones that are really freaky and can actually unsettle me are cool! I just love cute stuff which is why I’m more of a hugboxer lol

I’m dying at the idea of someone singing a christmas song while a fluffy is swung around by its balls, I need to see that lmao


I personally like both abuse and hugbox.

I actually kinda like all of the boxes

And for those people there is neutralbox!

I’m mostly neutralbox, but there are a few hard exceptions. For me, chirpies are off-limits for abuse, while brats and bullies are prime targets for it. Other than that, anything goes. I know that’s not the question, but I wanted to get my thoughts out and this seemed like a good place for it.


Honestly I don’t know what I am, I think neturalbox. I mean, I like a story with a happy ending, but if you have to see blood, pain or justice, well, I won’t say no, I like to see how the fluffys “evolve” because at least in my headcanon they are no longer those manufactured creatures, there are already so many savages that They can already be considered semi-animals and a story of something like this should be neutral, both horrible deaths due to their studies and beautiful moments like seeing a mother learn to take care of all her foals, even though they are ugly colors, like seeing a foal being kidnapped by a bird. Honestly, my favorite scenario is the wild fluffys, preferably far from the cities and the bread fluffys (larur the best of the best) who accept their situation as food


Honestly I totally get it. I think I lean somewhere in your direction, with a bit of a taste for sadbox. I think it might be because Hugbox/Sadbox seem to be the most realistic scenarios, I suppose?
And hey, you do you. Pink and fluffy are generally qualities that go well together. Don’t let anyone tell you your taste it bad because you find fluffies cute.

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I’m primarily a sadbox fan, and that’s my favorite content to make, but I generally lean towards hugbox. Hugbox is easier to make, and as others have said, I enjoy cute things. I also think hugbox has a lot more avenues for storytelling than many people give it credit for.
My favorite abuse scenarios are “fluffy gets what it deserves”. I don’t really like mindless abuse, or abuse that makes the abuser seem like some unhinged dude who sits next to his front door with a baseball bat waiting for a fluffy to wander by. However, I do like Smarty abuse. Smarty abuse was one of the things that got me stick around when I discovered fluffies.
I also like abuse stories where the fluffy’s innocence/naivety is manipulated to make it into the “bad guy”.
One of my favorite things about abuse art is the gore. I am not very good at drawing gore, and there has been some really cool abuse works here (from an artistic standpoint). Dragonixa especially, her gore works are always great to see, she can draw blood and guts extremely well. There are many artists in this community who have found interesting and new ways to abuse a fluffy, and many authors who can write abuse well enough that it makes me squeamish.
It’s really hard for artists/authors to stick to one box. We have to be willing to borrow a little from each box to make our works, I believe.

I may be more of a middle man (Allboxer), but I like multiple aspects of both abuse and hugbox.

Hugbox shows the sweeter, domestic side of the relationship between humans and fluffies. It can explore character development in a positive, SFW way, and it’s cute to boot. I enjoy writing hugbox cause it’s just nice to see a character having a great day and having people that love them. Imo it’s how most humans would (hopefully) treat fluffies if they were real.

Abusebox can explore angst and negative character development. Abusebox has a similar effect on me as sadbox does. It’s is disturbing, gory and deliberately frightening, be it “justified” abuse or not. Not to mention it seems like a good, healthy form of vent writing. For example: You can get out all your frustrations towards your childhood bullies by writing about a smarty getting their just desserts. It can release the darker, inner feelings we as humans tend to not want to face. Our inner demons, if you will. Not to get all edgy on you though, lol.

I can see why some may not like abusebox or hugbox, different strokes for different folks. It’s all a matter of taste and personal limits. As long as nobody fights about it I have no problem.


I just find other boxes to be more… ‘dyamic’ vs Hugbox.

Most of the time, Hugbox is a happy story with a happy ending. Nothing wrong with that but it’s not super interesting to me, in general.

Abuse/sadbox/etc are more varied. You know it’s going to end… bad… but the journey there is the thing.

Not that it’s always the case. Only so many ways you can skin a smarty before it’s all the same, and you can have hugbox stories with more of a rollercoater, just tends this way, I think, to the more short form stories that are easiest to put out.

I like hugbox best for myself but really when it comes down to it, “is it done well?” Got to respect the work, even when I don’t care for it myself.

If it’s obviously not for me or costs me nothing to not click and not post.

Creating? I have mods. I think more hugbox and weirdbox when making art but feel I’m more neutral when writing and world building.

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Hugbox for anthros!

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Both abuse and hugbox can be boring and it’s a lot easier to be boring with hugbox.

Fluffy is happy. Great! Why is fluffy happy? What makes them happy? Do they deserve it? A story without conflict is just a statement, not a story. Stories about pets are rarely interesting, no matter how cute your pet is.

As far as abuse goes, there’s little to abuse a fluffy that hasn’t been written/drawn about ad nasuem. If you’re just wrenching on a fluffy, okay sure, but it’s been done before. You’re feeding babies to a mother, but okay, why are you doing it?

Hugbox with underlying horror is a great but often underutilized genre that speaks to good story telling. If you’ve got a fluffy who’s happy and healthy and loves everything but their ability to be that loving happy fluffy is at the cost of unseen horror and misery? That’s a story worth telling.

I love both, and abuse with hugbox ending has the best of both worlds.


I’m a huge bleakbox/sadbox ALLL DAY. Only because I think it’s funny. Abuse was interesting but a lot of it was cringe power fantasy and hugbox is boring like people say. Hug box has always being people showing off how cute/nice/well behaved their fluffy is while abuse is typically the opposite. “Look how bad my fluffy is he deserves his legs and nuts and ears cut off”
Meanwhile desperation to stay alive is natural to most animals and it’s super funny to me so see them struggling with a terrible fate no matter what. Love met with an end, or no escape of dispair.
It’s good to be an all over enjoyer tho :slight_smile:

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Sometimes they’re cute and u like em, other times they’re annoying and u wana see em die. Both elicit strong emotion and are entertaining - that’s art!



My favourite type of abuse is EASILY justice. Where the bad mares and smarties get abused, but they deserve it. That way im just getting blood without feeling bad for the fluffy

I can’t stand justicebox. It makes my blood boil almost as much as loud demanding smarties and obese bitch mares do.

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