Quien quiere jugar? Patre 9 (8/13) (Bad_Roomie)


Why are these getting posted again?

-Panel 1-
Owner: Ugh! What a disaster! How is it possible that a mother does this with her own son? I think that’s enough, these fluffies are despisable!

-Panel 2-
Mummah: SCREEEEE!! SCREEEEE!! Dummeh babbeh gib wowstest scawies tu bestest mummah!! Mummah nu wike stoopi ugwy babbehs! Wan bestest babbehs!!

-Panel 3-
Mummah: Mummah nee’ sweepes fow feew bettah! Pwetty pwace wook wike nestie fow mummah tee-hee!

-Panel 4-
Mummah: Bestest nestie fow bestest mummah! Mummah wan beawtifuw pwetty babbehs! Babbehs… zzzz…

-Panel 5-
Yellow Dream Baby: Babbeh wub bestest mummah!
Pink Dream Baby: Tee-hee! Am bestest spwowin’ babbeh!

-Panel 6-
Mummah: Gasp! Bestest dweamies ebbah! Mummah wub dweamies wif pwetty babbehs!

-Panel 7-
Mummah: Tummeh babbehs am gud babbehs? Hewwo pwetty babbehs! Mummah wub yu!
Nee’ hab bestest nummies fow tummeh babbehs!! Wiww be bestest mummah ebah!

-Panel 8-
Mummah: Daddeh! Daddeh! Mummah wan bestest sketties fow bestest babbehs!

-Panel 9-
Owner: And now what’s up with you? First you say you hate your babies and now you want to feed them? You really are weird, but okay, you know the rules of the house.

Mummah: Dummeh daddeh tawkies tu much! Gib sketties NAO!

-Panel 10-
Owner: I’ll give you an easy one, if you get a number from 4 to 6 I’ll give you your spaghetti. If you get from 1 to 3 I’ll take away the last leg off one of your babies. You have 2 attempts.

Mummah: Huuu mummah wan sketties wifou’ dummeh daddeh gamesies!


Needs more ouchies and a sprinkle of eye gouging or skinning or something

His work is playing Internet poker.