Racecar and Friends by RainbowRottie


I drew this for @Stwumpo of Racecar and some sluggy fwends. I thought it would be fun if Racecar’s daddy had accidentally found a banana slug while collecting the garden variety. Depending on where they live, they can be an invasive species. They get huge and can live for seven years, so Racecar can have one sluggy most of his life.

Racecar didn’t really like his new friends that much, except for the one who grew really big! His daddy said it’s name was banana. Banana was his bestest friend! “Huuhuu, Nanna, pweese nu dwy owt!” He cried. The sun had moved and the shade of the tree daddy put them under moved away. He might be a bad fluffy, he didn’t care that the other sluggies dried up like hard boogers and fell off him. But he didn’t want Banana to go forever sleepies! “Daddeh, Daddeh! Hewp! Nanna nee Wawa!” He hated this part.

Daddy had put a special thing on his boxie at home, every so often it misted the air around him with water so the sluggies stayed moist. It made his fluff damp and cold. He would cry and be miserable, but Banana stayed alive and grew really big! Daddy brought a spray bottle when they went outside.

Banana pushed all the other sluggies around. Racecar thought that Banana was nice and pushed the others off his stumpies for him, Banana was really just asserting sluggy dominance. He enjoyed watching Banana eat, but didn’t really like when she crawled all over his face!


Man Racecar is gonna hate when I replace Banana with a box of tiny snails


You can get a good bit of cash for Banana in the pet market. Banana slugs are a favorite invertebrate pet because they’re so huge.

I can’t wait to see how he reacts to snails too.

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