Rent-A-Fluffy #5 (Ace)

Rent-A-fluffy #2
Rent-A-Fluffy #3
Rent-A-Fluffy #4

Izzy’s departure from Rental Central was unexpected, to say the least. The only other time she had left the place was to go to Charlotte’s. Mummah. When an employee loaded her up in a little cardboard box she gave an excited squeal when they were going to the door. This wasn’t the way to the trash! This was outside! Where fun adventures happened and you got to run around being carefree. Yet as she sat in her box, she knew they weren’t going to mummah’s. It’s not like she know how to get there but where she lived, there was lots of green stuff and open places. Where they were going was further into the city. Everything got grimier and more depressed the further they traveled.

The mare didn’t end back up with mummah. She didn’t end up anywhere nicer. In fact, it may be worse. Quickly processed into an overfilled, hastily set-up new shelter for fluffies. Shoved into a kennel with a concrete floor absolutely filled with other of her kind. Mares, fillies, soon-mummahs. A rainbow of different colors. Despite there being a few littertrays, there was nothing near the amount needed. Also: Many of these fluffies weren’t even littertrained to begin with. They made bad poopies or peepees where they pleased, the floor absolutely caked in little brown or black hoofprints. There were no cushions to sleep on and everyone just had to kind of huddle together in fluffpiles intermixed with feces.

“Mummah! Wan mummah!” They cried. Or ‘daddeh’, depending on who had ownership over them before being brought in. Their little hooves sprang at the wire-fencing that kept the kennel closed off from the world. It was pure misery, though they still had hope. Fluffies, if nothing else, always had hope.

“Teehee! Buttahstotch am hab mummah abin! Hab sketti, toysies, be bestest mummah…” This was said by a portly soon-to-be mare, most likely dumped off here because of her coming foals.

“Wasberry tu!” Agreed a red unicorn, proudly clicking her hooves against the cement. “Hab bestest babbehs!”

Izzy sat there in the muck. The unpretty mire. There was nothing good here. Just poopies, hunger, dullness. Some well-meaning volunteers had thrown a few stuffy-friends and balls in here but they had either been torn to shreds or deflated. Some of the talkie-babbehs still tried to cuddle the scraps of the stuffies or nudged the deflated balls around as if it still offered a small morsel of fun.

“Yew am dummehs! Yew neba hab anyfing! Omwy huwties! Huwties ‘fo fwuffies!” Izzy suddenly spat this out to the crowd of blabbering fluffies. They grew silent for once, looking to her. One of them whimpered.

“N-Nu…dat nu am twue…Spwinkew hab mummah ‘n nyu bedsie ‘n be su pwetty.” The vanilla-hued mare gave a hopeful smile. Izzy gave a dismissive whish of her tail.

“It am twashies ‘fo yew. ‘Fo Izzy. ‘Fo ebby fwuffy. Nu happies.”

This didn’t cause much of a stir. They just chose to ignore her. Izzy sat in the back, scooted off to a corner. Rarely any mummahs or daddehs came here. There were the shelter owners, pushing along a cart which they’d periodically load up with fluffies. Taken away to never been seen again. Those that found themselves as it’s cargo cheered, thinking they would find a new home.

“Dey go tu twashy pwace. Dark pwace. Huwty pwace!” Izzy told the fluffies that remained. They never came back. She didn’t need to see what had happened to them to know nothing good had happened. They were fluffies: Nothing good was allowed for them. The mare felt meaner and meaner each time the cart passed by. She stuck her tongue out at the other mares, pranced around and called them names, shoved foals out of the way when it was time to eat.

The other mares gave her sorry-hoofies. Sorry-poopies. Did it matter though? Even if she got forever-sleepies, she would find herself in the trash. Being covered in poopies? They already were. None of this mattered. It was all pointless. The only thing that made her feel good anymore was to remind them that they were all headed to the same place. That these huwties would be shared among each and every single one of them.

“Mummahs dun wub yew! Daddehs dun wub yew! Dis is ‘aw dewe is ‘fo fwuffies! Fwuffies am awibe ‘fo huwties!” No matter how many times she got a hoofing, she continued ranting and raving to them. Screaming sometimes just as loudly as Bolt had. Feeling more and more like him. He hadn’t been a dummeh at all.

“N-Nuu….mummah nuuuuuu!” A foal who had it’s mother taken away by the shelter staff earlier broke down and sobbed on the floor. Wept as it’s cheek rested in a pile of feces. There was nobody around to protect or care for it anymore. Izzy stood over it.

“Dummeh babbeh! Yew mummah am twashies naow! Twashies fowebbah! Wots ‘ob huwties! Nu wubs! Nu huggies!” The mare sneered down to the foal. It only continued to cry harder.

“Mummah am be back! Mummah pwomise…” The foal choked out, and Izzy looked around.

“Wewe am babbehs mummah?” She asked, seeing nothing, and the foal curled up. Miserably shaking and suckling on her hoof.

One day the shelter staff came for her. Pulled her in, though she didn’t offer a struggle. Some of the other ones had. They had listened to Izzy’s rantings and ramblings enough. Maybe they hadn’t accepted things yet, but the idea was firmly implanted in their heads. They were brought to a backroom and there it was: The trash. Bigger than even the one back at Rental Central. Fluffies were cast in there regardless of age or gender. Cruel? Yes. They were just toys though. Cast-off toys. Mares from the kennel that Izzy had been in were thrown into the pile already seething around in the trashcan. Crying. Shouting. Begging. Hooves scrabbling against other furry bodies. Trying to find a hold on the slippery black bag lining the unit. Izzy was the only one who was calm about being lifted: The others made scaredy-poopies or tried flailing around as they were shifted off to the trashcan. She looked down to the mass impromptu grave of her kin. The heat inside could actually be felt, almost seeming to boil up from inside. A great stink that would be hers soon. Had always been hers. Just as Bolt said.

Dropped down amongst the other fluffies, Izzy watched the lid shut down. They were cast into darkness. Others moved beneath her, the warmth grew even heavier. Like a rancid blanket.

Two years later at the same shelter:

A new hired named Stephen was busy loading up a cart with fluffies who were going to be cleared out today. The situation from back in the day was just as bad and they were constantly having to put down fluffies. Once in the back room, he couldn’t help but notice a green and red stallion was…acting slightly odd.

“Dis am pwace ‘fo fwuffies! Omwy pwace! Twashies ‘fo aw fwuffies! Omwy ‘fo huwties! Daddehs ‘n mummahs am munstahs! Teehee! Dummies am be twashies naow!” The stallion yelled, eyes full of feverish excitement. Did he know what was going down? He had to, right?

“Uh, Trish?” He questioned his supervisor. “What the fuck is wrong with that thing?”

Trish sighed. Yeah, unless you dealt with fluffies all the time in a certain setting it was quite unlikely you’d see this.

“They’re called Downers. You know Smarty Syndrome and the Wan Die loop, right? It’s like those two things get mixed together. It spreads like a mental virus from one to another and triggers under unknown circumstances. Once it establishes itself into a large group, it’s almost impossible to completely cull.” She had been here since the opening. These things popped up every so often, though it was a rare phenomena elsewhere.

“Yuwetide am twashies naow! Dummeh twashies! Aw fwuffies am twashies! Teehee! WUB TWASHIES!” The fluffy screeched from within the can after being discarded into it.

From Bolt to Izzy to each and every single fluffy that was within the shelter, their dread and fear stayed alive. Unlike them, it would never truly die. It would always be around to remind other fluffies where they’d end up.


Awareness of the disposable and replaceable nature of fluffies spreading as a memetic virus. Damn that’s good!

Yet another crime of rent to own.


Ah yes, I see fluffies also opened pandora’s box.

Also, new fluffy syndrome dropped. Ace here with great man status reinventing fluffy lore.


Best. Story. Yet.

Bravo friend.

I can see this in my head as a comic already.


The Downer needs to become Canon man, THESE Fluffies, I’d seriously adopt.


I like the idea of fluffies who snapped because their hope was shattered ranting about how nobody would love a fluffy because they are so disposable. Though I’d be concerned that “Downer fluffies” could quickly become Mary Sue OCs because they would be very easy to become the authors self insert much like the “Traitor” fluffy that always sides with the abuser. Maybe build in a few negatives to them that would put off any owner wanting one. Like they are so down, they simply don’t care about keeping themselves clean and will shit anywhere they want so they are filthy and do not care about it. Not fully smarty syndrome. But half of the way there where they would still be very unpleasant to be around and owning one is a bad idea.

Great series though. Gets across “Fluffies are products” beautifully.


I knew it was coming but I was still dragged on the emotional rollercoaster. :black_heart:

Izzy’s resignation to the trash was poetry, man. ‘Rancid blanket’ is such a punch in the gut and I think I’d like another one, please. Negativity as a social disease as well is a brilliant angle because it’s true, humans in horrid positions do it as well.

That she had the taste of happiness makes it all the worse. :black_heart:


I didn’t get to explore the concept as much because this story was a way of introducing it naturally but here are more details and (why) owning one wouldn’t be very fun:

Cleaning themselves is something they don’t in fact care about. They’ve resigned themselves to it. They do not take joy in being pretty or being surrounded by pretty things. They accept that stink, pain, and uselessness is the only thing they have.

They wouldn’t exactly be cooperative with humans. Not in the sense of ‘I’m smarter than them/I’m something special’, just in the sense that they are waiting to be destroyed.

Once they reach the point of being a Downer, their life expectancy is nil in most circumstances. The smarty part of them is purely in antagonizing others to hasten their inevitable trip to the trashcan/furnace/whatever disposal they are familiar with. Or to die by whatever fluffies they’re housed with.

I’m not sure what the interest is with wanting to own one. As something to abuse, it’s really not much different than something stuck in a wan die loop. Their personalities and thoughts are forfeit. They exist as a mouthpiece for the inherited ‘disease’ and that’s about it. As an abuse tool, ditto. Being exposed to one doesn’t automatically make other fluffies a Downer themselves, they just get to hear something constantly ranting that they all suck.

I don’t really expect anyone to use the concept (they’re free to though) but if it’s me using it exclusively, there won’t be any special babbehs running around being edgy.


A wonderful series introducing a concept I’d love to see other creators take advantage of - maybe I’ll take a crack at it soon! I like the idea that the disposal has reached an almost doomsday cult like level of notoriety.


Who doesn’t love a happy ending? Bolt the legend lives on in spirit

Dude you’re one of the best writers here