Quien quiere jugar? Patre 14 (5/14) (Bad_Roomie)


Casi puedo oír el sonido de este imán ovalado, tan característico y divertido.


I dont speak spanish but i do speak this language! Also those nails look like golf tees…maybe babbeh can help daddeh with driving practice


i hate this stupid ass owner

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Magnets, eh? Interesting…


This is the Momma’s fault. She could have taken the beatings and protected her babbehs. Instead she decided to gamble the punishments so she wouldn’t get hurt and is constantly losing.


this motherfucking shit sucked

Take your crusade back to Reddit


Goat owner!

Chirpie special-lumps abuse, Dr. @Foxhoarder

(M - Mummah O - Owner)
O: Stupid shit! It is well deserved that every second of your existence will be pure agony
O: Mission accomplished! Now little ones can go with theur mom!!
M: Babbehs? Pwease make chiwps! Nu hab mowe huwties mumma hewe! Mowies? Soundies? Fow bestest mummah? buhuuhuu Mumma sowwy babbehs!!
O: Oh, those little ones look very happy…for now… Separate little alicorn, maybe it will be useful for something else.
O: And now roll the dice darling, let’s see how many hurties your little rats will have to endure
M: Nuuu! Mummah wan hab wast babbehs pwease!!!
O: Ugh! Just throw damn it!
O:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! As soon as I turned them upside down they started crying, I didnt know it bothered them so much! It seems that from birth they have the instinct to scream sor anything … they are sure to call their mother for protection
If only they knew how useless she is, she would surely abandon them before facing danger for them.
O: I want to get get creative with this one, let’s see if a mgnet can hurt it.
O: Oh! A complete succcess! Don’t cry little things! You should still reserve tear for what is to come!
M: Nuuuu!! Nu wowy babbehs!! Mummah hewe!! Mumma gib huggies an wuv!! Nu mow bad soundies!!
O: No, no, this is far from over. You can have them after their punishment
M: NUUUUUUU!!! Babbehs hab huwties an’ saddie wawas!! Nee huggies fwom mummah pwease!!!
O: Damn they just don’t stop crying! To feel that your cry it’s useless must be really a sinking feeling. It’s supose that when you cry you get milk and hugs from your mom… You sure don’t get why she don’t come and get you to comfort you. Well, let’s make it even more terrible! I’ll take away your only way for asking help!! You’re gonna want to cry louder to get your Mom’s attention!
O: BUT NO! YOU DON’T EVEN GET TO HAVE THAT!!! You will suffer what it’s coming without the satisfaction to express your pain!
M: Nuuuu daddeh nuuuu!!! Babbehs nee talkies!!! To teww mummah am bestes mummah!!