Roadkill (51890 by Babbehteef)


The tragic end of most ferals

Surprised the foals lasted so long, tho tbh fluffies decompose rather quickly


Disgustingly good!

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Cute babies. Surprised they’re still so plump and healthy. I mean, I can see their ribs, don’t get me wrong but I figured they’d be worse off.

Or the flies are super fast.


Seeing this again and wondering: who cleans off the dead cats and dogs from the roads around here? I’ve never seen anyone do it, but it gets done…

I suppose this fluff is more on the side of the road, though.

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That actually happens extremely fast, in about 24 hours.


Jesus fuck this is brutal. Just wait until the corpse purges and the fluids get all nasty

I love the babies :cry:

“Sabe Babbeh an Mummah. Am gud Babbeh… (but not Odda Babbeh, he am miwkies feef)”


As much as I enjoy sadbox, I think I’m literally gonna be sick looking at this. :nauseated_face:

Flys move along at hyper speed in the fluffy dimension huh?

There was probably a cloud of them already living their best life on Mummah’s ass crust before she died lol

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