r/fluffycommunity - Pablo and craig (pt. 2) (by muffin)



I want these two to have the best life, let them adopt their own little baby.


you wantin fluffies to have the best? gasp

but i agree entirely


They had better adopt soon, before the fluffy Republicans outlaw it.


Turns out I have a soft spot for gay fluffies, who would’ve guessed.


its good to see the owner cares about the fluffy but 500 Dollers. like get over you sons boy crush and get him interested in mares.

Fuck you too

Hey fuck you

Sorry, I honestly do not understand what this flagged comment means. @Catsna

‘get him interested in mares’ i believe is the catylist of this, since Pablo is gay, ya cant quite force that

Argument from my own headcanon;

That’s not always an easy proposition.
Sure, fluffies are pretty programmable, but they’re specifically built to Love.
If they are told that they can’t love the special friend they’ve chosen, you’re liable to break their programming completely.

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theres always AI, get a fluffy to use an enfie toy at least once and there ya go

AI makes good money since it has a higher chance of babies, hell you can even sex semen so you can either get more prized studs or mares, you can charge more for sexed semen

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so… lets put this into different terms
You have a son and someone offers you 500 bucks to have him date a girl but your son is gay
what are you doing?

In that case the human son would be the decider and should get the money because humans have autonomy fluffies don’t, and if I was the son, I’d say “define date”.