Questions for questions by (that1hugboxer)

The documents and concepts referenced in this story are taken from Hasbiotaur parts 1 through 4 by (that1hugboxer)

Hasbio official product line the siren series by (that1hugboxer),

[Redacted] report 1 through 3 by (that1hugboxer)

For full context on the significance of what is discussed. Read the following stories

Geiswell acres by (that1hugboxer)

Beneath Geiswell acres by (that1hugboxer)

There is no Geiswell acres by (that1hugboxer)

[Redacted] report 1 by (that1hugboxer)

The sons of 64 by (that1hugboxer)

The Klondike special by (that1hugboxer)

Guys night by (that1hugboxer)

G.I Hell gremlin by (that1hugboxer)

Ouida’s looking glass by (that1hugboxer)

More than meets the eye by (that1hugboxer)

[Redacted] report 2 by (that1hugboxer)

The hounds of ??? by (that1hugboxer)

The man named Skip (that1hugboxer)

Back in the skillet by(that1hugboxer)

To gaze upon them by (that1hugboxer)

Master of the Hounds by(that1hugboxer)

[Redacted] report 3 by(that1hugboxer)

Ms Lindberg by (That1hugboxer)

Operation shattered mirror by (that1hugboxer)

This story is a direct continuation of Out of this world by (that1hugboxer)

You are Joey.

Upon arriving at Vanderholt farm you are greeted by a light skinned man with curly salt and pepper hair, a clean shaven face with a cleft chin and brown eyes.

The man was dressed in a white tank top,olive drab cargo pants held up by a para cord belt and suspenders, a pair of l combat boots that almost resembled clown shoes in size and a red sweat band around his forehead.

He couldn’t he couldn’t have been over 5”3 and if not for his weathered face and large shrek like hands you could be forgiven for thinking he was around 12 years old at a passing glance.

You recognize him from camp Maureen.

“Hello mr Drogat.”

Mr Drogat gave a warm, smile.

“Please Ms Portnoy I’ve told you before, call me Drogat…just Drogat.”

“Right ,right… sorry Drogat it’s been quite a day.”

Drogats face becomes more serious.

“That is why I’m here actually.
A little birdie told me you went to Arbor Dale mall today.”

Your body tenses up like when a parent catches you trying to sneak back in the house after breaking curfew on a school night.

“Don’t fret Ms Portnoy you aren’t in trouble, I simply need some information on what happened to you. And if you cooperate I will give you some information pertaining to your field of research. “

You agree to his request and you are escorted to the main house on the farm.

You both sit at the dining room table.

Drogat asks you to make a promise before the two of you exchange information.

“No matter what we discuss here today, I need you to give me your word that you will not treat myself nor the others at camp Maureen as lesser beings .”

“Alright Drogat.”

Drogat looks at you with dissatisfaction.

“I need you to take this with the utmost seriousness. Look me in the eyes and promise.”

You look Drogat in the eyes.

“I Josephine Louise Portnoy known also by the Hebrew name Chadassah, do promise Armin Drogat and all the residents of camp Maureen that no matter what information is revealed to me today I shall maintain to treat them no differently than before the information was disclosed.”

Drogat takes a sigh of relief.

“Thank you Ms Portnoy. Let us begin.”

You begin explaining what you saw in as much detail as possible. When you mention the woman’s fluffy like horn Drogat stops you for a moment.

“Sounds like a Siren fluffy… but I’ve never heard of one being so nearly indistinguishable from a human before.”

You look at him confused.

“I’m sorry did you say siren fluffy?”

Drogat looks at you as if you have three heads before his expression changes to one of realization, like he overlooked or forgotten an obvious detail.

“Oh right, you’re not a local.”

Drogat explains that Harper valley and by extension most of Texas is used as a test market for upcoming fluffy subspecies not yet on the market.

“A siren fluffy is as the name suggests,a subspecies of fluffy engineered to lure fluffies back to a certain location usually the owner of the siren. They have more human characteristics and thus can disguise themselves as humans for that purpose. Usually the upper torso and head are human with the exception of horns, wings and the hair being more like a fluffy mane .

The lower body is likely a satyr with fluffy hooves and a tail.”

You are at a loss for words.

“Ms Portnoy please continue with your account.”

You recompose yourself and explain about the incident behind the curtain , how you caught a glimpse of the 450 foot tall statue in the darkness.

Drogat requests that one of his men bring in several envelopes.

Drogat pulls a few photos from one of the envelopes.

“Did it happen to look like this?”

You look at the photo and your heart skips a beat. There immortalized in physical photography was the statue you saw in the darkness.

You begin wringing your hands in distress.

“Out of my domain, outta my domain, holy shit, is this outta my domain!”

Drogat puts the pictures away.

You look at him wanting for an explanation on what that thing was.

“Ms Portnoy I wish I could give you a concrete answer. But the only thing we know about it is that there’s more than one of them.”

Drogat rolls out a map of the United States on the table.

“There’s 40 in Texas, 16 in Wyoming and the highest concentration of them occupying a single area is Ohio . Cleveland alone has 9 of those statues under the now defunct skettie land amusement park, with an estimated 56 additional statues spread across Ohio.”

You can’t believe what you are hearing.

“With all due respect Drogat as monumental as this information is.
How does this relate to my research? I study the impact of fluffies on the environment.”

Drogat places an overlay on top of the map.

You look at it confused as it seems to be hundreds upon hundreds of tiny dots and a system of underground tunnels.

“Drogat I’m not following.”

“Ms Portnoy fluffies breed fast but have no ability to fend off predators, these creatures are more likely to cry themselves to death from exhaustion than look for food and shelter.

How did several herds numbering in the thousands managed to cross the United States on foot when these creatures can’t even handle the heat of a sidewalk much less scorching asphalt ? “

Drogat points to the small dots on the overlay .

“Each one of these dots are individual exit/ entrances points to the underground tunnel system.
There’s one at Arbor Dale mall, one at Geiswell acres , camp Maureen has three and this farm has one. Not to mention the several hundred others located around Texas. There’s an estimated twenty thousand of these across the United States. Covered by abandoned buildings or simply camouflaged by objects in the environment. Fluffies are released into the towns , cities and landscape through these hidden entrances by Hasbio on a very regular basis.”

You look at Drogat.

“How do you know all of this?!”

Drogat hands you a pair of folders one labeled [Hasbiotaur] and the other labeled [REDACTED] report.

You read over them both in horror as the true scope of Hasbio’s madness and depravity are revealed to you.

“Drogat… me knowing All of this is makes myself and everyone associated with me a target .”

Drogat puts his hand on your shoulder.

“The moment you stepped into the abandoned Arbor Dale mall you became a target. I figured you may as well know the reason why.”

You work up the nerve to ask the biggest question on your mind.

“Drogat… yourself and everyone at camp Maureen…. Are human biotoys?”

Drogat sighs.

“We’ve exchanged a lot of information today… the disclosure of which hinged on the promise you made at the beginning . I have held up my end, please be a woman of your word Ms Portnoy.”

Your heart sinks as you realize the promise at the beginning was far more literal than you originally perceived it.

“Drogat please forget my previous question.”

You swear you see a single tear run down Drogats face.

“Thank you Ms Portnoy. That makes this next part much simpler.”

Drogat calls in a woman dressed in business attire. White long sleeve blouse a baby blue dress coat with matching skirt, below which were a pair pantyhose and a pair of white penny loafers . Around Average height not quite petite not quite husky, aside from slightly lanky arms and legs everything about her was just average. That’s not to say she was unattractive just plain.

Her hair was straight, brown and pulled into a bun. She wore no makeup but her face was clean and well maintained. Narrow brown eyes that were neither invitingly warm nor uninvitingly cold.

The only thing that was of any note was some freckles across her nose and cheeks.

Drogat introduces you to her.

“Josephine Portnoy meet Jill Jackson. I am assigning her as your bodyguard/assistant . Her secondary duty is to keep you and your research team out of trouble.”

You stare blankly at Drogat.

“After everything that was revealed to me today you expect me to just continue my research like nothing is wrong?”

Jill begins to speak in a bubbly Midwestern accent.

“ Oh Ms Portnoy . I would highly suggest thatcha do. The less suspich the better when dealing with those nasty folk at Hasbio.”

You are caught off guard by the sweetness in her voice.

“What would you suggest I do then?”

Jill’s face lights up as if she’s been preparing for this moment.

“If I had my druthers we’d swing by the pub for a burger and some brewskis don’tcha know!”

You chuckle.

“Not what I meant,but I like that idea. Just make sure I don’t have more than two beers. I have work tomorrow at 7am.”

Jill claps her hands excitedly.

“Don’t worry Ms Portnoy you won’t be gettin schnookered on my watch!”

Drogat looks at Jill.

“That goes for you too ms Jackson!”

Jill puffs out her cheeks with a “hmf”

“Jeez Drogat yer such a cottonheaded ninnymuggins ! You honestly think I’d be drinkin anything other than pop on the clock?”

Drogat lets out a hardy laugh.

“Hopefully not Ms Jackson. Hopefully not.”

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Never mind that, three beers in, Joey turns into a flirt. XD

Stevie knows Mummah likes other mummahs. Watch him try to set Joey up with Jill in his goofy little scatterbrained way.

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“Buh mummah. Jiww am nice wady . Jiww make puppy chow fo seebie .”

Puppy chow :Chex cereal mixed with melted peanut butter and chocolate, all of which is then coated in powdered sugar

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I spent my teenage years reading a lot of hp lovecraft and listened to a lot of spookie “park ranger ” stories on YouTube . Why did I bring this up? Because the cosmic horror isn’t going away anytime soon in my stories

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That’s ok with me. :+1: I’ve spent plenty of time hanging around the horror side of things.

Lol, Stevie trying to convince Mummah and Miss Jiwwy, completely separately, that they were supposed to meet at the most romantic spot in the world, McDonald’s.

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I need that flask for my Muse of Deadlines cosplay.