R&D Funding Proposal: Parasitoid Wasp Mutualism (TG_89)

Being 1/2 of the second, it’s us, easily.


I’m always happy to hear other people’s ideas, saves me having to come up with worthwhile stuff to discuss

I wasn’t actively thinking about it when I did the first one, but since someone commented with the Mario essay I’ve been leaning into it



no, I think it’s really interesting, but there is a huge dilema with environmental issues (can we ensure that the pheromone targeted are exclusiv to fluffies) but it may remain useless on the long, fluffies may become resistant : the onê producing less or no pheromon being able to grow and inducing resistant population to this type of wasp. Else, how do you keep the domestic fluffies safe ?

Haha, total “whut?” response from reading that. The Ian Malcolm reference was hilarious.

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Having at least someone to represent our demographic & perspective would seem advisable: the above project is a good example of how alien Abuser sensibilities can be to those without. & actually being invested in what one is researching is not invariably disadvantageous to research. Of course, we should not be the only one: for one thing, Abusers, in-universe, would tend to be rotten people.

This proposal sounds like something that might be taken up again by the Hasbio™ marketing department, who, of course, know better than some nerd hippie environmentalist, & end up with infested human infants.

What an amazing idea, ColourLine doesn’t know what it’s losing.

Now I’ll have to make holes in fluffies without it requiring swarms of insects.



Well i’ll message you the idea

damn i am loving this series xD

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Red text guy is officially my favorite character in any fluffy headcanon.

Seriously, I’m all for Fluffy Crowd Control, but this is cruel and unusual even by professional standards.