Requiem For A Doctor: Prologue Part 2 [By BFM101]

I’ll address it in full in a future chapter, but essentially because Josef acted alone and without the need for regulations he was able to cut a lot of corners in his research.


Your writing gives me the good chemicals.


Well it depends, if this leads to Josef’s demise, it is reassuring to me.


Fair enough, but I don’t expect him to die. Suffer? Yeah, but not die.


Why not both?
He earned enough bad egg points to warrant it I’d reckon.


I want a long-term rivaly with him and Lewis!


Yeah that also could be neat, but my desire for vengeance upon the Mongola bloodline (not the good uncle) runs rampant.

Josef and Jonathan hit the “villain who deserves to be driven through the mud before their demise, to see their legacy crumble” spot for me. :grin:

Which I cannot stress enough, it’s something I tribute to good writing.


Y’Know, I’d agree, but your fascination with seeing his world crumble is similar to his urge to see fluffies crumble to his torture. Birds of a feather, as they’d say.


The difference is simple. I wish no harm upon those who do no harm. He does.

Those who abuse their power, whether it be physical, psychological or a position in life, I hold no respect for.


Hmm, I can see that, he HAS broken the psyche tons of innocent fluffies, cant say he wouldnt have it comin, but I can’t deny that he also has gotten a few fluffies that deserve it. At the end of the day, Josef is an asshole, and karma is gonna get him at some point, but god I love him for it.


Sweetheart/Sparkle’s story was all the better for him being an awful bastard.

And frankly, my comic crossover with him plus Napoleon and Hippolyta only worked due to the absurdities of going cross-genre with the fluffy mangler.


Oh yeah that’s no Fluffy T Virus that shit is straight out of the Crossed Comics whoho let the carnage start. Ha Jonathan is fine mostlikely he is cockin some thing up to fuck with his inmates. Ha now Josef has Crimson again so he is not alone… good for him.
I think he will turn in to some kind of ripper and because he is infected he will come mostly punishment free:) I don’t think he will not go for Katherine, at least not like the Fluffys do more like Dexter or something like that.
Can’t wait to read.

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Hoping that this either ends with Josef going off the deep end and going full “Nazi Psycho Scientist” or ends up causing him to go through a lot of character development, either way Im lookin forward to seeing how this new chapter of his life is gonna play out.


I’m actually beginning to wonder if fluffy feces is potentially the cause for the FA07 infection. I am only going with the correlation of Josef getting his eye infected and the means of contamination, at least by Josef’s concoction is by a spray to the face. I know the forward mentioned that the science was a bit off the wall but from the small sample size it could be a contagion that is spread through the face.


Now I can kind of see how Spike could be a cure for F.A.07 if he isn’t affected by it. Since he wounded Josef, could infected male fluffies inflicting wounds on other adult male mammals cause them to get infected?

Maybe Josef can look little more like a pirate now. He’s gotta pull out his eye at some point. Even though Josef is a human, hopefully F.A.07 doesn’t eventually reduce his thinking to primal urges like the fluffies. Katherine could be at risk too if it goes that far, and seeing Spike could raise Josef’s aggressiveness if he’s being driven at that point. With the sprays Josef has invented, I could see Lewis ending up feeling forced to use the green one if F.A.07 hits his work too hard eventually while the red one can get used by abusers if they can steal it while Josef is distracted by F.A.07 in his mind.

Thought Rufus and Chilli were the same fluffy on the initial read. Interesting how Rufus has similar traits to Crimson at least in language and hobbies when he is affected by F.A.07. Since Crimson essentially lives in Josef’s yellow eye now, could Crimson have also had an immunity to F.A.07 as he endured so much psychological trauma that he could control himself and still commit actions that F.A.07 is known for influencing? Chilli could be a semi Crimson replacement after enough experiments via Josef.


This is so good. I love all of it. What a great saga, that Mongola stuff. I love the idea of Crimson coming back as a hallucination.

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Interesting theory on Crimson, I hadn’t considered it but I’d imagine that yeah, Crimson would have more control over himself if he was infected. He’d probably not even notice.

Might include a scene where Josef examines Crimson’s brain scans to find similarities


Awesome that you have a new idea to work with! Just noted that Cobalt is succumbing to F.A.07 as well, though it isn’t clear if he’s been taken over completely yet or if he just experiences bouts of F.A.07. If Spike is supposedly asymptomatic to F.A.07, I wonder if something in Lavender’s genetics also plays a key to the suppression of its symptoms.