Rage Break (Reddith83r)

After petulant kicking and shoving, a rotund feral fluffy finally succeeded in dislodging the window’s mesh insect barrier. The barrier was a simple rectangular insert held in place by the pressure of the window bearing down on it, sturdy enough in most contexts. It did present enough of a barrier to delay the fluffy for a time, but not long enough. The one who lived at this residence was still away by the time the stray broke into their home.

The fluffy continued through the opening without delay. It was huffing from being physically spent, but its cheeks were puffed up from the indignation of having to work so hard for entry to this “wawm housie”. The fluffy was soon reacquainted with gravity’s machinations, for right after stepping through the basement window, it fell ten feet to the bare concrete floor.

The fluffy immediately broke two legs on the side of its body upon which it landed, and it wailed. Defecation sprayed from its rear and urine arced through the air and splattered on the floor. Its cries echoed in the mostly bare compartment-- the owner of the home seldom had reason to venture into the basement.

Myriad exclamations of “huu huu” defined the expressions of pain and sorrow from the stricken fluffy. The longer its cries went unanswered, the more it voided its bowels. The filth, previously projected outwards, crept closer and closer to the fluffy’s anus until it built into a putrid pile that stained the creatures’ abundant pelt.

In time, the fluffy realized that crying was not going to bring relief or aid. This made it cry and howl for help even more, until its voice grew hoarse and started to crack. Once it was painful for the fluffy to vocalize, that was when it attempted to muster its remaining strength to drag itself along with its two intact limbs.

The agony of disturbing its crippled legs rendered this a short endeavor, however.

Yet still, the desperate intruder sought an escape. Over the course of many hours, the fluffy forced itself along the rough concrete, drawing blood from scrapes and weathering the unending throb of its wounds. This great pain caused the fluffy to lose consciousness multiple times. Each time it blacked out, it loosed a little more of its waste.

This went on long enough for the homeowner to have returned to their abode, and be drawn to the basement by the unbelievable stench wafting up from the space in the doorframe. Something surely must have died down there!

But alas, they found a disgusting fluffy pony, the sum of all its nastiness, and the displaced window mesh.

“Oh, I don’t fucking need this right now!” screamed the beleaguered person. The stress in their voice woke the fluffy from its delirious, pain-induced stupor.

“HEWP FWUFFY! FWUFFY NEE’ HEWP! FWUFFY HUWT!” croaked the desperate creature, still enwrapped by its selfish needs that drove it into its current predicament.

The fluffy yelped when the person took the fluffy by its two good limbs and violently jerked their wrists. The fluffy’s shoulder and hip simultaneously released a cracking noise that told of the failure of bone, ligaments and tendons. The fluffy vomited, its screams lost in the semi-solid sludge spewing from its throat. The home owner then dropped the fluffy into its own mess before stomping on its back.



The third landed on the back of its soft head, and flattened it.

The stray’s eyes bulged from its sockets, and dribbled loose. From its dangling nerve clusters, blood trickled, although it was difficult to discern from the rest of the viscera.

After the cleaning that was required in the aftermath of this incident, that basement window is kept shut from now on, and a fan and dehumidifier maintains the air quality down where the homeowner rarely ventures.


I am truly impressed by the patheticness of fluffies. It broke into someone’s house then screamed for help? It really emphasizes that they aren’t real animals with any concept of surviving on their own.


Doubt you could expect a child to know about private property if nobody ever taught them. Much less expect them to not cry and beg for help if they get hurt, regardless of if it happened while misbehaving.

Fluffies have the same mental capacity, usually.

For someone who supposedly likes sadbox, you kind of lack empathy.


Go back to reddit


you shouldn’t have empathy for this level of incompetence, it didn’t try to hide or run away or find food/water until it lost its ability to vocalize, probably because of fluffies’ dependence on humans.

This fluffy is too dumb to survive outside of a saferoom (unlike some other fluffies who get by unless they face great danger like a human), it was doomed to die from the moment it was born.


I like this, but you really need to simplify your prose. Make it more concise.


Opposite take, I really like your writing style. Very descriptive and immersive for a very simple story. I’d like to see more like this.

Though Doku is obviously not wrong in their personal taste, so if you follow their advice I’ll still read your stories :hugs: good stuff here


He… He broke his legs from the fall. How was he supposed to run away?

Again, we ain’t talking about a grown man here.

But an animal with the mind of a child. What do children do when they get hurt? Rationally think about how this is karma for their misdeeds and push through the pain of two broken limbs and go on?

Or they cry their hearts out because they are in excruciating pain?

When one of my cats broke her leg from a fall caused by a dog startling her, I can assure you she didn’t just trot back home like nothing happened. And that’s talking about an animal with superior survival instincts, mobility and natural defenses.

I mean, do you seriously expect all fluffies to be basically Rambos? I get that there’s more than a fair share of tougher, more clever fluffies out here, but hot damn, try to analyze the situation at hand.


Please go sit in a sorry box, and beat yourself in the head repeatedly with a sorry stick. Take your MAGA bullshit to another site. I hear Parler is the bomb for people like you…


Oh one more thing - you’re gonna have a real bad time on a site like this. Shallow minded ass.

PS - turn off your Fox and read. There are multiple cases where XXY, XYY, and other combinations turn up. Try not to use the word “science” until you’ve fucking learned some.


I am not getting into this mess, you do you boo, believe what you want, not my business.

However, the thing is the whether the homeowner is a woman, a man, a martian or three raccoons wearing a longcoat, that’s unimportant to the story itself. You don’t need to know who this mysterious person is. Just that they are an abuser.


@Bob1 Please refrain from screaming about Trump or whatever other obnoxious American politics on FC. Thanks.



I know this is hella late, but I love how you swallowed his bait and then sat in the catch bucket yelling for more

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I would, in that situation. But then, I live in a country where my involuntary host would call an ambulance, rather than shoot me :wink:

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