Rainbow Wonders by Lovely_Ivy

All content and likenesses in this creation are works of pure fiction. Any similarities to any persons living, dead, or imaginary, except for satirical purposes, are coincidental.

Now on to the Story~

there was a small store called “Rainbow Wonders.” It was a magical place that sold pride merchandise all times of the year.

Inside of Rainbow Wonders was a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions.
As people and fluffies alike stepped in, the first thing that caught their eye was the wall of ivy and colorful candy flowers, a yummy treat for every purchase one makes.

The windchimes blew gently from the ceiling, creating a melody that carried though the entire store.

Beneath the hanging windchimes, shelves and racks were meticulously organized with rainbiw merchandise.

There were blankets and fluffy beds for sale that were self warming and warm to the touch, different flavors of handmade and packaged kibble that were sweet and creamy fruit flavors like Banna cream spilt, creamy strawberry heart, peach & creame swirl.

Pink Booths with pristine tables that sparkled under the warm lights, and handcrafted jewelry.

the occasional sound of a bell as another customer walked inside found smelling The scent of coffee from the small cafe mingled with the fragrance of creamy desserts, creating an atmosphere that was both invigorating and comforting.

It was a fantastic establishment that sold pride-related items for owners and fluffies alike.

The owner, James was a kind-hearted individual who had opened Rainbow Wonders after their own journey of self-discovery.

They wanted to create a space where kind people & Fluffies could find comfort in being themselves.

One summer evening, as the city was gearing up for the annual Pride parade, the store was bustling with customers and their fluffies. Laughter and babbles filled the air, and the walls echoed with stories of triumph and courage.

James held his phone against his shoulder pressing it up to his ear "Yeah I think this is going to be the best year outta of them all Martha"James said.

On the phone Martha " I’m so proud of you James, I would like to come up there with Jilly, but I’m just swamped with work there got doing doubles shifts at the fluffy hospital" Martha said.

“I know Martha its fine just as you and Jilly come to down for the beach event next month” James said while carrying a brown box to the nursery room.

Martha said “we be there, I’ll let you go I’m sure your busy”

“Tell Jilly I said hi” James said

“Will do bye-bye” Martha said as she hang up


James open the box seeing the only sold here batch of Rainbow foals with tufts of their black & white tails and manes coming in.

None of them opened their eyes yet as he sat them down babbling “milkies” “Milkies?” As he hooked the extra Nutrient-rich sweet fluffy milk to the nipples.

A chubby brown fluffy walked through the door fluffy flap seeing wires plugged in.
SKETTIES the brown said as no other thought was processed.

Suddenly, amidst the joy, a faint smell of smoke wafted through the store.

James quickly scanned the room to find the source.

To his horror, He saw a small fire had started in the corner of the store, caused by a chubby brown fluffy chewing on a faulty wire that had sparked against a stack of rainbow scarves.

Without a moment’s hesitation, James sprang into action, directing the customers to safety and grabbing the fire extinguisher.

The vibrant scarves, once symbols of pride and joy, were now fueling the flames, threatening to engulf the store in fire.

Jamie fought bravely, dousing the fire with determination and a heart pounding with adrenaline.

As you could hear Scrrrrrrreeeeee as white creamy foam covered the brown fluffy,
Huhu nu give creamies.

when James stopped and he picked the brown fluffy, threw the brown fluffy into a cold metal cage as he finished cleaning the mess the brown bottom feeder caused.

All you could hear was tiny sniffles and pwease nu wock samuew in metaw boxie

Written by Lovely Ivy

What will happen to the fat Brown fluffy?

What about in store for the Rainbow little foals?


In a perfect world?

War crimes.

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Moved to text self posting for lack of image

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