Regular Colors Earthie Fluffies for sale (by: MistahGreyBunny_75)

i mean if they in the streets by truckloads ill assume they are cheap and basically free if you think about it.


Gimme the brown and the blue one.

Brown one has low self esteem and is unlikely to grow and ego and the Blue os already making good poopies at a young age.

Price is fair imo. I find when people make prices for fluffies like 50 cents or below its screams “GET IT!? its cuz fluffies are WORTHLESS”


I agree with this given the concept of supply and demand. Where as before they were released by PETA into the wild. Yeah theyre bio engineered toy/creatures that would be super fucking expensive. But when you have ferals out breeding in herds its just a matter of walking outside finding a foal you want and take it from the streets, while ignoring the mothers cries bitch should have never ran away from home to get knocked up, but when you can just walk out and grab a fluffy off the streets then places that sell them really only have quality as a selling point.


The irregular ones are half-price.


Just so I can kill that lil Wannabe-Shit-Screeeeing smarty, Probably attach some hooks on it so it flays it self​:joy::smiling_imp: Then raise the rest to grow up happy and Hopefully some of’em become Smarty Friends​:face_holding_back_tears:

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Not to mention they’re far less likely to become Smarties or deliberately disobey you.

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I’d totally get the pink and green crying in the corner, the teal one getting bullied, and the cry baby brown!! I believe they all would have a very manageable personality and be good pets.

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