Reincarnations 5 - Store Microfluffies by Shin_Navidad

5. Store Microfluffies
(Idea provided by Wtfman)

“Dadme de tu boquita de lo qhe cohmes, de lo qhe cohmes…”

I feel… weird…have I slept too much? What time is it? Wait, I think I don’t have college for today so sleeping a bit more won’t hurt anybody…

“Dadme de tu boquita de lo qhe cohmes, de lo qhe cohmes…”

Ugh… Who is singing this early in the morning? Can’t they just let other people sleep in peace?

As i open my eyes I realize I must be dreaming. Being inside of some light blue colored cave with lots of giant brown fluffies and a mare singing in what I think its Spanish sounds like a bad joke. What’s happening here? Where is my room?

“Ah? Chiboliwto ya depeto? Ohhhh, así es señow, sigue así, diosito me aiudo a sadvadte pod suedte, sigue dudmiendo si quede chikito…”

It seems the thing is talking to me, oh snap, i wish i studied Spanish more, i swear to god i can’t understand what is that fluffy saying, wait, could fluffies speak about language besides English to begin with?

Hold on that’s not important, what IS going here, i swear i can’t remember what happened yesterday for me to be…


I-I think i can remember something.

Yesterday i was at the FluffyMart store to buy some meds for my brother’s fluffy herd he kept in our yard.

Those were cute little things, so soft and innocently dumb, oh how much I wanted to own one for myself, that’s why i promised to him that his sister would take care of them until i have proven that i was a good owner!

Which is why I was at the store yesterday, that’s all i remember, talking to the receptionist about the price and taking my leave when…when…


T-that t-thing… t-the r-red t-thing appeared o-out of nowhere and…a-and…i-it slashed a-at my c-chest and…

I couldn’t handle it, before i knew the memories where flowing back, that thing, that thing was in the store and…


No, no, no this must be a dream, it must be a dream! I must be at home with mom and my big bro, I must wake up, I must wake up! This must be a dream!

“Oe, estad bien?! Chuboliwto?! Oe!”

It cannot be, i must be alive, that red jellenheimer is a fairy tale, it must be a bad dream, i must be imagining things! It cannot be real!

“Oe, pada de llodad, chiboliwto! Qhe pasa?!”

The blood… my ribcage separating from my torso, the pain… It should be a dream, it cannot be otherwise! Mom! Mom! Where’s my mom?! Help! I can’t, I can’t, it’s just a bad dream, it’s a dream! Someone help, Help!

Before i knew i felt a hug trying to keep me from breaking down more.

“Schhhh, schhhh, schhhh, vamo’ pequeñito, ya pasada, tu mami no te apladtada, schhh, estad bien ahora, estad bien, estad bien…”

I could not understand him, it’s impossible to decipher what she is trying to tell me. And yet, regardless of what this mare is saying, i can feel that she doesn’t want my tears…

But the pain, i can still remember, a part of me being torn open by that… thing… I can almost feel it, i saw my innards being spilled in the floor. I could not handle all the blood and suffering and went into immediate shock… It cannot be… No dream can feel that real, is impossible and yet if that memory is true then its even worse…

“Schhhh, schhhh, schhhh, ya pasada, ya pasada…”

It must be a dream… please…

As i calm down a bit after the heartfelt hug i notice a few things…

Why am i in this weird cave with so many other brown fluffies and why are my hands like of a brown fluffy too?

My hands? Am i-

The realization hit me, i was a fluffy too…

With a slightly more clear mind i could understand my position. I have become one of those colored horses, like the one from my brother’s yard. It’s insane, it doesn’t make sense, yesterday i was mutilated and today i am a fluffy? What’s the logic in that? I want to believe it’s a dream, a delusion, a lie, but i still clearly remember what i felt and what I saw, it cannot be. This is impossible, it’s ridiculous what just-

“Ya ya chikitin, dedcansa ya… dedcansa… shhh…Tradquiloh…”

What? Is she trying to get me to sleep? To make me feel better?

Yeah… that mare may be right, this must be a dream, it must be a very realistic nightmare but once i wake up i am gonna be late to school like usual, my mom would go to work early as usual and my brother would be sleeping after his night shift…

Thanks good fluffy, this is be all over in the morning…

Another one, another one is thankfully alive. I know in this swarm of weird horses i am but saving a few ones from the enormous total, barely helping the overall picture. And yet, finding soothing hope in these innocent creatures of God brings me peace and redemption.

This one was very weird though, cried a lot after just starting to talk, if i could only understand him perhaps i could try to make him happy and make him feel better.

Each day that i can help more of these small ones fills me with joy and strength, praised be god, rotten vermin will break their teeth in hell after daring to kill newborns for no fault on their own. Every life is a miracle and yet, these rats dare to murder for a simple fur color.

This may be the afterlife or another chance by the Lord, whatever this is, i will stay strong in keeping more of the innocent alive from the claws of the sinners who don’t permit the new life flourish as God intended.

As i was remembering my family and friends in my sleep i was suddenly woken up by a deafening sounds of a pot clanking.

(Clank, clank, clank)

Suddenly, i could listen a stampede of annoying voices passing near us. Dozens of voices repeating sounds of “Skettis” and “Nummies” in different tones mixed happy singings could only mean one thing: Fluffies, loads of them. I remember the yard inhabitants, the herd my brother adopted, always being crazy for the cheap food and losing their minds to taste one, but the swarm that i am hearing is on a whole new level.

In… fact i think i am craving some spaghetti myself…

Following the voices i move my body… of a fluffy… to find the source. I was stunned to see a toy block in my path. Its cubic form was blocking the entrance of this small light blue cave. Perfectly positioned to withstand pressure from the other side and gain resistance if pushed while being easy to move around from this side. I was no scholar, even had low grades in anything but reading comprehension, yet, I knew this improvised entrance is no joke, i could swear i can see a few markings on the side that fits perfectly the small toy to make it a better barricade.

And for what? This must be a dream, but why? Why does this small brown group of fluffies even need an entrance like this to begin with?

“Peda’, en un dato vamo’ addiba y te dademo comidita ya?”

Wow! I did not notice that mare there! If was like she came out of thin air! She is saying something again, ahh if i only gave attention to the Spanish classes perhaps i could understand that mare.

After a while the sounds started going to another place. Then, quickly, the mare moved the cube and started trotting outside, leaving the entrance open.

Where is she going, should i close this or…

No, i must know at least where i am, perhaps find another human to turn me back. Staying here and doing nothing is dumb, i must go and see.

After passing through a series of tunnels i can finally understand where i am, this is a Microfluffy terrarium and the light blue coloration is because of the special material for the small fluffy variant.

How do i know this? Well i took my own fluffy knowledge courses so i could be a responsible owner… when i proved my brother i could take care of his yard herd…

No, think of something else! I must find a way back from this dream!

Alright, after navigating behind the tunnels i can see why the mare waited to this moment, a gigantic swarm of other microfluffies were in middle of the surface forming a ball of fluffies repeating the words “Skettis!” again and again like maniacs. So weird, there’s food on there or what? Am I gonna follow that mare to eat that or…?

Hold on, the mare is ignoring all that and instead going to the kibble dispensers on the side and storing it on her back, like, she’s the only one there, why is she doing that? Can’t she just leave her cave and go to eat whenever she wants?

“Here little guys, take today’s portion like good fluffies!”

What?! A human voice!

As i raise my eyes i can see it, it’s a FluffyMart employee! This microfluff terriarium is in a store! Great, i can talk to that person and make him understand that i am a human!

Raising myself to two legs i begin my pleading, “Hwey! Hwey! I am hoomin! Hwey! Liswen! Hewe!” This is bad, in middle of so many fluffies yelling “Nummies” and “Sketties” in happiness my voice cannot be heard, it’s like i wasn’t there.

Suddenly, as i was yelling trying to get his attention something pushes me back to the ground. The clerk did not notice me but the fluffies around me did.

“Dummeh fwuffy, ou’ am fo’ poopie nummies”

“Bad ugwy fwuffy”

“Ou’ onweh fo’ licky poopie places ugwy fwuffy, giv’ sowwy hoofsies!”

Wait, i am getting surrounded by fluffies. Oh no i forgot about their hate towards bad colored fluffies! The fluffies hate them with all their heart unless in exceptional cases.


As i cry in desperation i see the mare from before pushing the fluffies back and yelling something.

“Qhe haced?! Eda qhe te sadgas de ahca, esos cabaddos te va’ matad!”

No idea what she’s saying but i must escape with her, these horses are crazy, they are gonna make us suffer like the brown fluffies, force us to live eating their shit until we die of malnutrition, clean them as rags and be their punch bags until our deaths!

After a short while of running we are doomed, we are completely surrounding by several fluffies on all directions, there is no escape. I should have never screamed near these dumbasses! If they only ignored me like before.

“Weird mawe hav’ oda poopie fwuffy?”

“Mawe nu seib poopie fwuffy nao’!”

What? Do these fluffies know the mare? What? What is going on?

“Hijos de puhta, vengan conchadesumade”

Unlike the mare valiantly resisting the horde trampling her i was simply defenseless since this is a barely talkie baby microfluff body, as soon as they stated their threats i was being kicked and stomped in my entire body.


“What’s going on here? Bad fluffies are not for sale! Shoo! Shoo!”

Agonizing all over i saw how the clerk flicked with his finger several fluffies around me and i was finally left alone.

It hurts, it hurts all over, mom… help…

Before i lost consciousness i could feel the mare grabbing me to another place.

“Open nao’”

“Poopy fwuffies hav’ wowsest stompies!”

“Give sowwy hoofsies!”

Ugh, this pain… I feel numb all over…

…I guess… this may not be a dream after all…

As i finally regain my footing i can hear a lot of screams and threats coming from the entrance, the microfluffies are extremely irritated for us not being forced to live among them and they are threating us from the other side. Pushing and kicking the block trying to enter does nothing as it simply gains more pressure, preventing them from invading.


“Munstah hewd hait fwuffy uhuuuu…”

“Bad mummah, babbeh nu wan’ sowwy hoofsies…”

The rest of the brown microfluffs here are distressed too, being insulted and receiving so many threats is not healthy for these toys. Sadly, i can guess this isn’t the first time that happens nor will be the last. I can now understand why the entrance needed to be blocked in the first place.

“Pa’ fueda radas, pa’ fueda, no van a entrad aca!” The mare said, she is firmly locking the entrance, watching for any breach just in case.

But this is not right! The fluffies at home are sweet and happy! They always gave me their “love and huggies” even to a bookworm girl like me! Fluffies are innocent toys! Why is this happening? Those things almost killed me! What’s wrong with them? What did i do to them? There must be something, something that i can do!

“Ta’ bien chiboliwto? Te pegadon dudo, Pa’ tras’ qhe abren edto, pa’ tras!”

I could not understand her but i could guess she wanted me to go back to safety, ignoring that, i approached the entrance and started asking.

“Wai fwuffies bad to us? Wha we diwd?” I need to know, to find at least why they are like these to their kind, why are they so cruel for something so ridiculous.

“Dummeh fwuffy” “Fwuffy am’ fo’ nummie bad poopies owly” “Giv’ aww da’ sowwy hoofsies!”

“Aww fwuffies aw fo’ wuv’ an’ huggies, wight? Wai us? Wai?” Reason, please, we are no different to them, come on this is dumb, doesn’t make sense!

“Poopie fwuffy are fo’ bad enfie!” “Hatchu ugwy fwuffy!” “Dummeh poopie fwuffy take sowwy poopies!”

As i watch the feces slowly passing through a small entrance gap i think i understand, these dumb horses won’t stop hating us for being of a slightly dimmer color. They will force us and make us live as toilet paper and kill us for the slightest annoyance.

To hell with these creatures, how dare they?! I gave them food in the yard, i took care of them, i groomed their bestest friends, gave milk to their babies and this is how they repay me? The tears from my face aren’t from pain or hopelessness anymore, it’s from indignation and rage. These toys are so needlessly cruel for the dumbest reason and they want me to suffer despite helping them so much, i hate them! i hate them from the bottom of my heart! how could they betray me like this! I loved them! They were once so cute and lovable but now they are retarded horses wanting to hurt me!

“Oe’ adras! Ya pasada! Nu llodes, nu te van a haced daño aqui, dedcansa, a la siguiende vez qhe venga ed talladin vamo’ a pod ma’ comida”

In middle of my rage i simply manage to seek comfort from that mare. She, ensuring the block was in place, reciprocated with a hug too. The other brown fluffies at the back, being scared to death too, added to the fluffpile seeking peace from this nightmare. It was warm, comforting, as if simply having someone there, a shoulder to cry on, could make the problems go away. I knew nothing changed but a simple hug in this hard times made me feel at home with mom and my brother.

“It no faiw, i am hooman… Hait this…”

“Humano? Digidste humano?”

I fall asleep again.

Human… Me, being a human… How long have i been like this? How long it’s been since i died? I am already bad at math since i left school as a boy to inherit the family farm so i doubt i can even quantify the time spent here to begin with. And yet, this dreadful feeling of being forced to hide for simply allowing some young ones to live is ripping me apart each unending day…

Hmm, the small one is sleeping along with the others, they seem to like when i sing so…

“Ven aca mi compañeda, ven tu mi dudce andadita….” Come here my companion, come here my sweet flute…

Back then my body was tired from the passage of time and my neighbors told me i should stay in a room, sell the farm, spent my last days in peace. And yet, in the same way as the darkness of the night envelopes the horizon without the sun, a man can only endure so much without a purpose, without something to hold on.

“Tu soda, soda, sodita, qhe me traes da quimeda…” You alone, alone, lonely, bringing me the fantasy…

I was alone. No sons, no daughters, no family left alive. Old and decrepit, i only had my neighbors and the kiosk owner to talk once or twice each month, but there’s some things that you cannot talk with someone outside your family. Again and again i asked myself why i kept doing this. Why I was repeating the monotony of my life just when it was about to end? Every time i attended the church searching for answers i only found relief in Jesus promise, in a joyful afterlife after the hardships of this sad life but no motivation to continue this current one.

“De aquella mi edad primeda, qhe en ed campo deslizada…” From my first age, sliding in the field…

Decades working as a carpenter, a life working as a farmer. It was a modest life, but what it made worth it all was both God’s promise and Toya… Oh Toyita querida, how much i miss you… How much i wish you were here with me right now… I did not have much to give you but a hard life, and yet, you came to me and be my most precious person for me.

“Junto a mi madre amada y de mi padre quedido, eda semejande al nido qhe el ave en la endamada…” Along with my beloved mother and my beloved father, it was similar to the nest that the bird makes in the branch.

And how cruel is this world we live in that we could not have kids. God did not permit me and Toya to raise a part of both of us in his kingdom, i know it’s his plan and that you kept smiling despite not being able to become a mother, and yet, i felt miserable for this fate.

“Pod eso es qhe yo quiedo al niño, amo y respeto ad anciano…” That’s why i like the kid, love and respect the elder…

A child is the one thing i wanted despite all that happened to me. I had no money to give you luxuries, no career to bring you a better life and no hope that i would leave the farm or my carpentry side gig, only the hope of a child would be the last thing i was capable of offering with you… and even that was not meant to be…

“Ad indio qhe es mi hedmano, le dhoy todo mi cariño…” To the Indian who’s my brother, I give all my affection

Which is why i was alone in the farm, unlike other farmers like me, i had no son nor daughter to help me take care of the animals and crop, only me, an old sack of bones in middle of the endless night.

“Yo tengo ed adma de admiño, cuando veo qhe se edplota…” I have the soul of an ermine, when i see it exploding…

The memories of my death are back again… My dogs “Tarzan” and “Loco” kept barking in middle of the night, at first i thought it might be an animal, a thief seeking to steal some plants or even those weird colorful horses. As i kept following my loyal friends i finally see the scene.

“Toda mi codera broda y de tridstesa me indigno…” All my anger surfaces and of sadness i feel indignant.

My goats were all a messy pile of blood, mutilated beyond belief and with no hope of salvation. May their souls rest in peace but the carnage was unlike anything i have seen in decades, not even a messy butchering of a whole bull could be compared to that. It had to be a fox, or perhaps a stray puma killing my animals. Quickly, i returned back to my cabin and take my shotgun to prevent the rest of my farm to die at its hands. “Pst! Loco! Tarzan! Show me where that bastard is!” It wasn’t the first time a predator ate my animals, but it would be the last time this one did.

“Cuad una adaña madigna, qhe hoy aplasto con mi bota…” Like malignant spider, which today i stomped with my boot.

Or at least that was what i thought. As i watched both of my dogs being torn in half in front of my eyes i shot both barrels from my gun to that red thing, the shapingo, the devil. It did not work, it was like it didn’t even feel it. I knew what was coming for me, the very incarnation of evil came for my life. In middle of it’s disturbing smiling face i could do nothing but pray for salvation, i thought i was a faithful believer my entire life but that did not stop the creature from breaking my skull in a single swipe from its sinner tentacle.

…Hmm, The small ones are asleep now… It’s been a long time since i supposedly died and became this colored horse, but i will keep them safe, the miracle of life that was denied to me and rejected by the mares here is something i will protect. I have no idea how much i will last like this but this is perhaps my last chance at cleansing my sins and seek God’s forgiveness for doubting his plan, i must be strong.

“Buenas nochdes pequenios…” Must ask tomorrow what that murmuring one said…

A small pull is bothering my… fur… it wasn’t a dream uh? So a small pull woke me up. In middle of the fluffpile the mare is watching me in silence.

“Oe pequeñin, sigueme pod aca…”

It’s making a gesture, moving his hoof in the classical manner of “Come here”, waving in front of the body to gain my attention.

I did not need to understand her but i got her idea, carefully i moved around the brown micro fluffpile and started following the mare.

Odd, i knew fluffies could speak other languages but why is this one here in this very specific FluffyMart, not speaking the same language as the rest of us? And why it knows the “come here” gesture? Was a personal pet of someone around here or…

“Oie, ¿te acuedas de ayed? Dijiste humano? Es da primeda cosa qhe entiendo dhe aca hace mucho tiempo, ¿Qhe sabed chikitin? Anda, dime, Humano, huuuu-maaaahhh-nooo, apuda”

That mare is speaking a lot, no way in hell i can understand that but i can guess her intention. Human, human, she keeps repeating that, why?

“So, uhhhh, i am nu fwuffy, am human, nu’ can demembah’ wha happun, bad monsta kiwwed me an’ i am hewe out of nowoah”

She’s replicating my previous reaction of confusion, she cannot make sense of my words. Why is she so interested? Is she trying to learn English? MicroFluffies can do that? Or what is she even…Is she… making circles with her hoof, circles, circles… She keeps doing that and… Wait, repeat? Is she making the sign of repeating? How does she even know that?

“I-I am nu Fwuffy, am human, nu can demembah wha happun, a bad monsta kiwwed me and i am hewe…”

“Mosdro? Dijisde mosdro? Tambie’ teh cogio el diablo? Dime!”

The mare is getting more agitated, monster seems to sound similar to their Spanish counterpart, she got scared or…?

“Munstah, da jewwenheimah, at da Fwuffymawt, not so much taim agu’…”

She keeps staring, she looks like she wants to hear more, at this point i don’t care anymore, having nothing to lose so i open myself.

“Big munstah kiwwed me, i dun kno’ hau bu’ dat rwed munstah…” I pass my hoof around my neck to make the decapitation gesture. “Kiwwed me”.

The mare eyes opened up in surprise, it’s not like she got scared of the word or if believes an actual monster would appear here, it was more of a face filled with understanding and most importantly, hope.

Without saying anything the mare started grinding her hoofs against the light blue cave and started carving something. Microfluffs terrarium are made with herd necessities in mind and that includes a material malleable enough for the minuscule pets to create their personalized nests built on the HasBio predetermined tunnel connection without collapse risk, with said material the mare started drawing something.

It was crude, i knew the material was usable by microfluffies but i didn’t expect carving was this slow due their texture and tenacity. Bit by bit, the made started making a figure that made sense, after a while i understood what it was trying to say.

: )

A smiley face, an innocent face that doesn’t represent nothing but happiness unless… it’s on the face of the red… monster… the word that she was so fixated… The words she repeated… This means… is she?!



We could do nothing but watch each other in the eyes.

Could it be…was she a Jellenheimer victim too? Is she… a human like me?


Euphoric the mare started hugging me again. This was not the same type that a fluffy gives, but something more primal, more basic yet essential to us. A hug of kinship, of sharing something beyond our individual worth, a reciprocation of our natural need to be sociable with our own species. Slowly, i share the hug too.

“Yu’ hoomin tu? Hoomin?!”


The enthusiasm was contagious, i could not help from smiling too. I did not know who she was, what this situation is or even what she is saying but not being alone in all of… this… made things so much bearable than being doomed to suffer it all alone.

“Tu edes humano? Tu edes humano?” The mare said while pressing her hoof on my chest, i think she wants to confirm.

“I am hoomin! I am hoomin!” I said, in the same way as she did that i imitate her and press my own hoof on her chest. “Yu hoomin? Are yu hoomin?”

“Jajajajaja! Humano! Yo shoy humano! Jajajaja!” She said proudly, she said happy, she said with hope.

Can’t believe it, not only it’s ridiculous to be transformed into a fluffy but another human in the same position? Haha, this is the best! I can’t help but feel joy! There is hope, we can survive if we are not alone!

As the other brown fluffies woke up from our laughs they, too, started cheering for no particular reason. Ignoring the noise of “happies” around us and the lurking herd from outside waiting our doom inside these claustrophobic conditions we are forced to isolate ourselves in to survive. Despite it all, everything is better when you are not alone.

“Entonce’ me fui ad bosque a ved lo qhe mato mi cabdas y vih esa cosa, eda roja y…”

These last days both of us tried to communicate with one another. It is hard to interact with someone who doesn’t speak your language and even less when fluffspeak it’s ruining things but with enough effort and gestures both of us could get an idea of our intentions.

I tried to no avail to remember my name but it feels, empty, like I never had one. The mare has the same problem, we both cannot remember a concrete name.

For now, the mare calls herself “Meir” trying to imitate my pronunciation of “Mare”. She, on the other hand, calls me “Cheebohleetoo” or something like that, for now i prefer her to call me “girl” or “reader” since it’s one of the few things i remember from my personal life, her pronunciation of girl, “Gierl” was too corny so i chose “Reeder”, a more fitting name. We call each other “Meir” and “Rihder”, born of broken language and speaking but we had to call of ourselves something if we want to escape.

For now i can get why Meir holed up here, it seems that all the other tunnels are already occupied by other hostile microfluffies and i suppose they would force the brown toys to live in the poop pit all terrariums have until they die of malnutrition if lucky. This would mean that this entire safe cave was entirely dug up by Meir to rescue the brown creatures, this also explains why there’s no glass here unlike all the pre-made tunnels from factory with the intention of see microfluffies biome. I have no idea how much time Meir was here or why she’s so determined to save these fluffies with bad colors but she did all she could without being capable of talking to any of them.

Lately in these days i am helping Meir to gather kibble from the dispensers and move them to our cave while forcing the swarm of microfluffies into a truce by the clerk presence. The kibble it’s not tasty but dying of starvation is worse. Oh how much i miss my mom cooking! Kibble its bland and dry but there’s literally nothing we can do. Luckily for us there’s one of the several water dispensers on the cave too, HasBio was aware fluffies, as dumb as they are, would die of thirst in their every own terrarium and made several of these water points to prevent that, leaving only food as our problem.

In the trips to the surface for recourses during the “sketti days*, Meir checks on the massive swarm of microfluffies for brown abandoned foals and takes them to the cave. To help him, i also talked to the few adult brown microfluffies and convinced to come to the cave in hopes of not being mistreated in horrendous ways by the herd, Meir always responds with a “Gradcias Rihder, yo noh sabia como llamadlos a la casida” Still cannot decipher what she says but the ‘noh’ may perhaps mean she could not bring adult microfluffies before i guess.

Sadly, this is a rare occurrence, most times the clerk needs to clean brown corpses at night.

As i think of way out of here, i also encountered a special occasion that passes from time to time. A loud beeping sound signals a customer buying microfluffies from here, i remember that sound when i used to go to the FluffyMart, it was made to call the pets for selection. This terrarium must be one of the designated ones made to buy individual micro pets. I remember by brother telling me that it was always cheaper to buy an entire terrarium by itself but selling it one by one was also profitable for collectors and that’s why his friend had an entire terrarium filled with only white microfluffies.

I wanted to go there, after all, if the clerk ignored us maybe the customer would notice us since that’s why they pay money for in the first place. To my surprise Meir was adamant in not letting me leave, “Rihder, no vaias, es pedigroso! Seh ponen locohs cohm clienteh!” I could not understand what she was saying nor why she didn’t let me to go out, is it because they never choose the brown ones? Is it because the regular microfluffies get extremely territorial those occasions? Is it because fear of what so many angered microfluffies could do in our presence? I do not know. Perhaps… considering a small waving to the clerk almost resulted in both of us being trampled to death… maybe it’s not a good idea to go. Regardless, I will put my trust in her and stay here for the time being.

But this cannot stay like this forever, Meir did everything she could to hold on despite the language barrier and now, with both of us together, we may be able to do something with this situation.

Staying here is not an option, these microfluffs will not let me nor any other brown fluffy here to live peacefully. We cannot negotiate with them, we cannot displace a leader because there isn’t one in microfluffs society (is not like a smarty leader capable of leading this many microfluffs at once exists to begin with), we cannot call the attention of neither the clerk or a client because we would anger the horde and possibly die before they can intervene, we cannot write nor make any symbol because it takes too much time and we cannot remain on surface without the clerk’s truce during the special occasions.

So what can we do? What can we do? We need a human to get us out of here. It is not like even the brown fluffies are completely useless for a store, sales are sales and even compassionate or sick abusers will spend a bit of money on a dozen of poopie colored fluffies. Just being separated into the poopy color den will give us enough time and space to properly contact the attention of a human without worrying about murderous fluffies around us at all times. But how?

Perhaps… we do not need to go into the surface? This is a terrarium for microfluffies, we can change the shape of the cave! Yes that’s it!

After bringing the food for the small horse- no, Rihder calls us “Microfulufis” or “Fulufis” or at least i think so from what i can gather from whatever he is saying in his language. Regardless of what we are, today, after bringing the food he began speaking a lot more than usual.

It has become an habit between us, to speak and talk to each other despite not understanding one another, i talk about my life, songs from my youth or whatever comes to my mind for a while and he speaks her gringo gibberish. From time to time we get to certain similar words in both languages and keep repeating it in hopes of reaching an understanding. It’s hard and not an ideal way to talk with someone who doesn’t speak your language but it’s something we must try to pass time and find common words.

Which is why i can guess he wants to talk something more serious this time. Unlike these speaking sessions we regularly do he is using gestures this time, meaning that Rihder truly needs me to understand.

(“Wha’ mumma Meiw an’ Reedeh doin’? Pway?)

Don’t distract me small “fulufi”, i need to concentrate.

So, he is scratching the cave. Dig? Escape? Get out? Need more to get what he is saying. I imitate his digging to make him continue.

Afterwards he is making an invisible…thing. Like she is moving his hands on parallel, what? A pole? A tree? No, no, it’s a bigger surface, big, spacious, keep going, keep going… Alright he now is pretending to hit something… I suppose it’s related to the invisible thing he was making before. The hits aren’t random, as if hitting a surface… a perfectly plain and firm surface. What shape is that? Hold on, it seems to be like a wall, like knocking on a door. My guesses are a wall, a window or a door.

(“Hehe, funneh fwuffy pway! Wan’ pway too!”)

(“Wan’ pway!”)

(“Fwuffeh Weggie muv funneh, wook!)

Ahh, i guess i should ignore the “fulufis” for now, innocent creatures of god but very dumb for their own good, as i try to focus on this “speaking” i gesture with my hoofs to keep him expressing his idea.

Now, instead of continuing this weird game of guessing to understand one another he simply begins to make shapes on the cave… Slow, sure, but it’s not random. Hmm, continue… That’s not a drawing but… Words? He is trying words after all this time? He already knows I cannot understand his language nor write even my own. No wait, if he already knows perhaps it’s not the words itself but the act of writing? No, pequeño wawito, no. We cannot write to call the human youngster attention! Without her protecting us we cannot write words big enough for her to see, it takes too much time!

Another gesture again. This time he is… repeating the same gesture from before, the surface gesture. And now, he is pointing the imaginary surface to the words and vice versa. Words… words on that… wall? Door? Window? But there’s no wall we can write on- Except the glass surrounding us.

Wait now he’s on two legs, that means human, either us or that worker. What’s the idea here… Oh? He is repeating in order.

Scratching, surface, writing, human. Dig, surface, writing, human. Dig, glass, writing, human. Dig, glass, writing, worker. Dig…this cave…to find the glass surrounding us…and write…to the worker? Is that his idea?

Oh no… small one… Rihder… That’s a good idea, it’s safe and would help us but…i tried that already…

It seems she managed to get what i was trying to say but… why is she so sad? If we can find a point in this terrarium where the clerk can see us and write on it would safely prove that we not regular microfluffies and get out of here! It’s a great idea! So why is…

Meir signaled to follow. This time to the other side of this cave. I haven’t thought too much of this yet but it’s quite impressive for a single microfluffs to make a separate private tunnel all by herself. He even thought of a big enough litter hole for all of us to use and-

Wait there’s something beyond that poop hole? Wha-? Just how much did she dig here?! It’s insane!

It keeps going and going and… is that?

Glass. The limit of this terrarium was reached and… this cave is on the other side of the display impossible for any client or clerk to see.

W-Well, i-it’s not the end of the world right? We can simply dig to the other sides and find a point to call the clerk! Yeah that’s it, i must tell him.

Again i am lightly scratching the surface, come on, come on, yes! She gets the idea of digging. Now i point at me and you, yes that’s it. I point my hoof at myself, that means me; I point my hoof at you, it means you; I point my hoof at me again, it means both of us. Haha, that’s it. Both of us, both of us digging here. Now, see my hoof? I am pointing at the other direction. That’s it, you, me, dig, this direction. Great, she got the plan! And now-

“No, no, no endiemdes Rihder…”

What? Follow you again? Don’t tell me you…

As we reached the border of this cave Meir put her ear on the light blue material. I guess i should copy her so i put my ear there and- Voices?

Voices, sounds, noises, i can hear them. Microfluffs noises to be exact. Oh damn it, Meir did not dig up more because it’s already on the limits of opening another entrance to the other microfluffies tunnels here! We can’t dig any more!

No! There must be another way. Ignoring Meir i sprint to the other side of the cave and put my ear there. More microfluffies noises too.

… We are trapped… we cannot dig up more to the glass because we are surrounded… Ah damn it, damn it all!

As my tears of frustration were returning again, Meir did what she did best and started making me feel better. I feel pitiful but I can’t give up yet.

“Ia Ia pequeñin, ya tdanquihla qhe al meno’ tuh idea de esquidibir se puedhe usa’ wawito lindoh…”

Think, THINK! There has to be a way out.

There is no other safe way out of here, we need to take risks because things are getting worse.

These days the microfluffies are putting as pressure on the barricade as they can nearly at all times, pushing and screaming relentlessly, the regular cooing and laughs from the brown fluffies here are now replaced with endless crying and sobbing due the uninterrupted harassment from the other side taunting and threatening the few toys here, Meir and me can easily ignore them but the fluffies are a lot more sensitive, they can’t keep this going for long.

Meir especially looks tremendously distressed, she even stopped our speaking sessions to sing and keep their morale as high as she possibly can despite the circumstances.

I commend her for that but getting out of here would be a better idea.

Which is why i planned another escape idea!

“Seh-gee Meiw, fowwow me, vah-moh”

Ignoring my butchered Spanish, Meir followed me to a more separated area of the cave. We need to focus and their cries are distracting us.

“Wook, we nee’ to gewt out, saah-lee, saah-lee”

Good, she is nodding. Now, look this.

Drawing with hooves so soft, imprecise and round is very hard and the fact that i sucked at drawing made things even harder but Meir must forgive me for this monstrosity.

After a long time drawing on the terrarium i made a simple sketch to show my proposal.

“Dis’ ceiv, dis ceiv, ahem, caahh-saaah, casah, hewe”

To indicate our cave and the terrarium i draw a big circle with an entrance tunnel going upwards… Awaiting her approval… Nice! She is using her limbs to point the walls around us, she got it, good! We are on the same page talking about this cave.

Now make a few shapes… ahh is so slow to draw in this weird light blue thing! Right, see these circles and now follow me as I point my hoof at the other side of the cave. What? The microfluffies? No, no, these! Ugh, the others! I point this time to a brown fluffpile in a very clear and repetitive manner. Good, good our fluffies are the circles.

Near the crude drawings of the simplistic cave, on the entrance, i tried drawing triangles to refer to the other microfluffies but gave up midway and simply used “X” marks instead. Look, here, this? This is the entrance, good, good, now watch how many “X”es are, what do we have a lot in our entrance? That’s it, the rest of the microfluffy society.

In addition to that i make a number 1 and number 2 to represent us. Keep watching, see this 1? It is me, i am 1 because i am pointing at myself. Now to the next, the 2 is you, because i am pointing at you.

Repeat a few times in the same order for him to process and understand correctly. Wait, give him time, he literally cannot speak English at all.

Good! She is nodding. She gets the idea of us, the other fluffies, our own fluffies and the cave. Great, i am gonna use all those concepts.

Following me? In the cave there’s the number 1 and 2 representing us. Now, watch this line I am gonna draw…when i finish… Alright the line is going outside of our cave and going next to the “X” symbols, the other fluffies. Unlike them, we, the number 1 and 2 go to the surface. I, number 1, will write a SOS message big enough for the clerk to see while you, number 2, accompany and help me.

My idea is to use the brown microfluffies as distraction while we make our escape, i know it relies too much on luck and the clerk being actually there but we can work with that. Go on, wait a few moments for Meir to get it. Uh? Why are you waving your head in disapproval?

“No Rihder, estoh e’ mala idea wawito, ¿cohmo va a dejar esod chikitineh?”

No, no this won’t do. Leaving the small ones as sacrifices will be the worst sin i could make, even more after everything i did for them.

But i can get his idea, unlike me who had to abandon any education and can only badly write basic cursive in my native language, terribly I might add, he speaks and actively talks with the other “fulufis” and even managed to appeal to some adult brown ones to join me with his dialogue ones unlike me. His plan of writing something to ask for help from the worker is viable.

I barely had to deal with “fulufis” in my life back at my farm, i only had to scare off a few herds eating my Ayahuasca and a rare custom wood cage for a weird guy who had one of those as a pet in my carpenter side gig. And after all that and this time as a “fulufi” myself i learned they are not very smart. They seem to speak and even understand humans but i have never seen one writing or making something very intelligent, they are treated more as animals than children because of that. It would be a good idea, if one of my goats or guinea pigs started writing out of nowhere i would know it wasn’t normal.

That’s why his plan of writing is our key, but without leaving them.

To make him understand my point i touch the line of the circles, the brown horses and nod my head, the universal “no” gesture. After that with my hoof i make an imaginary line guiding the circles towards the surface with us, they cannot be left alone.

(“Bu haow we wiww get ouwt? We canno’ weave, there is too many otha’ fwuffies outsaid we cannot howld them off”)

No idea what he’s saying again but i can guess, for the same reason we cannot simply get out of the cave to directly write on top of this light blue thing, the other sinner vermin outside. Those disgusting monsters who are only kept at bay by the worker on top. Oh how much they make my blood boil killing so many innocent babies for no reason, that sinner filth will immediately attack us if we leave and that’s why he proposed the brown ones to distract them while we escape.

But there’s is no need for that, we have a simple solution.

The mare is putting her two frontal hooves on her face while she closes her eyes and starts breathing slowly. Hm? That is quite weird, why would you pretend to sleep- Oooohhh, Sleeping! Fluffies are very heavy sleepers, even the wild ones! If we leave while they are sleeping we can all go to the surface!

Ah? Something else? Meir is now pointing at herself, the number two and the exit to the surface. She and the exit, got it, i nod at her to demand more info. She quickly continues and starts pointing at…our own cave entrance? What? The same one blocked by her? Hold on, what is she even implying? What is the connection?

After gesturing a “no” with my own head she makes me follow her to the entrance again and points at the barricade. What? What is she even trying to say? There is too much noise here, what even is her point? Do i need to see something or what? The microfluffies yelling at us, the entrance itself, should we return here? What? I don’t get it.

Only when she physically tapped the block toy defending the entrance i understood. The block, she pointed at herself and this entrance because she wants to block the surface entrance, that way even if the entire herd is awake we can get some time to hold on instead of getting instantly stomped to death on failure. That’s genius! A safety net!

Alright so the entire plan for now i think is to leave to the surface at night as stealthily as we can and make me write something big enough to see and Meir blocks the entrance just in case. Very simple but perhaps we can do it. Uh? Why are you tapping me for? Me and the others, what? What do i have to- Wait why are you opening your mouth in silence pretending to speak while pointing at the brown fluff- Oh, i get it, i should speak to them and make them understand the plan. Got it, got it.

It’s a solid plan, after talking to the poopy microfluffies i must polish some details with her before starting.

Wha- What? Did i fall asleep again? Oh bother, this is way harder than waking up early to the school. Good thing that waking up extremely early in the morning is Meir thing, was she really used to wake up before the sun rises?

Wait this isn’t the middle of the night. It is near opening time for the store. Why did Meir do that? This isn’t what we agreed on.

“Hey, we neewed tu gu at niwght”

“Noche muy oscuda, no se podiah ve’” She said while closing her eyes and nodding her head disapprovingly. Oh right! We would not be able to see in middle of the night. This complicates things but we can’t let this chance go.

As i wake up the other poopy microfluffies Meir goes to the entrance and opens the block barricading our cave. It is time to escape.

“Weik up, weik up, wemembah plun’, gu outsaid, nu noisies”

The coast is not clear, near the entrance there is a few “fulufis” sleeping next to us. Not content with yapping these last days, the vermin decided to wait outside to continue their harassment the very moment they wake up, cagadas de mierda, you are lucky that we need you sleeping right now.

I signal Rihder to move the small ones, he, in turn, speaks to them. After few moments our small groups goes to the surface.

They are by no means discreet commenting and talking on the way up but Rihder and me constantly try to shut them up, good thing that the other “fulufis” are sleeping so peacefully they are ignoring all the sound around here. Ahhh… thank you Toya, you must be blessing me with luck even after all this time…

Finally, reaching the surface of this place Rihder seems to be in distress. What is- Oh.

There is a few balls of fluff here, a group of “fulufis” slept on top today.

It is too late to stop, we have to continue and be even more cautious, putting my hoof on his back to motivate him seems to be enough as he says something to the small ones before parting ways to do his part meanwhile I do my role trying to block the few holes leading here, thankfully with a quick glance i can notice there is enough colored blocks to barricade the entrances.

I moved the toys as silently as i could, it was slowing the process but we required to be silent as much as we could, with God’s blessings we may accomplish this without setbacks.

Even the small ones are behaving, with their heads on the ground and covering their mouths to prevent sound. Jaja, Rihder really is smart, i did not even know how he could make them do that.

Good, everything is going smoothly. Rihder is writing big, easily noticeable words that any worker here should notice, i just finished blocking the entrances, it’s almost time for this kiosk to open even the small ones are perfectly silent.

Silent but… what is that smell?

Wait, the brown horses ARE completely silent but they are shitting themselves in fear of the remaining “fulufis” sleeping here.

Or that were sleeping here…

Even with these creatures sleeping like stones the smell was too much for them to bear, they are starting to wake up! I was too focused in the blocking the entrances that i completely forgot about them!

Ay santa luz sagrada de cielo, they are up! What to do? What to do?!

Come on, we don’t have to do this, just don’t get in our way until a worker get us out of here. Please god guide us, help us, we cannot let them start a commotion.

Come on, this is nearly finished. Writing in this terrarium material is painfully slow and carving words this gigantic compared to our microfluffies bodies makes things worse but we can make it just in time for a clerk to come here and-


Wait what, a scream?! What just happened?!

Oh god. This early and this silent in the morning it’s guaranteed to wake up anything here.

Looking behind me i can see the microfluffs that slept here starting a fight with our group while Meir is trying to shield the brown microfluffies with her body. What?! No! Make this stop! Silence them! Make them shut up by force!


“Fwuffy nee’ hewp?”


Those voices… are coming from the entrances, oh god no, please no, they are waking up! The conflict noise woke up a few under us and a chain reaction is making the entire swarm to rise.

Nonononono, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be! If the entire terrarium is here, all of us are gonna get stomped to death. Mom, mommy, no, no don’t let them trample me again…

Overwhelmed by fear i cannot continue, the memories of what they did to me and learning that it could be much worse clouds my judgment to critical levels.

They are gonna catch me, they are gonna catch me and if they don’t instantly kill me they are gonna make me their walking litterbox or rape me until i die. No, this wasn’t supposed to be, no, no, NO! I CAN’T DO THIS, I NEED TO HIDE, I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE TO-

In the distance, despite the fight, Meir is trying to cheer me up as she is pushing other fluffies at the same time.

That confidence, that trust in me… reminds me of my Mum and Brother when i got a literature diploma… She believes in me…

No, i must not back down! I am scared, scared of what is gonna happen to us, terrified of what the microfluff swarm will do to us if they get here, terrorized by death itself… But i cannot give up yet, i must get out, find help, see my family again.

Fighting my fear, i force myself to continue my task, i need to finish this. To make ourselves known.

As i try to continue the lights are starting to turn on and the toys blocking the entrances here are beginning to show pressure, there is no time.

The swarm just woke up and are starting to yell their “worsest ouchies”, “sorry hoofsies” and “forever sleepies” to us from the other side. Luckily for us their numbers are working against them, instead of pushing the blockades they are interrupting one another, and in the narrow entrances they can’t fit more than a few at the same time, it won’t last forever but we got a bit of time.

The lights turning on means we got our golden ticket to get out of here. It means a clerk must be attending us of regular morning maintenance in a few moments, we must hold on a bit until anyone arrives.

But there is no time! If i don’t make this a coherent sentence before the clerk arrives it would mean nothing!

Think, THINK! There’s no time to carve out all of this the regular way. What can i do?! i must end this and help them, i cannot suffer the terrible fate of the brown fluffies that await us here.

Brown? Brown as in… shit?

Born out of desperation and morbid creativity i know what to do.

Putting my shame aside i let the contents of my stomach flow in a near corner. Fluffies are very liberal with their excrement policies but after being a fluffy for this long i learned that feeling constipated 24/7 wasn’t a mere coincidence, fluffies ARE made of 90% shit. I know It’s disgusting but i must finish this word as fast as i can…

(Oh man yesterday was a terrible day, a crazy client decided to traumatize a poor alicorn product with insults for half the entire day and now I am at fault for not noticing? How does that make sense?! I am not the only employee here, i am not omnipresent or something, what is their deal? I had to fill papers and complete the protocol the ban the idiot but they had the nerve to force me into waste my free time on unpaid logistic labor! How is that even legal? I swear to god that the contract did not allow for this nonsense.)

(Ugh, alright Tiffany, you got this. This is a new day with new opportunities. Look at the bright side, you get to attend the fluffies today too! Oh, how adorable they are, so deliciously dumb but lovable with their hugs and love, truly melts my heart to see them play and sing and yell and fight one another and ask for their “nummies” and show affection to their best friends and- Wait a minute what did i say?)

(How rare, this is very early in the morning all the fluffies here should be sleeping like babies so what is that noise coming from… the terrarium.)

(What is going on? There was this many poopy microfluffs here? And why are they fighting?! I can see three poor mini-fluffies already mauled to death. But why? And why this early?!)

(And why are the entrances blocked? The tiny horde is trying to push the toys stuck in there preventing them from moving to the surface.)

(“Hey! HEY! Stop! Bad fluffies! No more sketties for you! Stop now!” As i flick them over and try my best to separate them from one another I manage notice a miracle.)

(“HELP US” is carved on the ground, the “us” part is written on poop but… wait, “us”? Fluffies can’t use “us” they simply cannot grasp that concept and always fail to do so. Is this an imitation? The microfluffies copy something they saw from a shirt or something.)

(Hold on there’s a small microfluff there, did that small one make this? Do fluffies even know how to write? This isn’t a doodle or coincidence, i can see that the words are clearly made with intention, not simply copying something they saw because next to it there’s a small brown microfluffy waving at me, what is it saying? In middle of the ongoing fight and cries I can’t notice what this tiny fluffy is saying.)

(“Hey cutie, you made this? You did?” I say while carrying it close to my face.)

(“Hewp, get us ouw of hewe! These shiwwats aw gunna kiww us! Pwease, gew us somewere saif!”)

(Huh? “Us”? “Shitrats”? How does this one even know what those words are?)

(“H-hey only bad fluffies says those no-no words you shoul-”)



(What the fuck is going on? How does a small microfluff know this much? This is very creepy, way too creepy, are these things capable of being this smart? How the fuck did this thing even-)


(Wha- What? What is this thing even saying? I am literally stunned from the confusion and I can’t comprehend anything.)

(F-For now i will take them to the bad color den and separate this talking one to my locker to ask him later. Did he say something about a “Meir”?)

They were created by the hand of man but are still inside our god’s unending plan, and that’s why they must still obey his commandments: They shall nor murder the innocent. Which is why i must keep fighting, pushing them back while protecting these small ones.

This unfaithful vermin does not know suffering nor pain in their artificial lives, a small punch makes them cry, a push makes them sway and a direct charge intimidates them. It’s nothing like the fights i had as a teenager, even the friendly spars i had with my peers were more painful and hard than these creatures.

They may be alive like me but have no remorse in murdering newborns. Absolute filth, daring to touch god’s gift as soon as it appears it’s the biggest insult they can make, Toya and I weren’t able to receive it but they simply trample on it as it was nothing? Bastards!

Rage grows inside me but even when a “fulufi” is on the ground at my mercy i must spare them. Their final judgment is not mine to deliver.

Conflict after conflict i try to fend them off but i am basically the only one standing my ground as the small ones simply cry in terror. Their suffering motivates me to keep going but it does not help me from their counterattacks. They constantly encircle me and push me around, from time to time a stray kick or hoof punch connects, weakening me.

Despite holding off this long alone i cannot do everything, a few innocent ones are already dead. It seems futile but i must keep holding them at bay, not to hurt but to protect the weak.

I wonder how is Rihder going… did he manage to write or escape? I hope so, i really do. I pray Toya to bless him now, if i manage to help him escape perhaps this second chance at life may absolve my sin of doubting God’s plan.

As i watch one entrance falter and start spewing a multicolor herd with anger and hate i already make up my mind. Holding them off was hard but with those numbers is impossible.

“Pahdre nuestodo, qhe estad en el ciedo” Our Father, who art in heaven.

I am completely surrounded.

“Sandificado seah tu nombede” Hallowed be thy name.

I cannot defend myself anymore, too many bodies are locking me in place…

“Vengah a nosodros tuh deino, AGH!, Asi en la tiedda como en el ciedo…” Thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven.

Hooves are covering my entire body, i can feel the endless pain getting worse and worse.

“Dahnos, ACK!, tuh pan de cahda, AAH!, dhia. Y pedhona, URK! nuesdras ofensas” Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses.

I can feel my body breaking down, blood is spewing and blinding me.

“Como pedhobamos a los qhe nos ofende- SCREEEEEEEE!!!” As we forgive those who trespass against us.

My strength is fading and my consciousness is fading.

“No nos dejes caer en tentación y líbranos del mal.” And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

At this point i can’t even talk because i am mangled all over… I pray Rihder is right, i pray the other small ones at least had time to hide. If my life had any meaning perhaps i will be welcomed in Lord’s Kingdom, if not, i wish Toya at least is there, along with our son we could not have in life.

(“Get out! Bad fluffies! Get out now or you will get sorry stick!)

At least an angel is talking me with you.

After several tests and questions there was no other answer, the revelation of Meir and Rihder being previous humans nearly broke Tiffany worldview. She was lost on what to do and tried to find help to not avail. No one believed her and they thought she was a bad trickster. Hopeless, she resorted to use the internet, with a stroke of luck she found answers. In small and niche forums of the red there was several cases of fluffies and their variants with unparalleled intelligence levels stating to be reincarnated humans. To this day, she is finding answers on what happened or if there’s a way back.

Rihder plan succeeded but she was heartbroken in finding that her family was in a completely other country, she, however, remained determined and to this day tries to contact her family in social media or any other platform with Tiffany’s help. Her mum must think it’s a tasteless prank but she is hopeful that one day she may answer and hear her voice again.

Meir injuries were severe and brutal. It’s nothing short of a miracle he survived that. After several weeks the slow healing reached the point where he could talk again. Tiffany, using an online translator, is helping him to communicate but unlike Rihder he doesn’t want to know any more of his previous life and instead wanted to help other “fulufis” as he called them. Tiffany asked help of her boyfriend, the only other person she managed to convince about Rihder and Meir human origin, a mexican immigrant who works at an adoption center to help Meir there and find a new purpose in life. To this day Meir, despite the injuries and scars, is helping not only brown foals but alicorns and runts to begin their life and not be abandoned in the claws of this cruel world.

Tiffany did her best to explain how the inventory of bad color items had just increased out of nowhere, her punishment was a deduction in pay. She did not care, because the majority of brown microfluffies managed to survive and be relocated. Despite 5 casualties the group Meir took care of managed to be assigned to the poopy den. Some had terrible fates upon being adopted, others found a passionate owner, regardless what their future may be, they are not gonna die by their own microfluff kin anytime soon.



Navidad did not disappoint. The plot keeps getting thicker and deeper. Can’t wait for the new chapters now that the discovery of reincarnated humans is made. Keep cooking your shit man :fire::fire::fire::writing_hand::writing_hand: You make Gordon Ramsay proud :fire::fire::fire: