Rewards for sorry shits (carniviousduck)

For @Oragami


“FOUR~ Shit! I SIiced it~”


This way he can spend his last few moments in agony before his life is stomped out like a spent cigarette.

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Honestly if an animal crapped or pissed on my trouser leg I’d do the same… then I’d leave cuz the quicker i get home the quicjer i can clean up.


No winners here

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Sadly no… no matter how far you kick em

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Brown is the American football color right so this could be a field goal?


I dunno. Puppies and kittens, as well as older animals, can’t necessarily help themselves. I petted the cutest little dog yesterday, who was so excited (because OMG NEW PERSON) that she happy piddled.

Now, if it’s deliberate and malicious, my opinion changes.

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Hey, little bastard, you don’t get to complain when you started it. You weren’t using those balls, anyway.

No more lumps or legs for those defiant shit nuggets.

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Thats what i mean… i can forgive puppies and kittens because I was holding them and one of those instances i found it in my backyard.

I know sorry poopies is like a worse version of skunk spray so its deliberate and loses the accident part. If it was a foal badly timing and dropped it before reaching the litterbox I’d let it slide for some time but I’d try to do positive reinforcement methods to teach them…


Kick the babbeh!

Looks good with color!

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A wonderfully well-aimed kick.
How fortunate that the photo of the deed was preserved, to show his children :relieved:

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