Questions for Abusers and Hugboxers!

When I first started getting into the Fluffy community, one thing I noticed was how much of a gap there seemed to be between both abuse and hugbox fans. In all fairness, most of my knowledge regarding it came from places like 4chan and lolcow, so it’s likely my perspective is somewhat warped. Regardless, I’m curious about the thoughts for either side, and I’d love to hear some answers to these.
Abusers, what’s a Hugbox scenario/trope/artist, or really anything in general, that you like?
Hugboxers, what’s something you like about abuse, if at all?
I’m personally a major fan of sadbox, but aside from that I usually sit right in the middle. But by all means, um very curious and excited to hear any replies.


Hugbox just seems… boring. Cute, but boring. If I wanted something that would rot my teeth I would read a manga of cute girls doing cute things. Sadbox seems like a good compromise, but not a lot that pulls at my heartstrings.


Wasn’t really the question, but you do you man. If you prefer abuse, that’s fine by me :slight_smile:

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Damn these emojis kinda suck ngl


I oscillate hard between abuse and hugbox with almost nothing in between.
Hence neutral boxer
Though I am mostly hugbox.

The appeal of abuse is HTF to me juxtaposing a disgustingly cute cartoon critter with extreme violence.

As well as some cute agression.
Dancing babies and babies that whine about being just a babbeh irritate me for some reason.
And smarties can fuck right off.


Yeah, that seems to be a common occurrence. Both sides have their fun, so it seems that most folks lean towards either pretty far.

It also mostly depends on the fluffy it self.
Some are just really really easy to hate.

Though generally these days, I keep abuse away from my kitsune fluffy Rambo.
He is disgustingly wholesome somehow.

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I’m 100% hugbox all the way. And I never feel like I’ll change sides.

But at the same time, I have a like… Abusers sense of humor. If the abuse is creative and hilarious, I laugh my ass off at it.

I’m a hug boxer because I’m a “girly girl” in terms of I love cute pink soft things and UwU and OwO and all that stupid shit. But, sometimes a good “Fuck you eat shit” is a fun read too.

I’m not too big on smartie abuse, idk why, but if someone makes a picture of a fluffy tied up by his balls on a ceiling fan and being swung around rapidly while a person in the background sings a Christmas song?

Peak comedy. That’s my shit. Still a hug boxer, but sometimes abuse is just fucking hilarious.


Jingle balls jingle balls scree all the way.
Oh wat fun it is to have a fluffy tied up by his scrotus.


I don’t understand the rigorous separation of the two.
I think abuse and hugbox both part and necesarry for the proper fluffy experience.
I’d find an only abuse or an only hugbox site quite monodimensional and boring after awhile.

Abuse makes sweeter the hugbox, and hugbox gives taste to abuse.


I perfer neutrual box personally as it is a somewhat good compromise like sad box.

though i do also enjoy industrial abuse and rot your teeth hugbox

also depends on what kind of mood im in or mental health

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I guess I like bleakbox for the abuse part, fluffies vs fluffies and nature. Hugboxwise, I like general cute, pl MLP.

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Yes pretty much.
But it’s a bit of a hold over from the old booru days where there was a hard line against hugbox and pro abuse.

An us against them attitude that’s still prevalent here despite the fact that it should be : we are all in to drawing\writing\crafting talking retardo rat horsies together.

All it really does is shredding an already tiny fandom in even smaller camps.

I think I’m half hugboxer, half abuser- though the art ideas I want people to draw me are all abuse so far.

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We call that neutral.

I personally am fairly fluid between most boxes, but I’m highly inclined towards abuse, especially when deserved. When abusing smarties the appeal for me is breaking them mentally and making the only emotion they feel be Regret for their actions. Otherwise creative abuse is just really funny :moyai:

The times I do participate in hugbox activities, I’m mostly just satisfying the monkey part of my brain that sees a small creature and wants to protect and nurture

I enjoy the shock value, weirder the better. Abuse is the easiest for me to draw, but i like hugbox because “CD dont draw hugbox”. My first introduction into the cannon was on fluffybooru, but it all came from an image from the internet where fluffydash riding a skateboard, hits a crack and grinds itself into the pavement. And BOOM the Carniviousduck duck was in business.


I mostly tackle Abuse since I find it easier to write, but I’ll dabble in hugbox on occasion. I find the reminder that good Fluffies exist and the palette cleanser after a herd massacre does enough to keep things fresh and interesting.

All abuse all the time is exhausting.

Both are good and i like alternating between those, because then i dont get bored of one thing.
And besides well worn deserved abuse, its the creativity in what gory ends people can come up with that makes it weirdly enticing.

That they on average have most of the best artists (not to say the abuse artists aren’t great they rock) and generate most of the new content here they keep this place alive for the rest of us. Abuse is held up by like ten people, duct tape and necro bumping old posts by newbies who just discovered a long gone artist and has to comment on EVERY piece of art they did, it can be annoying but it’s also nice to see an old classic without having to dig for it