Remake The Talk of Taffy and Daisy part 1

I remade it in my best fluffy speak instead of using a translator

In a peaceful field bathed in the mellow glow of the morning sun, it was warm. Taffy and Daisy laid side by side, their pink and white tails curling up together.

It was newfound peacefulness surrounded by a meadow of wildflowers. The soft breeze conveyed the pleasant aroma of blooms, providing a hopeful and calm escape for the two companions.

Taffy glanced to Daisy, her eyes full of inquiry and grief. “why du peopwe awways want tu huwt us?” The Filly inquired, her tone just above a whisper.

Daisy brushed the strand of taffy’s curly hair out of her face with her hoof and sighed, her gaze fixed on the sky. “Daiseh nu knu, taffeh. Peopwe jus have su much hatwed in theiw heawts.”

Taffy frowned, her pink brow furrowing in thought. “but why du peopwe have hatwed in theiw heawts?” Taffy Titled her head

Daisy paused not knowing what to say and then recalling her mother’s words. “Daiseh don’t knu, bah mah Mummah towd Daiseh sum humans awe bown eviw, an’ some choose tu be eviw because it makes heart happeh instead of worst saddies. Dwey feed off da enewgeh of othews.”

Taffy shivered at the thought"that’s scaweh. Du yu think we get huwt agawn?"

Daisy turned to Taffy, her expression resolute. “Daiseh nevew wet anybodeh huwt yu, taffeh again”

With that promise, Taffy hugged Daisy tightly, finding comfort in her friend’s fluffy support.
As Daisy looked up to the sky “onwy if mummah was stiww hewe, she wouwd know what to do.”


My stories are supposed to be a good vibe and full of love, Also check out the song energy vampires on YouTube. It’s amazing. A little of this story was based off of it, some of the lyrics

are you 16 or something?

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It’s worse than that and you know it :ahahaha:


This looks promising.
And no, I don’t speak about the text.

Im 18 I just really want to spead love and peace cause it seem people are so hateful on here i think that’s like why you guys have slowed down on newer content from new creators

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Like @H86r said the best Life is best lived, living for one’s self. Creating for one’s own enjoyment. If you have fun making fluffy content, then do so. If this website means nothing more to you can a repository to host your vision that you enjoy making a reality, then so be it.

It’s funny how every new person who joins here is 18, I swear they must blow out the candles on their birthday cakes then go immediately create an FC account. I mean that’s good, clearly they know the rules and would never break the rules.

But that doesn’t even matter because you’re Keeper and also you’re a faggot. They need to lock you in psychward and zap your brain long enough where you’re not a hindrance to the rest of society. Or lock you in a group home with no internet access and counseling for your multiple personality disorders. Choose one, they both work for me.

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Well i tried it’s okay if you don’t enjoy my contact. I make it for myself

When people make it for themselves, they do not share multiple times, trying to get attention.

But you are Keeper. You desperately need attention, especially negative one.

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Girl even owl knows I’ve had an alt account I made when 15 till 17 and I made new one cause I said bad Un christian like stuff before on here and I didn’t want people to see me in that light anymore

You know who else has a million accounts, some of which he’s admitted to being under 18 on for some reason?

You get two guesses and one of them is Keeper

Thanks for admitting you’re Keeper. By the way, you were banned for emotional immaturity. Thats: being a retarded nigga, not being a kiddo nigga. You didn’t say un-christian like stuff on here, Lord knows you can say “nigger” here and nobody except newcomers won’t bat an eye.

You were and still are annoying the living shit out of every person in this community. Just… go someplace else. You keep making those alts, we keep finding them and that’s how it’s gonna be. You’re incapable of not being Keeper. You can’t even pretend you’re not Keeper. Like… at all.

Go to Hazbin Hotel community, write your stories for them. Or open an AO3 account, Wattpad account, I dunno.

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Keeper of Worlds.
Try keeping the fuck away from us.