Rare Amongst Its Kind: Part 2 (AMPathy05)

The black foal looked on as his mother fed his magenta sister to her fill while the rest of his technicolor siblings had to share the rest of the milk.

Great. As always, he is the last to get fed. IF he gets fed at all. And his father is always out busy finding food for his herd. Not noticing the sheer favoritism.

The black foal is unlike his siblings, especially his spoiled “bestest” sister. He quickly realized that he is the least cared for, all because of his inferior fur color.

He looked down to his body, showing a bit of bone through his still developing fluff. He has two choices to make. Wait and hope for his bitch of a mother to feed him, which she might most likely won’t. Or, find some food for himself.

He chose the latter.

Sure, he might die to a footstep of a random passerby… or a particularly spiteful abuser, be eaten by a stray, or even be stomped on by another feral fluffy. But at least he will die trying than lay down and hope for the best.

Trudging on in his weakened body, he wanders. But not too far from his family nest. He want to at least find safety in numbers with some familiar faces.

On a sidewalk nearby, he notices a pizza crust laying on the concrete. As the towering humans walking past it. Would he risk it though? To be step and stomped on for a piece of discared bread?

…he has to.

He stumbled forth towards the crust as he bites down and tries to drag it back to under the dumpster for safety. Luckily, it was thin crust. So even a malnourished tiny foal like him could manage.

It was taxing though. But it was damn worth it. The crust was stale though. He noticed it the moment he put his mouth on it. So what can he do with his soft and weak teeth. He began to suck on the edge of the crust. As if it was a hoof for… well… he IS a baby after all. And thanks to his saliva, the morsel was soft enough to bite through.

This process of his continued until he eats his fill. It isn’t milkies, but it was still nourishment after being left to starve. Being full for the day, he walks back to his nest.

And of course, his mother was too busy coddling her bestest baby to even notice him gone. But that doesn’t mean NOBODY noticed him.

“Ey.” Said his sister who a yellow pegasus. “Whewe did bwuddah go?”

“…spwowing.” The black foal replies.

“Poopies.” Glares his sister. “Bwuddah fouwd nummies, did ou?”

The yellow sister is an agressive little thing. Mostly due to the growing resentment towards her dummy parents and her spoiled sister. That doesn’t mean she is as easy to fool like her dimmer green brother.

The black foal sighs, “Yea.”

“Nu wike waiwas, bwuddah.” Said his sister. “Ou shouddah towd bwue toughie bwuddah, or sissie or dummeh gween bwuddah.”

Are they… NOT sharing the same sentiments towards him like her mother and Besest Baby?

“Bwuddah dawht nubody wikes bwack bwudddah.” He admitted.

That was when she bops him across the face.

“Dummeh!” Shouts his yellow sister. “Bwuddah am bwuddah!”

He was more surprised than in pain. She CARES about him? An ugly baby? And here he thought he lost hope.

“Dummeh mummah awways gib Bestest Babbeh milkies. Evewywun tummies awways owies. Dummeh Mummah nu cares.” Huffs his sister.


“Next twime… ask yur sissie and bwuddahs to hewp fiwd nummies. We in dis togeddah.”


Well. At least he found allies in this cruel world he was born into.


Definitely longer. There is no real foreshadowing or any indication this story is going anywhere.

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Yea, if it were formatted into paragraphs instead of individual lines it might take up one page in word. I try to keep my stories between 2 or 3 pages.

That said, I would want to caution against hard cut offs. Thinking about how much you have to write per chapter does shape your thinking and how you organize what you are writing.

I’m still curious to see how it goes. Part 1 was a good prologue but Part 2 still lacks the “hook” the shortness does help avoid a major time commitment for individual entries.

Yeah, this will be corrected. Still new to this.

No problem. I write paragraphs in general so don’t take it as me being harsh.