Rejected: the ones who didn't joined BattleFluffs (Brayatansempai)

Before Axle were selected for Battle Fluffies, there was some rejected candidates like

Potty: none of the brain, double the poopies.

Florinda: armed with the deadliest weapon to anyone south of rio grande. Florinda was ready to unleash tough maternal love

Ps florinda doesn’t speak Spanish

Jack in a boxer: those fist of fury never saw action because no one knew how to open the box

Meltdown: a fluffy covered with uranium, it was deemed unsafe to anyone

Tiny hawk: a foal too small to participate


Terrible arma


Tiny Hawk would qualify for Foal Wars, wouldn’t he? So you’re all set for that competition now, too!


Where do i sign him ?

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El shiavo putooo

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