Rock-A-Bye Babbeh (Ace)

Bootsy inched around almost like a caterpillar against his favorite baby-blue blanket, giggling like an idiot at what was on FluffTV Jr. The program was just a bunch of colors and silly sounds, somehow even less substantial than the normal offerings for fluffies. That was OK though because Bootsy was a Forever Foal!

The red & yellow unicorn stallion was fitted into a pair of pajamas that covered most everything except his hooves, his obese and flabby body straining against them. Said pajamas were soft blue and covered in images of baseballs, footballs, and other such sports equipment. As if a fluffy could ever aspire for such lofty things, especially one such as this. His mane only consisted of a few tufts of hair and his fat mouth was always slightly open, a small dribble of drool pushing past his lips.

Worming over to a little play area which had been set up for him he booped a few plastic rings and bells with one front hoof, squealing like a moron over the sounds they made. Right after that he beelined straight toward his favorite stuffy friend and shoved himself against it, cooing innocently.

“Wub yew! Teehee!” The overgrown baby rubbed his face all over the stuffed monkey toy, looked off into space with a vacant expression, proceeded to void his bowels with a grunt and huff. No worries: Mummah would take care of that.

“Mummah! Mummmaahhhh! Poopies! Gud babbeh am make poopies!” Since she didn’t come immediately, he began to beat his hooves rapidly against the carpeted floor. Eventually his mummah came into the room.

Her name was Edith. A seventy year old woman with a rather doughy face, huge prescription glasses, permed hair, and always wearing a sweater despite living in Florida. Her husband had died, her children had left for greener pastures, and the Forever Foal was her only outlet to dote on. Lifting the soiled fluffy up, she brought him over to a changing table and began the process of cleaning him up & changing his diaper.

“You’re such a silly little goose, Bootsy.” She told him with a denture smile, the stunted stallion suckling on his hoof before bursting out with an explosion of giggles as she bent down and blew a raspberry on his belly after he’d been cleaned and freshly diapered. After that he got all bundled up in a new pair of pajamas, this one space themed with all the planets and cute little stars.

“We’re going to the store, cutie.” Edith told him as she relocated him to a carseat especially made for Forever Foals. It was big, bulky, and definitely looked quite safe. He looked up with huge eyes. Store! He loved the store!

“Wub! Yaaaayyy!” Watching his elderly owner grunt and strain having to pick up the car seat, he was brought out into the bright sunshine of a Florida afternoon and strapped in safely inside the brown sedan he’d been in plenty of times. Edith moved to the driver’s seat and gingerly got inside, starting the car up and adjusting the rearview mirror.

“Moosic! Bootsie wan moosic!” Flapping around the car seat he was buckled into, Edith selected one of his CD’s. The incredibly enthusiastic (there was no nicer word for it) sounds of fluffies singing classic nursery rhymes pounded out over the speakers. Not like she cared: She was hard of hearing.

As they were going to the store Bootsy just sat in the backseat looking up to the dangling toys strapped to his seat. There was a mirror, a tiny stuffed bear, several bells, some ribbons.

The CD had gotten to ‘Old MacDonald had a (fluffy) Farm’ by now and he was cheerfully repeating one line over and over.

“Owd MicDonawd! Owd MicDonawd! Owd MicDonawd!” A horrible mockery of singing along but he was having fun and Edith found it so adorable that she turned her eyes from the road for just a moment to get a good look at him.


The world had been happiness and singing one moment and then it was the terror the next. There was a terrible banging and scraping as the car had rammed straight into a guardrail, Edith gripping the steering wheel and looking as if she may have a heart attack. Buckles coming undone, Bootsy’s car seat found itself launched straight past the center console and into the windshield. The fluffy screamed as he hurtled into the glass, punched right through. Amazingly the fluffy seemed perfectly unharmed from the shard of glass but the car seat scraped down the guardrail and went tumbling down a ravine.

“Nuuuu! MUMMAH! BABBEH HAVE SCAWDIES!” He got out as he watched weeds and patches of flowers tear by as he rushed down the embankment. After momentarily getting caught in a bramble of thorns, the fluffy looked up to the guardrail with hope. There was mummah! She would save him. Holding out his front hooves as if her arms would magically grow and reach him all the way down here, he gave another yelp of pure fear as the thorny bush gave went and sent him tumbling even further down. Finally the car seat would splash into a murky river and cause water to slosh all over his fresh new pajamas.

“MUMMMAAHHH! WAWA BAD ‘FO FWUFFY!” He called out to Edith tearfully as the water caused him to drift lazily away.

“My baby! MYYYY BAAABBBBYYYY!” The elderly woman called out in a voice that would have won an actress some kind of an award. Bootsy had to watch as his mummah became nothing more than an unrecognizable blob of colors in the distance as the river carried him away.


“Huu…nuu…” Being stuck in the middle of a river would be unfortunate for even a normal fluffy but for a Forever Foal? This was something insurmountable. Most lacked even the personal agency to do their own walking and were horribly stunted mentally. He was wet, hot out here in the sun while in his pajamas, so scared and clueless.

Everything passing by terrified him. There were dragonflies which zipped to and fro, one of them brushing against up against his cheek as it busily whirred by. The stallion flailed around and yelped.

“Nu huwt widdew babbeh, buggy munstah!” Though of course it had no intention on harming him. Suckling on his hoof for a moment he thought about what the best plan of action was. Shitting his diaper was up there: Whenever he made poopies and called for mummah, she ALWAYS rushed over. Face screwing up, grunting, all he managed was a squeaky fart. OK. What else could he do? Oh! Nappy time! When he fell asleep, mummah was always there when he woke up with a nice warm bottle of miwkies. The heat was making him sleepy anyways, so his eyes fluttered closed and he would let himself to to sleep.

While Bootsy was sleeping he managed to be carried down the river quite a bit. Scenery flashed by at a rapid pace as he bobbed up and down in the waters, completely oblivious to the world. He was so assured that he’d be safe and sound that he was dreaming about rolling around the floor with his toys.

Meanwhile, down the road, Edith was having a conversation with the local police.

“He’s my baby! Out there all alone! His car seat fell into the RIVER! You have to save him!” The senior citizen tearfully complained to the deputy who had been called out. Perking up immediately, he would look out over the guard rail.

“Your BABY is out there?” He asked in a tone wavering with panic and excitement. Jesus! This was a major situation. Reaching for his radio, he looked over to her.

“A brief descrption, ma’m?” A baby floating down the river was enough to go off of but it was for formalities.

Edith sniffled, crossing her arms together. “He’s itsy-bitsy. Wearing the cutest space pajamas. Still in diapers, red fur, a horn…just look for him! What do my taxes go toward, standing around!?”

Red fur. A horn. The officer took a sigh of relief. To think a kid could have been in that river. That was a weight off his shoulders. Walking over to his cruiser, he rummaged around for a moment and came back with a sheaf of paper.

“Here you are. This is a form for missing property. If it’s located, we’ll see it returned to you.”


Bootsy’s dreams about very inconsequential things came to an abrupt end when something stabbed at his head. Eyes flying open he found himself face to face with a great blue heron. The bird had been wading near the shore when his car seat became lodged in the mud and wandered over to curiously see if he was food.

“Nuu-huu-huu! Babbeh nu am nummies! Am ‘fo wub an’ huggies!” He said as if the bird could be reasoned with. It responded with another peck right to the top of his head. Head bowing down under the attack, Bootsy began screaming as loud as he could and flailing around. He couldn’t get out of the seat: It still had him buckled up. The energy of his freakout did tip the car seat back to the river though, the water taking him back in.

Even though he was away from the bird his troubles were far from over. The panic had sent the heron up into the air and past a nearby tree that the fluffy was passing under. Branches creaked, snapped, sent something squirmy down onto the forever foal. Green, long, slippery. It was a snake which was the closest thing (most) fluffies could think of when there was any thoughts of munstahs being real.

“Pwease nu sketti munstah! Am gud babbeh! Pwease nu huwties! EEEEE! REEEEEEEE!” Flailing around again, the fluffy would have likely been perfectly fine if he wasn’t such a spaz. This sudden burst of movement and a perceived threat gave the snake plenty of reason to strike out in rapid bites. It got him with it’s fangs eight times before finding it’s way out of the car seat.

Luckily for him the snake hadn’t been venomous. It didn’t stop the Forever Foal from weeping his little eyes out and kicking his back legs around. “Mummah! Sabe babbeh! Nee’ yew! NEE’ YEW MUMMAH!” She would be the one to chase away all munstahs and give kissies to his booboos. Make him a nice treat like a big bowl of pudding to make an absolute mess of himself in. He hated this stinky meanie no-good place. It wasn’t where a babbeh like him should be.


Going down the river, he found that the scenery was changing. The trees around him were becoming covered in Spanish moss and the water under him was all covered in green stuff. Air here was strange and oppressing. Almost gassy, like it wanted to cover up his nose. It caused the fluffy to give a miserable sneeze and bend his ears down. Finally though the river current stopped and there he was: Deposited into a swamp.

By now the sun felt murderous. His pajamas were slick with stinking water and only made the heat that much worse. Eyes looking up to the trees teeming with all sorts of strange wildlife, he was finally ready to unveil his master plan. Tongue sticking out across lips which had become parched and chapped, the fluffy proceeded to loudly defecate.

“Mummah! Mummmaahhhh! Babbeh make poopies! Nee’ cweanies!” Yes! This was sure to get his owner to come out and rescue him! Looking around, he couldn’t even see her. Huh? It didn’t really make sense to him.

“Mummah! Nee’ cweanies naow pwease! Am poopies an’ nu smeww gud!” The car seat bobbed gently against the water as he fussed around. Still no mummah. No, no, no! He was a babbeh and couldn’t help himself!

That plan had failed even after he kept calling for her. The heady smell of shit and sweat-soaked fur was beginning to attract quite the insect calling however. Massive biting flies and mosquitoes that lit upon him in vengeful clouds. He was unable to help himself, unable to run away. The mobility of his front limbs was restricted and he could only bellow out in pain and sadness as they fed upon his blood.

“MUMMAH! BUGGIES AM NUMMIN’ BABBEH! HEWWWPPPPP!” It was getting hard to talk however. His mouth was so dry without any miwkies to drink. Or a nice cold popsicle that mummah sometimes gave him if he was being extra precious. The mosquitoes were crawling in and out of snot-dripping nostrils, biting him inside and out. Flies bit at the corners of his eyes and mouth which caused both to become inflamed and swollen, his vision squeezing itself out as he was forced to took the torture of nature. His body was so itchy in the hotbox of his pajamas and he felt so horrible, diaper having ruptured to send the filth out against his legs.

Through his swollen vision he got a good look at something coming toward him. Two things in the water, a small bump too. What was it? “Pwease…hewp fwuffy…” He choked out desperately. Just then there was a massive splash and the car seat was tugged down into the water.

By some miracle (likely being too afraid to even scream), his mouth was squeezed shut as an alligator dragged him down under the mucky water. The swamp around him was thrashed up, the stallion finding himself in a frenetic spiral as the gator attempted to death-roll him. Just like that he was released, the car seat bobbing up and bursting out the surface of the water with a spray of droplets. The fluffy had been saved once more by the device but didn’t have time to think about it. He got a good look at the munstah. It was massive. One of the biggest living things he’d ever seen ever. Bigger and scarier than ANYTHING. It slunk back into the water with a crash of it’s tail and left with a vessel now full of bite marks.


It was night time now. The bugs hadn’t relented and the heat hadn’t truly either. The whole world felt like the time he’d had sickies and was boiling with a fever. All he wanted was miwkies, huggies, his favorite blankie, kissies from mummah to make it all better. There were strange sounds out in the swamp. Rustling, screeching, howling, scurrying. Eyes looked out at him from the darkness, eyes which reflected light from the moon and just gave him a newly renewed sense of scawdies.

There was something though. Something close by! LIGHT! Not the moon. It was large bloom of light near the water’s edge. That had to be a mummah or daddeh. Even though his throat was horrible from screaming, bug bites, and dehydration he couldn’t do anything else but call out.

“Hewp! HEWP PWEASE! Fwuffy am hewe! Nee’ yew, pwease! Hab huwties! SU MANY HEAWT HUWTIES!” The source of the light swung in his direction, illuminated the fluffy.

“Holy smokes! What’n the Hell is a fluffy doing out here!?” Asked the man who immediately went to look for something to get the fluffy up and out of the water. Resourcefulness led him to a nearby gun shaped stick, the rescuer sticking his tongue out with concentration as he leaned out over the water and angled the stick out to catch the car seat by it’s handle and ease it on over to the bank.

Bootsy looked up to his rescuer with puffy eyes which were festering over with insect bites. The man looked nice. All daddehs would look nice in this situation though. He was a big heavy-set guy wearing overalls and a grease stained red hat which had feathery blonde hair spilling out from underneath. Going down to unbuckle the fluffy, he’d lift the stallion up and place him on the ground. He immediately tippled, toppled, fell over on his side while looking to his hero with a hopeful expression.

“Am omwy widdew babbeh. Nee’ gud uppsies. An’ cweanies. Hab poopies.” Just like he expected from mummah. This man was most definitely not her though.

“I just pulled you out a lizard infested swamp and now you’re asking me to carry you and wipe your goddamn ass?” He asked with an incredulous expression. This couldn’t be happening. It was too ridiculous. At any moment now, a hidden camera crew would pop out of nowhere and say it was all one big joke.

“Yis. Nee’ cweanies. Su stinkeh.” Bootsy announced without an ounce of shame.

“I’ll lighten your load.” The man said with a small smile. Walking off to get something, boots squelching through the mud as he trekked off, he came back with a rope.

“Mistah nice daddeh. Dat nu am cweanie-fing.” Bootsy said with some confusion.

“It isn’t? Ol’ Pete’s gonna give you a bath.” Leaning down, he cinched the rope up against the fluffy’s belly and tied it up in a loop.


“C’mon, Gator Bait. Let’s wash that filthy ass.” Pete had the stallion up by the nape of his neck fur, the fluffy flailing around hopelessly.

“Nu am Gatah Bait! Am Bootseh! Pwease nu bad uppsies!” The protesting was for naught though. They were at the water’s edge. Hand going to grip the colorful print of his space pajamas, the man hurled his new friend in an underhand pitch and sent him sailing out into the water with a loud ‘plunk!’

“Hewp! HEWP! Wawa nu am gud ‘fo fwuffy! EEEEE!” He wasn’t at risk of drowning though. Pete kept tensing the rope and jerking him up so that he only went down for a moment. Foul water pushed it’s way into his mouth and nose. Stung at his many wounds.

“Try kicking around more! I think you can make it over here!” Pete said with some amusement in his voice. Of course the fluffy was going nowhere. Bootsy had hope in his heart and began wildly paddling and churning at the water with his weak and underdeveloped limbs.

“Dank yew nice daddeh! Fwuffy…fwuffy am twyin’!” He said but then felt something slither across his back weggies. Something else was going through the water. Pete raised his lantern up, saw those eyes shining as they surfaced over the brown depths for a moment.

It was the last thing the fluffy ever said. With a scream as the water receded from him in a moment, he found himself staring into the eyes of the munstah from earlier. And down. Deep down. Down into a darkness that seemed even blacker than when he closed his stupid eyes. Jaws snapped down around his chubby hips, crushed bones and severed his weggies away from the rest of his body. Bobbing up after being tugged on by the rope still around his body, the forever foal would look to Pete. No words would come out. Pete gave him a wink before he was seized back down into the water. Everything got a lot darker then.


brilliant work as always bestest fwen



this is wonderful, though i cant help but feel bad for bootsy and his mama.


Man you are quick with art. Very cool haha


Don’t feel bad for a forever foal. They all deserve the worst.


This was great. Loved him floating down the river in his stupid carseat


Yes, YES. I crave forever foal content. I just wish there was more disgusting hoof suckling and descriptions of him being spoiled befor his deserved death.


I feel worse for the old lady, honestly. She probably had a heart attack when she was handed the “lost property” form


I love your forever foals, both adorably cute and sweet to seebad things happen to them.


Love the idea of these idiots out in the wilderness left to fend for themselves


What a fucking moron. Good job, Ace and gator!


If I had a nickel for every time Ace wrote a story about a fluffy getting ejected from a car that drove off a cliff, I would have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.

Also, shout out to the MVP: gun shaped stick


Why would you feel bad for a forever foal? They’re almost as disgusting as sensitive babbehs.


I can only agree with you. A fluffy that needs it’s ass constantly cleaned? I’ve done my share of diapers on human children. If I had to deal with something covered in fur that constantly shit itself? While crying and whining in annoying baby talk? It wound not last long.


If I had to deal with a Forever Foal or an SBS, that thing would get covered in Magic Shave cream twice a week, without exception. I am NOT have a meltdown because some spoiled fluffy brat won’t stop screaming every time it needs a bath.

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Man… I used to live down in Florida, and the amount of gators around always wigged me out a little. Big reptilian predators that have gone largely unchanged for millions of years? To say nothing of the sheer number of burmese pythons; invasive species, bounties on 'em pays out by the foot. Bootsy was fucked the second he wound up in the swamp.


That was great. I loved how it went from bad to worse to WOWSTESS for the little gremlin.


Well fed reptiles warm my heart!


They’re actually real sweethearts once you spend a few hours rasslin with em