Quien quiere jugar? Patre 8 (3/5) (Bad_Roomie)


Panel 1
Owner: Since you arrived all you did was demand!
You should be thankful that I took you away from the streets!
So shut your mouth and stop yapping!

Panel 2
Mom: Dummeh dadde say mummah can pway fow hab fingies!
Bestest mummah wan outsies! Nu mow dummeh boxie fow mummah an’ babbehs!
Mummah pway fow nu hab boxie ebah 'gain!

Panel 3
Owner: Oh you are so decided! I’ll get some things to prepare the game.
Green: Nuuu! Mummah!!! Daddeh wiww gib huwties tu babbehs!
Blue: Nuuu huuu nu wan huwties!!
Mom: Siwence! Mummah win gamesies an’ babbehs nebah hab boxie!

Panel 4
Owner: To begin with everyone can leave.
Mom: Mummah wan pway easy gamesie! Fow win an babbehs nu hab huwties! Pwease daddeh?
Purple: huu huwties…
Blue: Fank yu daddeh! Bwue wub daddeh!
Green: Weee! Babbeh wub outsies! Am fastest fwuffy!!!

Panel 5
Owner: I honestly don’t want to see you and your rats shitting all over my house, so it won’t be easy.
I’ll run the cards, when you say “enough” I’ll stop. If you get an Ace you win, got it?
Mom: Wad am ace?
Owner: I’ll tell you when it appears, ok?
Mom: Otay daddeh!

Purple: Mummah? Babbeh nee’ miwkies an’ wub huu
Blue: Mummah! Uppies pwease!
Green: Fwuffy wub wunnin’!!

Panel 6
Mom: NU! Dummeh ugwy babbeh nu desewb uppies! Hab huwties munstah babbeh!
Blue: Mummah! Uppies! Fwuffy wan ?adibitas?!!
Green: coo Mummah am su softies!! Wub gib huggies fow mummah!

Panel 7
Mom: Damned dumbass!! The only one who can hand out punishments is ME!
Purple: huuuuu mummah nu wub babbeh!!
Blue: Peep! Daddeh huwt mummah!
Green: Peeep! Su scawy!! Babbeh hab scawedies!!!

Panel 8
Owner: Come here dumbasses! I need to get you ready.
Mom: Skreee!! Nu mow! Nu mow huwties!!
Purple: Bad uppies! Hewp mummah! Sabe babbeh!!
Green: Daddeh gib huwties tu mummah! Wun!!
Blue: Hewp bwuddah! Babbeh hab huwties! Nu can wun!!

Panel 9
Blue: huu Daddeh! Nu gib huwties to babbeh!
Wet weggies go pwease huuu
Nu wike huuuhuuuu
Owner: Perfect! Completely immobilized.

Panel 10
Mom: Nu daddeh!! Babbehs hab huwties an’ saddies!! Wet babbehs go nao pwease!!
Purple: Nuuu! Nu wike!
Blue: Wet babbeh go!
Green: Am onwy widdow babbeh! Wet weggies go!