R&D Bowl fluffy pond by shadowraiden23

So since the the lab has gotten a few bowl fluffys and winter it comming which is rare to even find them - walking into the newly built forest area of th labs - i’:e decided to work on this my self - clears throat - item 99 bowl fluff pond is well a artificial pond thankfully isn’t to deep for normal fluffys to drown - walling past the pond with a couple of colored bowl fluffys relaxing afloat with some of their foals enjoying themselfs - the spond can deep made as deep as ya want for natural look up since we’re in a lab i had to make adjustments and well they love it now as for the reason behind this well one researcher fell in love with them when they came in and … cause hasbio had lost all development rights due to their faulty item … to many lawsuits and now they outsource their entire research … well item wise … they still hold the rights to engineer the biotoys we just take them and give the good ones shelter - turns and leaves the area - and as for the other bad fluffys … we stuck’em on the roof to freeze to death