Quicksilver’s return by (that1hugboxer)

This is a companion piece to “my sweet Odis” by (that1hugboxer)

It has been about a week since the incident with quicksilver.

Things have mostly gone back to normal or as “normal” as. Things can get at a fluffy daycare.

You spend your days doing your best to keep fluffy altercations from getting out of hand.

Despite how terrible fluffies can be, The riot helmet visor on your chest mounted baby carrier has held up and prevented Odis from taking physical injury.

If it were safe to leave Odis at home you would.

Unfortunately it’s just not possible to do so

The jealousy that the other daycare fluffies held towards Odis was now undeniable.

The regulars at the center knew better than to act on those feelings, atlas made sure of that.

Then one day it happened. Quicksilver was once again attending the daycare.

Apparently the mummy incident had made him rethink his desire to be a pharaoh.

Or so you thought.

While it had scared him , it was obvious that the lesson had not stuck as well as you had hoped.

The cardboard throne was still very much a thing only this time it was being carried by a gaggle of what appeared to be micro fluffies zip tied to the bottom of the throne itself.

You grimace as the poor creatures try desperately to move forward only to make minimal progress.

Even the other daycare workers who generally didn’t care one way or another other about fluffies , had to admit quicksilver’s owner was a piece of shit for enabling this behavior.

For the first time you feel genuine hatred towards a fluffy, you want it to not just suffer but to suffer slowly.

The daycare’s punishment policy prohibited you from directly harming fluffies this was in place due to the possibility of being sued for damaged property.

The most you could do was put them in the sorry box.

But there was a caveat.

The punishment policy did not specify what qualifies as a sorry box.

The unspoken rule was that the loophole could only be used if the fluffy in question was endangering the lives of other daycare attendees.

You check the attendance sheet and notice that the micro fluffies are listed but quicksilver is not.

It seems that the owner had in an attempt to be funny put “pharoah”

The gears in your head began putting together a plan

You inform your coworkers of this “unfortunate” oversight

Essentially quicksilver was a no pay drop off

No pay no stay

You tell quicksilver that he can’t stay
Because his daddy didn’t pay

“I’m afraid we will have to put you in the parking lot away from all the toy’s and other fluffies”

Quicksilver begs and pleads

“Nu wan nu wan! Hu hu!”

“Pweas wet fwuffy stay !Fwuffy nu wan be outsidie!”

“Kwiksiwva wan stay inside !”

“And where do you plan to stay “inside” ?”

“Sowy box! qwiksiwva wan sowy box!”

You let out a grin

“Ok if you really want the sorry box then ill put you in the sorry box”

“Tank u”

You grab quicksilver by the mane and “escort” him to the “sorry box”

The “sorry box” for him was an upside down milk crate stacked on top of a right side up milk crate and zip tied together. Too small to lay down and too small to sit.

The only thing quicksilver could do was stand up forced to watch as I freed the micro fluffies from the cardboard throne

“Nu fawe am kwiksiwva swaveis”

You put the micro fluffies in a hamster cage meant for housing micros at the daycare
(You will just tell the owner that they died from exhaustion)

You turn your attention to quicksilver

You grab the milk crate prison and take it to the door leading to the parking lot

“Buh u say qwiksiwva stay insidei ?!”

“I said you could stay inside the sorry box”

“U twik qwiksiwva!”

“ I know it’s cold so I brought something to keep you from freezing”

You place a warm blanket over the milk crate prison ensuring the fluffy won’t freeze but also that he can’t see anything .

“You have a good 6 hours until pick up time”

You place him right beside the door and walk away

“Daddie hewp! nu wike! nu wike!”

Quicksilver’s anguished calls for help went unanswered

You had no plans to tell his owner about the attendance sheet error

You figured he’d realize the mistake eventually but in the event he didn’t

There was always the “parking lot”


I can’t find the original appearance of Quicksilver. Help?